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School Fees during Corona

39 replies

emz771 · 10/05/2020 14:33

Guys quick one. I paid the school fees for this current term about 4 weeks ago - and we got 50% off per child because of Corona. They called it “holding their place” because let’s face it they won’t be going this term.

Anyway I was fairly happy with that - but had a zoom with a girlfriend today and she said her kids school had just asked for a nominal £200 payment this term.

What have the schools your kids go to been asking for? Am I being ripped off!

OP posts:
cremuel · 11/05/2020 11:46

Our school is not giving any blanket discount but is focussing all their funds on the families that need it, who are getting significant discounts. Personally, I feel this is the right approach. We’re both working and can afford normal fees and I’d rather support parents who can’t pay fees at the moment. The quality of education provided at home has been pretty good.

MayFayre · 17/05/2020 22:47

15% discount and a full day of online teaching

Comefromaway · 17/05/2020 22:50

Full fees and a slightly reduced zoom/set tasks timetable. 9.30am - 4pm plus an hour for lunch instead of 9am - 6pm & 45 mins lunch.

CasparBloomberg · 18/05/2020 01:06

No discount this term or next (although there will be no annual increase for next year). This fee covers education component only, everything else has always been broken out. As they are getting full timetable in virtual classes, this seems fair in the circumstances.
Anyone needing help with fees invited to contact the school.
No charges made that cover other elements that aren’t being provided such as travel, meals etc and anything already overpaid for things that didn’t happen have already been refunded.

PaquitaVariation · 18/05/2020 01:20

One is charging full fees, including boarding. The other is giving about 40% discount.

Comefromaway · 18/05/2020 01:25

Including boarding - wow. Is that because it’s subsidised? Dd doesn’t board and I have to admit I don’t know if her school is charging boarders.

PaquitaVariation · 18/05/2020 01:44

Both are boarders on mds. One is giving a discount, the other is refusing to even speak to parents about fees and discounts.

Comefromaway · 18/05/2020 08:48

I wondered if it was because mds contribution is set. But you can have an mds and not board so maybe not.

Have to admit I’m happy with the classes dd is getting. I don’t think I’d be happy if I was having to pay boarding.

Beachcomber74 · 18/05/2020 12:32

20% off & 2 kids who enjoy online schooling more than the normal. They have 9-3pm with good mix of face to face teaching, project work, group work etc

sunglasses123 · 18/05/2020 12:44

20% off last term (boarding). I think your friend might have misunderstood or its not the whole story. That or the school wont be there in Sept due to having no money!

FuzzyBearOhYeah · 30/05/2020 10:58

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Londonmummy66 · 01/06/2020 18:38

DC1 - 15% for day and 30% for boarding - a very active and full online learning programme

DC2 - zip/nada/nowt and as a year 11 has had 2 weeks of online lessons and now no schooling to end of term. Glad DC is not staying on!

NellyBarney · 01/06/2020 20:24

20% off but full online teaching for 6.5 hours/day. Problem is progress of kids has improved through lockdown so school now reluctant to let go off the teacher at front everyone listens if you chat I mute you system that has turned the majority of kids into A star swots.

okiedokieme · 01/06/2020 20:35

Reading this I'm going to stop complaining - we are university not school and accommodation waived in term 3 but not fees. DD's old state boarding school has waived fees but they didn't pay for education anyway.

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