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Year 10 - how much Easter revision?

33 replies

Dancergirl · 05/04/2016 10:41

Dd is in Year 10 and this year her internal end of year exams are quite early, starting on 19th May.

School have recommended 2 hours of revision per day but so far dd has done very little. I'm fed up of nagging to be met with eye rolls Hmm

How much are your dc doing?

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Lottie4 · 06/04/2016 10:42

DD had her exams in March. Up until the week before teachers were still giving homework as normal (which she spends far too long as she's a perfectionist) and it was suggested they do an hour's revision per night as well. DD didn't do any then, but as soon as homework lessened she did revise for the initial ones and then the others as they went along (over a two week period). Some teachers actually had lessons revising rather than teaching.

I totaly understand your concern as it's obviously good to revise and go over what they've learnt (and you want the best for her), but your DD still has time to revise. If she doesn't and then doesn't get the expected/hoped for result, they that may focus her better for mock GCSE's in Year 11.

pointythings · 07/04/2016 19:02

DD1 is in Yr10. She has been steadily working through a large pile of homework, but that's it. She has Statistics GCSE in early June and is finishing the CA component of French GCSE this year - did writing before Easter.

End of year exams are in late June/early July so plenty of time to study for those.

Apart from that she is dossing and I am happy for her to do so. Yr 11 will be bad enough.

Susiesue61 · 09/04/2016 10:19

Dd dosses all the time!! She is obsessed with sport and needs to get some school work in before the season starts. I've negotiated one hour for each subject over the holidays, just to get started. So far she's done 2 lots in a week! But she's fitted in 6 hours of training and 3 trips out with her mates.
She also needs to do some spelling/ grammar as advised by school. We've just about made a start on that.
I agree about the nagging. But if I didn't nag, she really would do nothing

Tigerblue · 12/04/2016 14:23

DD had her end of year exams in March (basically mock mocks), she had to juggle revision with lots of homework but did revise for each subject to some extent - I think it helped that she was in school and constantly being reminded and had her friends talking about what they'd done.

Your DD will probably get more focussed now they have returned to school. Some teachers carried on teaching as normal, but others did a revision session during class times.

Badbadbunny · 12/04/2016 15:34

My year 9 DS has done roughly an hour of revision for each subject during the Easter break, as a start towards his end of year tests which are after the May half term, so a nice early start, say maybe 10 hours over 2 weeks which I don't think will ruin his life or cause mental issues, especially as he's had plenty of time to do everything else he wanted to! He's already started the GCSE course for several subjects, so he wants to keep on top of it from day 1.

He'll be keeping it up over the next few weeks to supplement whatever revision work they do in class or for homework. My son hates last minute, crammed, revision - he'd much rather start early and do it in a more relaxed manner over a longer time period. He's already suffered a couple of minor meltdowns in previous years when the teachers have handed out revision sheets just a few days before the tests meaning a completely lost weekend and evenings due to last minute panics.

Piemernator · 12/04/2016 15:38

Year 10 here. No revision at all over hols.

Now we ask 3 to 4 hours per week, with our help if wanted.

cece · 12/04/2016 19:27

DD is Year 10. She did a bit of set homework over the holidays but nothing extra. It is a holiday. I think she has worked hard enough this term and that she deserves a rest to recoup.

Dancergirl · 12/04/2016 19:41

Thanks all. It's actually quite nice to have dropped the nagging! We're in week 3 of the holidays, dd has done 'some biology' but not much else. We'll see how she does in the end of year exams, it might be a wake up call to her if she hasn't done enough. But plenty of time to rectify that before the real things next year.

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