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Teachers would anything have been submitted re extenuating circumstances with students when submitting GCSE grades this year?

9 replies

D33pBreath · 15/08/2020 08:05

My dd had poor mock grades for her capability due to a big wobble in the midst and grades all over the place the last couple of years due to MH issues. Was picking up, had made improvements and cracking on with revision. Under no illusions she would be put down for the high grades she should have got but now worried she’ll be down graded for what will have been submitted by school by the algorithm and could potentially not get the grades needed for Alevels. She had high sats grades and high calculated predictions from those. In a grammar so suspecting she’d have been ranked low ie in line for the algorithm shift. If they put her down for 6s that could have a massive impact as she needs 6s for a levels.

Getting prepared for appealing hence wondering about the above.

Feel for all of you and all students. What a nightmare and like many the last thing we as a family need at the moment.😩

OP posts:
Malbecfan · 16/08/2020 11:40

We took account of these when we worked out our subject's CAGs. We spent a good couple of hours talking about our GCSE set of 17 students. Our grades were submitted to school leaders who asked us our rationale for each one and what our evidence was for our rankings. Only then were they submitted.

neutralintelligence · 15/08/2020 14:39

Plus good luck to you and your DD.
You are fortunate that in your CAMHS is not clearing house - that is what they are doing in my county. Literally discharging every young person that they can so that there isn't an awkward waiting list for those who present in September with mental health problems.
Trouble is, those that they are discharging have not finished their treatment and are still at risk.

neutralintelligence · 15/08/2020 14:36

I sympathise and also have a DS who had mental health issues in year 11 and needed special exam arrangements.

I agree the ranking system does work against many capable pupils in high-achieving schools where the marks are being rationed by the moderation/standardisation method being used this year.

I also worry that my DS sixth form places are conditional, and there are so many conditions: minimum marks for Maths, English as well as the 4 individual A level subjects, plus maybe also a minimum GCSE score total as well.

I don't think most people realise that going from GCSEs to A levels is not an automatic process these days. It is almost like moving to university but without a clearing process to help and only 1 week between results and the start of term to sort it all out.

Schools giving pupils 6s as CAGs probably had no idea those pupils are now at risk of only getting a 5 or 4, making it impossible to proceed easily to A'levels.

I think we can only hope that the government see sense and implement an appeals process that is almost instant and will be sorted by 1 September or revert to CAGs (or perhaps a mock mark that does not require undue paperwork as an alternative in some cases).

ISBN111 · 15/08/2020 09:46

Good luck with it.
Must be a tense time for you, and I really hope things fall out ok for your dd.

10brokengreenbottles · 15/08/2020 09:42

Have you spoken to the college already? Don't leave it to CAMHS, you need to be proactive speaking to them about DD and what support she needs.

If the college is already aware of DD's needs and history there is likely to be more leniency.

All colleges and schools are likely to be more lenient this year.

MrsHamlet · 15/08/2020 08:37

By school.

D33pBreath · 15/08/2020 08:26

Ah ok. She’s moving schools which will be an issue but if we have the CAG and what she was working towards hopefully that might help. Think CAMHs will be liaising with them too but that is only if she gets in. Guessing I could explain everything when we ring with results or no?

Not getting in for A levels will be the final straw. 2 of her actual Alevel GCSEs should be fine, it’s the overall supporting number and one particular supporting subject. Also worried about Eng which is nuts as very able at it.

I’m guessing my suspicions will be correct and being placed on the lower ranking at a grammar is not a good place to be with the algorithm.

Were the rankings done by school or class along subjects? If by school that might give us some hope.

OP posts:
ChateauMargaux · 15/08/2020 08:15

The special consideration would have been worked into her CAG. There is still hope. Also, given the year that is in it, perhaps the requirement for A levels will be waived on a case by case basis.

MrsHamlet · 15/08/2020 08:12

There was no Special Consideration this year because there were no exams. Her teachers will have given her what they thought she should get based on what they know of her performance.
There are also very limited grounds for appeal.
I'm sorry - probably not what you wanted to hear.

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