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It may just be my lousy memory..

7 replies

Tee2072 · 03/06/2011 08:37

But I swear threads I've hidden from MN Mobile are still showing in regular and vice versa.

I am 99.99% sure I hide the latest Nobdie thread last night from my phone but there it was on my PC this morning!

iPhone 3GS running iOs 4.whatever it is.

Windows running Firefox 3.whatever it is

OP posts:
Tee2072 · 06/06/2011 19:55

Made sense to me!

OP posts:
Paschaelina · 06/06/2011 19:21

Actually it happens to me too, and also, if I bookmark on mnMobile and open the thread later on the laptop, read more and bookmark further down, more often than not the mobile won't register the later bookmark and I find myself much further back than I want to be.

(does that make sense?)

Tee2072 · 06/06/2011 19:19

I just hid threads in both directions and it seems fine now. Like I said in my OP, might have been my lousy memory!

Thanks for checking it out!

OP posts:
Tee2072 · 06/06/2011 19:16

I'll test it right now Adam and get back to you!

OP posts:
AdamTech · 06/06/2011 16:43

Hi Tee, could you double-check that this problem happens when you're definitely logged in? As far as we can see, there aren't problems with your account, and threads are hidden in both versions of the site when you've set them as hidden.

Tee2072 · 03/06/2011 09:25

Thanks Rebecca!

Any word on the iPhone app......

OP posts:
RebeccaMumsnet · 03/06/2011 08:59

Hi Tee2072,
We have flagged this to Tech who will be along shortly to explain. Tries badly to NOT look clueless

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