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School uniform too strict?

28 replies

Trish10000t · 02/10/2015 15:48

DD started new school, and the uniform includes a blouse, tie, wool jumper, and blazer along with a skirt and thick tights. The jumper and blazer are both required, and they have to keep both on all the time unless permission is given. Most of the time she spends the entire day wearing both. The classrooms are heated and she says she gets too warm, but it seems to be expected that they stay in full uniform unless the outside temperature is extremely warm. Has anyone else experienced this? It seems a bit extreme.

OP posts:
Lucked · 22/10/2015 22:47

People who wear suit jackets usually don't have shirt and jumper underneath! My school blazers were all thicker than a suit jacket and the wool one for high school quite restrictive.

I have never got my head around this as we didnt wear our blazers inside at school. I can understand that you don't want a class disrupted but I would say they should start the lesson as they mean to go on.

Bubbletree4 · 22/10/2015 22:39

Seems very odd to insist on the jumper and the blazer, if the blazer is compulsory wear at all times.

BelindaBagwash · 22/10/2015 22:30

I can't believe how strict some school uniforms are. Where I am (Scotland) the local school has a uniform with the school logo on it but nobody tells kids which kind of trousers, shoes or haircuts they can have.

SenecaFalls · 22/10/2015 22:26

Businessmen wear suits and ties to work in. And the vast majority are allowed to take the suit jacket off when they are at their deskswithout asking anyone's permission. Increasingly, though, more and more workplaces are going for smart casualand doing away with suits and ties altogether.

NotEmptyNow · 22/10/2015 22:01

This does seem very extreme if they aren't being given permission to remove jumpers and or blazers in class. How weird that teenagers aren't allowed to be in control of their own temperature. Males (especially teenage) generally feel warmer than females so might be boiling by the time a female teacher decides it's hot enough to remove blazer. Or a girl who has her period might feel or hotter/colder than other girls. Some people have poor circulation and might be fine while everyone else is sweltering. They might have just finished strenuous excercise and be overheating in their three layers in what the teacher thinks is a moderate temperature. It doesn't make any sense at all, everybody is different! Most schools I know of are compulsory blazer moving between classes and permission to remove in class, optional jumper, and tights or socks option.

Gileswithachainsaw · 22/10/2015 21:44

right now

Gileswithachainsaw · 22/10/2015 21:44

I hate the "you signed up to the rules" BS. sometimes there is little choice where you go and homeschooling isn't an option.

in a classroom no one is going to see everyone's busynworkimg so who would even care. it's for no reason other than a power trip. no one's asking to pole dance in a tin foil thong. just remove an item of clothing when it gets too hot.

oh and one persons idea of hot is not important because guess what, some people get hot some people are cold and one person can't speak fir all.

when brain cells and the ability to behave start to grow in cheap polyester they may then have a point. however as it stands eight now it's just point proving nonsense

Trish10000t · 22/10/2015 21:28

I understand that many adults have to wear suits and ties but I don't see the point of forcing the students to wear a jumper as well. It should at least be jumper or blazer, three layers at all times just seems extreme. When have you ever seen a teacher wearing a shirt or blouse, jumper AND blazer?

OP posts:
EvilTwins · 22/10/2015 19:47

We have optional jumpers and compulsory blazers but I have never known anyone refuse permission to remove the blazer. What's annoying though is when they wear a hoodie under their blazers and think we can't see it if they tuck the hood in...

PotteringAlong · 22/10/2015 17:40

Can't she just ask? I always let pupils take their blazers off. I assume it's not a new school rule though. You signed up to send her there, you can't moan about it now!

Devilishpyjamas · 22/10/2015 17:36

Ds2's (grammar) is like this. Blazers even when it's boiling. Lots of boys in hot stuffy rooms sweating in Blazers. Detention for your shirt hanging out. It's all so petty & seems more about power relationships than anything useful. It just means the ones who don't care care even less & the ones who do get end up in a state of constant anxiety.

If ds3 gets his first choice secondary school (please do) he'll be going sonewhere were he'll be allowed to decide how many layers to wear. Luckily. As he's far too shy to ask to take things off (especially if, as in ds2's school asking can lead to a reprimand) but has a habit of throwing up when too hot.

Leslie227 · 22/10/2015 16:38

This seems to be a bit of overreaction. It wouldn't be much of a uniform if they were allowed to remove everything at will. Businessmen wear suits and ties to work in. I understand that not everyone agrees with uniforms but many schools (and parents) feel that it is best for the students.

LemonBreeland · 22/10/2015 14:21

I find rules like this completely crazy. There is no good reason for it. How on earth are children supposed to concnetrate and work their best if they are overheating. If these school have classroom temperatures anything like the schools my DC attend most pupils would overheat.

DS1 has just started high school and he hardly ever wears a jumper, not even to walk to the bus stop when it's only 5 degrees. He is only just getting used to wearing trousers after wearing shorts year round in primary. He would hate being that trussed up and hot all day.

Wolfiefan · 22/10/2015 14:18

My son has to wear a blazer. He would boil in a jumper as well though. Do they have to be thick tights?

Gileswithachainsaw · 22/10/2015 14:18

ridiculous. a rule that needs fighting.

cannot be comfortable or conducive to working. there is no reason for that rule. none at all

LisbethSalandersLaptop · 22/10/2015 14:16

ridiculous - so the message is that them being comfortable and being able to work at a normal temperature is not a priority?
I really have no idea what goes through people's heads when they make up rules like this.

Trish10000t · 22/10/2015 14:14

Curious as to what the staff wear when the students are in jumpers and blazers.

OP posts:
balletgirlmum · 22/10/2015 12:14

At both my children's schools (private) jumpers are optional. Ds hates jumpers so I havnt bothered to buy him a jumper.

AugustRose · 22/10/2015 12:08

I think it's mad when schools insist the blazer has to be worn when the classroom is very warm.

DD's school has blazer and jumper (which must be worn in Autumn and Spring terms but is optional in summer), however although the blazer must be worn between lessons they can take them off in class if they wish. Shirts can be long or short sleeved.

spanisharmada · 22/10/2015 12:04

How ridiculous, I couldn't stand to be restricted from appropriately judging my own body temperature, it's such a basic thing. So I wouldn't expect DD to be restricted from doing so either.

Lurkedforever1 · 22/10/2015 11:51

Dds has compulsory Blazers and optional jumpers, they have to have permission to take off blazers in class but so far it seems to be forthcoming. Shirts are long or short sleeve, and they can wear any thickness of tights or socks.

Leslie227 · 22/10/2015 11:41

With 30 students in can become a disruption when you're asked 10-15 times. That's why we switched to a blanket permission at the beginning of class. Like I said, I give permission of it's extremely warm.


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usual · 21/10/2015 18:52

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TheOnlyColditz · 21/10/2015 18:46

Teach her how to faint. They will soon reconsider.

PrincessHairyMclary · 21/10/2015 18:43

The school I work in has the same rules as Nobles. I've never known a teacher not give permission for blazers to be taken off most just give blanket permission at the beginning of class.

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