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Are all Y10/Y12s back or just a few?

30 replies

TheRentstone · 30/06/2020 21:43

DC is in Y9 and in his school the Y10s did one meeting and that was it. Is it only just a few going back?

OP posts:
raspberryrippleicecream · 02/07/2020 21:55

Splattherat that sounds so hard for you all, I'm so sorry

raspberryrippleicecream · 02/07/2020 21:53

DS' school has had over 90% take up for Y12 and 80% for Y10. Very rural school, with a huge catchment. Transport was available (socially distanced and facemasks provided).

DS is Y12 and has will have had 2 days per A level subject by the end of term (5 hours teaching). The Y10s had 6 days each. 1 day for each option and 2 core days with 1 hour each of Maths, English and the sciences during the day.

I think we've been very lucky

Splattherat · 02/07/2020 21:35

It is clear their is a massive disparity in provision across the different schools across the country. DD year 10 in a decent comp has dyslexia and she has struggled on, on her own in her bedroom for months. On the last few weeks next door have started building an extension above her bedroom (to make things even harder). Teachers have bombarded her with umpteen emails a day with power points and work has to be done on umpteen different platforms but its not the same as face to face learning and socialising with her school friends on a lunch time and break. My dad/her grandad died in lockdown and everything has really affected her mental health. Her school has been next to useless (and yes I have contacted them), they have offered her no additional support at all, she is very quiet and stubborn, won’t ask us and won’t accept any input from us. In total by the end of term she will have only had 4 half days in school in total since March and probably 4 virtual TEAMS lessons in total which is appalling. She is worried about doing GCSE’s next year and is aware her, her year across the country particularly in her school have had a very raw deal. On top of all this I think she is also stressed about her sexuality and she is extremely hormonal. My relationship with her is extremely strained. Its just awful.

Michaelahpurple · 02/07/2020 21:30

Well, mine broke up last week but was offered only two opportunities to come in and play tennis in an evening, so hasn't been back at all.

PolloDePrimavera · 02/07/2020 17:34

My Year 10 has one full morning in school per week and a full timetable of online lessons all week. It's a state school, I'm thinking this is a fairly good offering.

GetUpAgain · 02/07/2020 17:31

My year 10 has 2 hours a week at school. Such a variation in what is happening!

DuckALaurent · 02/07/2020 17:26

80% take up of year 10 at our school.

loobylou44 · 02/07/2020 15:50

My year 10 DD is in for full days for the next 2 weeks and then an extra week at the end of the summer holidays.

SE13Mummy · 02/07/2020 08:55

DD1's school has prioritised the Y10s who didn't engage with the online learning so she's still having a mixture of live and and not-live online lessons. Every student in the school is having a short 1:1 review meeting at school. Other local secondaries are doing all sorts of different things with their Y10s including 1 day per week, core subjects only or 2 mornings per week to cover all subjects.

hopelesschildren · 02/07/2020 06:45

Completely closed for offer good online learning

acocadochocolate · 02/07/2020 06:41

In our school, all y10s and 12s were invited back for a series of 2-hour teaching sessions. Around 70% of y10s and 60% of 12s accepted the invitation.

ScruffyMummy · 01/07/2020 23:34

My year 10 son at a state school is in the equivalent of two school days a week (sometimes it's 4 mornings, sometimes two days). He has also been given access to an online tutor for maths for one hour as week till the end of the summer via My Tutor- the school is paying for tutors for kids will specific learning needs and it's brill! The school is good - it was a new school so his year was the first cohort and therefore slightly less students in that year than average - 120 as opposed to 240. So that makes it easier for the school I guess? Anyway, it's a relief that he is getting some time in school with teachers and he likes his online tutor which is good.

WhatHaveIFound · 01/07/2020 15:04

My Y10 DS will have two short days in school before the summer and it's not a full year group, only 20 kids in. Apparently the Y12s have only been offered one day in school. Full online lessons though.

Hellohah · 01/07/2020 15:02

All Year 10's at DS's school were invited back.
Not all of them accepted. It's massively under-subscribed (because it has rubbish GCSE results) so DS has 2 days in school. 09.00-14.30.

Only 25% in at any one time. Funnily enough, those that didn't engage with the online learning have only been given one day a week in school.

PeasandCucumbers · 01/07/2020 14:55

My DS Yr10 is back three days per week (independent school) and has full online lessons the other two days. My DD is Yr9 and in a state school, has very little work set from school, a few video lessons but not live / interactive. Yr10s in her school are back 1/2 day per week to ask questions of teachers but no actual regular lessons.

I totally realise that the provision differs vastly across both sectors from school to school but in this house the difference is stark and shocking!

Londonmummy66 · 30/06/2020 23:17

My yr 12 was offered one half day this term - a 30 minute 121 with someone who was probably not one of her subject teachers, an hours "circle time" to discuss experiences of online learning and an hours PE lesson. Not worth going in for TBH

Splattherat · 30/06/2020 23:10

My DD year is only back with a total of only 3 hours in total per week. In addition to this she is lucky if she has an additional 1 hour a week in total per week online/virtual on TEAMS and this has only been in place for the last two weeks. She certainly doesn’t have a full timetable all week. She gets bombarded with school work with emailed power points and emailed homework (she is so fed up). The teachers are not consistent, they are all using different platforms its so disorganised.

Pipandmum · 30/06/2020 23:04

Y10s split into three bubbles and each one in for one day a week, full online lessons the rest of the time. Y12s in one day a week too. R to Y8 are fully back (not sure what's happened to Y9, but they get online lessons). The queue to get in the morning is getting longer as all need temp checks and wash their hands before entering.

Chasingsquirrels · 30/06/2020 23:03

Yr12 isn't back this school year, other than 50 (out of 1,250 year group) supported study places.
It's a sixth form college so yr12 is half of the school, and a large majority travel in on public transport.

clary · 30/06/2020 23:00

My yr 12 is back for six two-hour lessons over four weeks. About 90% of thecyearvis back in apparently.

Yr 10 are also back, I presume with a similar timetable.

I guess it varies, but what ds2's school is doing is surely manageable for any school. Basically they have one subject a morning, or if it's not maths/biology/business/psychology then they gave multiple groups in (eg PE /French/drama/DT all on the same morning.

Movinghouse2015 · 30/06/2020 21:52

My year 12 back, 3hrs per week. The rest is online.

Hoppinggreen · 30/06/2020 21:52

My year 10 went back for a Social last Friday afternoon and that’s all
She’s had a full online interactive timetable and even exams though


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HotFlower26 · 30/06/2020 21:52

Dd yr12, in school 2hrs this week and 6hrs next week.

winepls · 30/06/2020 21:50

My year 10 had 3 days in last week, 3 days next week and that's it.

Shesaysso · 30/06/2020 21:50

My Year 10 is back for 4 hours once a week

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