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After a twenty year relationship

20 replies

Flashingflozziw · 22/06/2015 17:35

New partner likes to slap his dick on my face, I m not offended by it but am startin to think it's a bit weird, I got to the age of 40 without ever giving A blow job, so is it just me?

OP posts:
penguinplease · 01/07/2015 19:57

Or catch it in your mouth and bite it. He won't do it again then

Aloneandtrying · 01/07/2015 19:53

Haha yes say what are you trying to do!

JohnFarleysRuskin · 25/06/2015 21:02

I thought I was a woman of the world!
Slap him back op- or say 'what are you trying to do?'

paxtecum · 25/06/2015 20:57

These sex threads are very entertaining.

MassaAttack · 24/06/2015 08:53

Maybe he thinks women enjoy it, if they appear to in porn Confused

fwiw I was never really into blow jobs until I met my current (newer than yours) chap, and now I love it (caveat being that the novelty might wear off although I hope not). He doesn't expect it, and is hugely appreciative - I think that's the key. I'm in my 40s.

missqwerty · 23/06/2015 12:29

Ewwwww. That's grose.

Flashingflozziw · 22/06/2015 22:48

I think it's time to call it a day as dont think he has any respect for me :(

OP posts:
UnsolvedMystery · 22/06/2015 22:24

If he's a good bloke, I'd ask him why he does it. What does he get out of it? If he's not, move on!

pocketsaviour · 22/06/2015 20:14

My last partner did that a few times when we were first together.

Then one day he said "You know what, I have no idea why they do that on porn movies because it feels rubbish" and never did it again Grin

I didn't mind it. My H used to wallop his cock against my vulva a few times before penetration, I had no idea what that was about but he seemed to enjoy it and it didn't bother me.

AnyFucker · 22/06/2015 19:59

did he ask first, like a true gent would ?

Nevergoingtolearn · 22/06/2015 19:53

Just tell him that you don't like it.

I went out with a man ( a long time ago ) who had watched a lot of porn, every time I slept with him it was trying to act out a porn movie, it was not enjoyable at all and once he actually caused me to bleed. I ran for the hills Grin.

dominogocatgo · 22/06/2015 19:45

Does that not hurt him as much as you ? (or is that the idea ?) Confused

Flashingflozziw · 22/06/2015 19:37

Thanks AnyF and Branl , yeah. Been seeing him bout four months but he's only started doing it last couple of weeks, oh well to being single I think

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 22/06/2015 18:22

I would imagine he is somewhat of a pornhound too

reliance on porn moves and a flaccid willy ?

there are the hills, get your trainers on

AnyFucker · 22/06/2015 18:20

if you don't like it, tell him to stop

and how new is new?

slapping your partner about the face with a cock is pretty presumptuous without an explicit invitation, IMO

and the absence of offence is not the same as enjoying it

only do what you enjoy

Branleuse · 22/06/2015 18:06

can you slap your fanjo against his cheek?

Flashingflozziw · 22/06/2015 18:05

No I think I wouldn't have posted, if I thought it was normal, just find it all soo difficult and feel old , Maybe time on my own is called for

OP posts:
StaircaseAtTheUniversity · 22/06/2015 17:58

I slept with someone who was into this. Porn addict, emotionally stunted and general head case. I'm not saying that anyone who does this will be those things but it doesn't bode brilliantly.

tethersend · 22/06/2015 17:53

Shortest thread ever Grin

Flashingflozziw · 22/06/2015 17:52

Plus he struggles to get an erection, think I ve answered my own question

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