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Maths class question

28 replies

GerryblewuptheER · 11/01/2019 16:35

How long would a child have to get all the questions right, complete all the work with lots of time to spare and be given extra work every single lesson before it could be considered to move them to a different set?

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JustRichmal · 14/01/2019 08:26

I was put into a lower stream and made to wait until the end of the year so another child would not have the disappointment of being moved down so soon. I hated it and, as we were streamed, it was for all the subjects. However that was decades ago so things may have changed.

I would get the revision guide and workbook for year 7, either from CGP or Letts, so your dd does not fall behind those in the set above and do some work at home with her. Khan Academy videos are good for explaining bits she may be stuck on.

There is also the Junior Maths Challenge for enrichment if she likes doing maths. You can find these on the UKMT website. You could ask the school if they do this.

Changemyname18 · 13/01/2019 11:39

With SATS result at that level, (same as my kid a few years ago) I'd much rather keep my kid in the set they are in than push them on. You give no indication if she is in a top, middle or lower set. I would think a middle set. She is now with a much larger group of students than primary, and there may be many kids with SATS of 110 plus in Maths. I wouldn't want my 102-104 scoring maths kid in with those kids. Much better for confidence to be the most able in a set than the straggler. I echo the points to consider about test results. In maths there is as much to be learnt by exam technique and checking answers, not making silly mistakes which happen less in classwork and homework. If she really is bored, do extra work on that weeks topic at home and/or mini tests. Year 7 is all about consolidation and filling in the gaps due to the wide intake of studentsYou may soon find she's less bored If she has to do extra at home.

noblegiraffe · 13/01/2019 10:11

Just say to the school that she’d like to move up a set and what would she need to do for this to happen.

Don’t hang around waiting for the school to do something if your kid is bored and being put off maths as a result.

ShalomJackie · 12/01/2019 20:51

I suspect she may be in set 2 if she isn't in top set as her sats marks are average. They really do seem to find their natural place during year 7. I know you may not want to go up to school specifically about thos but do you have a parents evening or tutor evening on the horizon or could you email re further extension work.

GerryblewuptheER · 12/01/2019 19:05

Don't worry I'm hurry to make a name for myself in that way! I've already had to speak to the tutor about stuff so don't want to get to the point where its all nodding and smiling

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RedSkyLastNight · 12/01/2019 18:58

The first term of Year 7 is often a lot of consolidation and revision - and a lot of children find it boring. If you're not sure what set she's in, it may be the school hasn't even set yet ...

I'd personally raise with the teacher that DD is finding the work easy and see what s/he says. Do not suggest the solution is moving to a different set (teachers hate this).

lifebegins50 · 12/01/2019 18:45

In my dc's experience Year 7 tends to be repeating Year6 work to ensure all bases covered. I suspect it is reasonably common for some dc to feel bored. It should speed up however.

GerryblewuptheER · 12/01/2019 18:40

I'm not sure what set exactly she is in. I will have to get her to do some digging and find out.

I have no idea what the sats scoring really all means. She had a bit of a ropey yr 5. Teacher wasn't great, alot of confusion and dodgy marking. Plus a stint sat with a child who obstructed her work alot. She caught up in yr 6 though thankfully. A tutor helped as well. Just a bit wary I guess of her falling behind when she worked so hard to catch up after yr 5.

I will get her to try and go through examples of what she's been doing and if the teacher has said about her work and go from there. Have already said to keep bugging them for extra work and make sure she still takes alot of care and pride in what she does get.

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Rubusfruticosus · 12/01/2019 12:18

How long would a child have to get all the questions right, complete all the work with lots of time to spare and be given extra work every single lesson before it could be considered to move them to a different set? This is my DS, but he is in the top set, nowhere else to go. A child can only move up if there is another child who needs to move down, or in exceptional cases, if the class can accommodate an extra child. If she is getting extra work then she may be doing the same as she would get in a higher set anyway.

Tomorrowisanotherday22 · 12/01/2019 12:08

Is she in one of the bottom sets then? Were you expecting higher sats results in maths or was that result expected? Her results were average/slightly bellow average. There is something here that does not makes sense

ShalomJackie · 12/01/2019 10:23

She will have been set according tonthe sats initially and then possibly internal testing.

Ask the school how and when movement occurs as each school operates differently although in my experience yr 7 generally has more scope for movement as they are working out where their cohort fits with each other.

GerryblewuptheER · 11/01/2019 22:51

Sorry for delay. Busy shift and a phone crisis. Blush

I will have to ask her about tests. There seems to be little feedback with anything. SmH hasn't been updated in weeks with regards to grading etc. Only 2 items since September been confirmed by teachers as submitted Hmm

Will checkout the nrich thing.

Did ok.i guess in sats. Ranged from 102 to 104 maybe 106 or something but can't remember in what

OP posts:
PurpleDaisies · 11/01/2019 19:27

She should be being challenged, regardless of what set she’s in.

Bluebonnie · 11/01/2019 19:25

In the meantime, get your daughter to try the problems on NRICH. That should prevent boredom with maths by challenging her. The last thing you want is for her to become disaffected.

Rosieposy4 · 11/01/2019 19:17

We move our year 7s every half term if needed in Maths. Based on test results though.

MsAwesomeDragon · 11/01/2019 18:39

What set is she in? How has she performed in tests?

In my school it is unusual but not unheard of for pupils to move up/down in the middle of a year. But it is based on test results rather than just classwork and homework. That's because classwork/homework tests how well they can do stuff they've just been taught and have examples for, whereas a test shows how much they can do completely independently.

Ask school what they say. Raise it as a question like "I'm wondering how often you review setting as we hoped she might move up at some point, hopefully soon as she's funding this work a bit easy at the moment". When we have queries like that we have the conversation with the parents about why that might not be appropriate (the might be a group of them in that class all working at a similar level in which case the teacher should be differentiating better, or she might be making lots of mistakes in tests, or there just isn't space yet in the next set up). There are often very good reasons why a move can't/shouldn't happen, but sometimes the move IS appropriate and can happen asap.

Tomorrowisanotherday22 · 11/01/2019 18:26

How did she do in year 6 Sats? What set is she in? Are sets based on sats? Surely you can challenge her at home and if the school thinks she should be in a different set they will move her.

GerryblewuptheER · 11/01/2019 17:37

Hope so..She used to she's bored stupid

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RedSkyLastNight · 11/01/2019 17:28

If she's in Year 7 and still in the set she started in, there may well be a shuffle coming soon, as the teachers have more knowledge about the students.

FloralCup · 11/01/2019 17:26

DD's school seem to have a test at the end of each term and move people around then. Makes sense to me.

GerryblewuptheER · 11/01/2019 16:48

Sorry just saw your second post

She does ask for extra work every lesson

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GerryblewuptheER · 11/01/2019 16:46

So she could be stuck with this?

According to the report we had she's already well on target for the expected end of yr level so no concerns with being behind or anything. And the Home work she's being given she finishes in about 5 mins ( correctly)

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SenoraSurf · 11/01/2019 16:45

If they aren't being pushed enough, make sure you encourage your dc to ask for extra work (keep asking teacher whenever they are finished a task). The teacher will have to differentiate to their ability. If this doesn't work, send them an email and have a chat with the teacher

SenoraSurf · 11/01/2019 16:43

As a teacher and head of department, I would want to see progress over the year (usually confirmed with an end of year test)

GerryblewuptheER · 11/01/2019 16:42

Dd is in yr 7.

So they really do end up stuck until a kid moves up/down?

How does that work and how do you stop them being bored out their brain sat their with their hand up til they are noticed and given more work?

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