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The updated iPhone app and smileys

8 replies

SunshineOutdoors · 03/12/2012 18:52

My smileys don't look the same now I've updated the app. I don't like them... It doesn't look like mumsnet. They're not different colours, they're all yellow and I don't like the way they look. Where's blue sad face gone? And wonky mouth confused face?

I'm sorry to sound ungrateful, I'm sure the rest of the app is lovely but is there a way I can get the old smileys back?

OP posts:
SavoyCabbage · 04/12/2012 09:38

When you say "it's causing some Confused" do you mean constipation?

Grin (hopefully that's a grin)

SunshineOutdoors · 04/12/2012 09:35

Oh, I see they do work, but they don't look how they should Sad

OP posts:
SunshineOutdoors · 04/12/2012 09:34

Yay, I hope we can get the old ones back.

Does Wine work? And Thanks ?

OP posts:
RebeccaMumsnet · 03/12/2012 21:18

Hi all,

Sorry about this, we are aware that it's causing some Confused but we are on the case.


Startail · 03/12/2012 19:13

xposte CoteDAzur, that just doesn't make sense

Startail · 03/12/2012 19:11

Smile =smile
Toothy smile =grin
Wink =wink
Face with x for eyes =shock
Sad face =hmm I don't get this
Strange> < eyes and a Halloween lantern mouth =confused
Wide eye =blush this looks shocked not embarrassed??
Red and a bit cross =angry
Either asleep or ashamed =sad
Green heart =envy Grrr I want the green face back

Now I guess I've confused everyone who hasn't got a phone or a computer to hand at once.

CoteDAzur · 03/12/2012 19:04

I noticed this, too, and can't imagine why.

Especially galling is the substitution of Sad for Hmm.

Startail · 03/12/2012 19:02

They are driving me mad
Here goes
On the app we have
Smile Smile
Grin Toothy smile
Wink Wink
Shock Face with x for eyes
Hmm Sad face
Confused Strange> < eyes and a Halloween lateen mouth
Blush Wide eye
Angry Red and a bit cross
Sad Either asleep or ashamed
Envy Green heart

Now I'll up date my desk top and see if I can translate.

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