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Secondary education

AIBU to complain to make a complaint?

29 replies

Jupiter2Mars · 02/11/2016 08:53

DC is in year 10 and has a SEN. The school have recognised the SEN from the first day of year 7, and have put in place reasonable adjustments for classwork and exams (extra time and typing).
All should be fine, but every year, several teachers forget (usually when setting exams), get reminded, forget again, get reminded and forget again.
Now it is the start of GCSEs and it has happened again with another teacher.
DC does not want to draw attention to the SEN in front of the other teenagers, so will not call the teacher over to speak about it at they start of the test.

Afterwards, every time it happens , I email the teacher concerned and try to tactfully point out that they didn't do what they were supposed to so could they do it next time. They always say ok, then about half of them don't.

DC also writes to each new teacher at the start of each year telling them about the SEN and the adjustments asking for their agreement.

A couple of years ago, I tried asking the learning support dept for help in ensuring the adjustments happen but it made no difference.

I am getting a bit fed up with it. I don't think any teacher does it on purpose, just that they can't be bothered remembering. In the past, some have told me that they got the list from learning support but didn't look at it.

Should I complain to the school that there is a systematic failure here and that the Disability Discrimination Act applies?

OP posts:
cansu · 06/11/2016 12:50

If your ds needs to type he must take out his laptop and not wait for teacher to tell him. as regards extra time yes they should remember but they will sometimes forget. to be frank writing letters will work for a few months but it may still happen again. Maybe a card to show to teacher in this scenario would help but he is going to have to start owning this issue. once he is at uni or doing a levels you wont be able to chase it. he will be expected to speak up himself.

PotteringAlong · 06/11/2016 12:58

If a pupil in my class was allowed a laptop and I knew they'd got one I would assume they had forgotten it that day and not mention it. He's in year 9, he needs to start taking some responsibility here.

PotteringAlong · 06/11/2016 12:58

Sorry, I would assume they had forgotten it if they did not get it out when they say down

Jupiter2Mars · 06/11/2016 14:58

He's not in year 9, he's in year 10.... which means that he should be able to take responsibility (which he can) and that he should have lost the shyness (which he hasn't). Unfortunately, bullying someone out of being shy doesn't really work.

Anyway, things have moved on. The teacher in question has apologised for forgetting. Its no big deal any more. She asked DS to remind her by email before each test and she's assured him that she won't think he's being cheeky.

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