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How can I start learning Latin to help a Y7 child with SN, can you recommend a book?

12 replies

elevenclips · 20/04/2017 21:54

My dd is going to learn latin at secondary. She particularly struggles with new things and to get things started so I am a bit worried about her sitting in latin class through year 7 and not really being in a position to learn anything because she cannot really understand what is going on. Once she gets started with things and has them in context, she is OK. So, I would like to buy a textbook and just give her a bit of background to it and help her learn the very first basics so that she (kind of sees where it fits) will manage at school. I didn't take latin at school so could anyone recommend an appropriate textbook that I would understand please?

OP posts:
Moominmammacat · 24/04/2017 16:04

You can have an online tutor with Cambridge Latin ... we found it very good and got to GCSE. Also Minimus for young ones.

GallicosCats · 24/04/2017 00:14

I started Latin with the Cambridge Latin course. I think it's a very enjoyable introduction and it gave me the ability to read Latin unselfconsciously. Yes, you do need to use other resources to get a proper grasp of the grammar (which is very different from English) but as a starting point and no more it's as good as any other

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 23/04/2017 21:09

Just noticed that CE book is available on kindle. Might just get myself a copy to brush up my own Latin.

Ontopofthesunset · 23/04/2017 14:15

Me too and I found the same thing!

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 23/04/2017 13:37

I was going to suggest Nick Oulton's So you really want to learn Latin, but it looks like Michaela's suggestion is an updated version so I'd go for that instead.

It's clear and no nonsense but that might work better if a) you are trying to teach yourself as a complete beginner and b) for children who may struggle a bit.

Michaelahpurple · 22/04/2017 12:15

Sorry - writing in the car and I now realise that was full of typos - I hope you were able to pick your way through Smile

Michaelahpurple · 22/04/2017 12:14

I vehemently disagree with the Cambridge Latin suggestion. Yes, it has pictures and chat but it is t systematic. It takes an approach similar to french "oh look, you are doing full sentences all ready - cover you!" And meanwhile the child thinks the word for girl is always puella and has no idea about cases or how build the grammar.

I think it much better to build up steadily, concept by concept. A book like this is far better.

Latin for Common Entrance One

imelda3 · 21/04/2017 14:05

There is also an app called Pipiatum which we have found good for learning vocabulary and verbs.

elevenclips · 20/04/2017 22:05

Seems unanimous Grin
Thank you

OP posts:
321zerobaby · 20/04/2017 22:01

My dd started learning Latin in yr 7 and wanted help with her homework. I just read her textbook and managed to help her. It's the one with Caecilius in it, Cambridge Latin course.

Wheredidallthejaffacakesgo · 20/04/2017 21:59

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unweavedrainbow · 20/04/2017 21:59

Cambridge Latin. Lots of pictures, easy to understand.

<a class="break-all" href="//" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">Book 1

There's lots of website support too. Online games and quizzes. You can look at the full textbook there as well.


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