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Searching for 'old' threads - is it me?

19 replies

ghosty · 06/06/2006 12:16

Or is this a really difficult task?

I only want to find a thread I started a little while ago (maybe a couple of months) about my DS' first wobbly tooth and update it because it (the tooth) came out tonight Smile and I wanted to see what the date was when it was first wobbly ... soppy old moo that I am ...

But can I find it? I can't stand it if I look for old threads ... my search always says "0 results" ... but I know the thread was there ... I don't know what the EXACT title was ... I don't even know what words I used but it must have said 'tooth' in the message ... and possibly 'tooth' in the subject line ... but still no joy ... I even think it may have been in the behaviour and development section ...

No chance ... nothing, zero, zilch, nada ... and it isn't as if I am thick or anything ... Grin

Please someone tell me how to look for old threads ...

Thanks ...

OP posts:
tech · 09/06/2006 09:06


This change is in place now. I changed my mind about merging the thread title and message search boxes though. It struck me that if you wanted a thread with "baby" in the title, you'd be in trouble if you matched every message with baby in it.

Also, the distinction between current and archived messages is be gone, so I've changed the link to read "search all messages". The index of messages should always be up to date within a second or two of you posting.

We are going to get rid of the "search current messages" link as it's now redundant (and slower) but we'll wait until people get used to this one.

As with anything new, there are probably bugs etc so do let us know of any problems you encounter.


ghosty · 06/06/2006 23:28

Brilliant Tech ... thanks Smile

OP posts:
tech · 06/06/2006 13:25

Hello y'all,

We are still ironing out a couple of bumps.

Reading this, I think we should:

Do away with the distinction between subject line and text and let you just search for text anywhere (ie just have one box)

Add "from" and "to" dates rather than just "since" to help narrow down finding threads that you know were there at some point.

We are looking at adding a "my threads" search so you can find threads you started.

In the meantime, if you search for "I" in the text field and a nickname in the box you can find pretty much any message that you wrote. We have very few messages that don't contain the word "I" (less than a sixth of them). I'd imagine that says something, but I'm not sure what.... Wink

Bear with us... should have the first set of changes in place tomorrow.


Fimbo · 06/06/2006 13:23

I can never find any old threads either.

trefusis · 06/06/2006 13:04

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trefusis · 06/06/2006 13:02

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ghosty · 06/06/2006 12:48

It is weird ... I was doing that WWB and Aero and had nothing ... then I did it again after you told me and it came up ...
I must have done something wrong but now I know what to do hopefully it won't be so bad ...

What worries me is that I have written 21 posts about teeth ...
I need to get out more ... Grin

OP posts:
foxinsocks · 06/06/2006 12:40

I can't get it to work either ggrrr

wanted to find an old one started by the mumsnetter whose dp/dh had got skin cancer on his nose - I wondered how he was doing but I can't remember who started it and can't remember what I said (tried keyword and but it still didn't come up with anything)

Pennies · 06/06/2006 12:38

I can never find old threads. Always zero for me. I thought it might be because I use a Mac.

WigWamBam · 06/06/2006 12:38

I used Archived Messages, typed in tooth where it says "find messages that contain these words", and typed in ghosty where it says "find messages by". It brought up about 30 messages.

It wasn't working for me yesterday though, so maybe it's not quite working properly yet!

SaintGeorge · 06/06/2006 12:36

That is so wierd. I searched on tooth in main body and title, with ghosty as poster. Zero threads.

Just tried it again, exactly the same and the thread came up.

Aero · 06/06/2006 12:36

Searched in Archived messages from 1st May and used word 'wobbly' - I remember the thread having that in the title.

ghosty · 06/06/2006 12:34

That's the one WWB! You star Smile ....
And thanks for trying StG Smile

How did you find it? What did you do? I can't work that search thing out ...

OP posts:
Aero · 06/06/2006 12:34

\link{\Bet someone beats me to it!} Smile

WigWamBam · 06/06/2006 12:33

Tooth, surprisingly enough WinkGrin

SaintGeorge · 06/06/2006 12:33

What keyword did you use for that WWB because it sure didn't come up in the search I did?

SaintGeorge · 06/06/2006 12:32

Can't find the thread when you said it was loose, but have narrowed it down to after \link{\27th March} because on that thread you said he wanted a wobbly tooth Smile

WigWamBam · 06/06/2006 12:32

Is it \link{\this one}?

ghosty · 06/06/2006 12:31

It must just be me then Sad

Am bumping this before I go to bed

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