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What cars do private school mums drive?

135 replies

lavendarhillslob · 01/09/2015 00:52

Is it all 4x4s and Porches? Do any of you drive cars that are not range rover evoques. And if there are mums at your school who drive normal cars, like a Ford Mondeo - what do you think of them?

OP posts:
TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 01/09/2015 13:08

Fair few 4x4 style but everything from uber smart Range Rover to a Qashqui [?] I've seen Ford SMax and Citroen people carriers. People buy a car usually based on their budget followed by their needs but maybe I'm naive.
If I'm honest I don't really know. The parents that do drop off by car tend to dump cars in surrounding streets and walk the last 1/4 mile towing kids on a scooter.
Everyone is too stressed trying to get to school on time and then get to work to give a rats ass really. Grin

There was a moment at the school sports day when an announcement had to be made to say that someone had left the windows open in a Maserati outside the gate....... some poor guy had to make a walk of shame across the grass in front of a ton of grinning parents making jokes about their Mazzer being in for it's MOT. It HAD to be a Maserati - I'm pretty sure that was never used on the school run. Grin

WorriedMutha · 01/09/2015 13:09

We go to a private school and our sole family car is a Ford Fiesta. Can't aspire to a Mondeo sorry. I can't look down on anyone unfortunately except I do look down on those intellectually shallow materialistic types who judge people by the kind of cars they drive.

Iloveadrianmole · 01/09/2015 13:10

At my DC's school we have a massive range of cars from Porsche, BMW, Audi etc. to mini, fiat 500, normal family saloons and a smattering of old bangers. Also have some 4x4's from ultra shiny, never even mounted the kerb to filthy Landrovers. No one cares who turns up in what.

CrumbledFeta · 01/09/2015 13:12

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TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 01/09/2015 13:23

CrumbledFeta Tue 01-Sep-15 13:12:38 That made me laugh !

Verbena37 · 01/09/2015 13:34

Why did you ask Lavender?

SquirrelledAway · 01/09/2015 13:43

Having one's head wedged firmly up one's arse would explain the standard of driving of most urban 4x4 drivers.

Do you manage to keep your very large pair of sunglasses on OK?

CrumbledFeta · 01/09/2015 14:46

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ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 01/09/2015 15:14

Do you have a Labradoodle or Cockapoo in the front seat barking directions as your visability is restricted.

WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 01/09/2015 15:16

Not a private school but dd went to a primary in quite a well to do rural village. My brother couldn't believe the amount of 4x4s at pick up time when he came with me once. To be honest it was the ponies which suprised me more. Mums turning up on horses with a pony on a lead rein to pick their dc up.

I had a Yaris. Grin

LBOCS2 · 01/09/2015 15:24

Well. I can tell you that my DM drove a 7yo Mazda 323 to collect my DSis from her private school.

She drove the same car to collect me from my state school. My friend however used to get collected from our school by her (famous) dad in his Roller. Beautiful car.

Twowrongsdontmakearight · 01/09/2015 15:31

Sounded like the first line of a joke!

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 01/09/2015 15:33

I'd have died and gone to heaven if someone had brought a pony to school for me to ride home on. #urbanponymadkid

Lurkedforever1 · 01/09/2015 15:35

who ponies are cheaper than a Yaris.

Gymbunny1204 · 01/09/2015 15:37

I only judge one mum because she is a useless mother and her son is a bully, the fact she drives a Range Rover just makes me think she is a wannabe

Couldn't care less what car everyone else drives. It is irrelevant.

stayathomegardener · 01/09/2015 15:40

16 year old worthless Toyota but sometimes I go in a truck to keep everyone on their toes.
Squeeze it in between the Audi's, Bentley's and Porches.

cjt110 · 01/09/2015 15:44

MY sons nursery is in a well to do area and they all seem to drive newish cars - 2-3 years old at most. Audis, BMWs, VWs... I feel well shoddy pulling up in my 11 year old Seat Arosa Blush I did a victory dance when I spotted a fellow Mum dropping her kids off in a battered old peugeot!!

Mitzi50 · 01/09/2015 15:45

DS's friend's dads all seem to have Aston Martins or Ferraris as a third "fun" car. The Mums all drive range rovers or Porsche Cayenne. However, some pupils turn up in their dad's works vans - I boy's dad appears to be a coal merchant and there are quite a few builders.

I drive a Ford Fiesta - we are definitely the poor relations (divorced, teacher - our house is the same size as some of his friend's pool houses)

DS is 17 now so it's interesting to hear what cars his friends have received for their birthday and the astonishing amounts that some parents pay for insurance.

oreosforlunch2002 · 01/09/2015 15:48

Isnt this post just sexist (as well as offensive), men drive their kids to school as well.

SquirrelledAway · 01/09/2015 16:33

I remember from my school days one boy being dropped off in a Jag - except his dad was a builder and had taken out the back seats and it was always full of bricks.

ponies are cheaper than a Yaris tell that to the pregnant friend who once asked me how much child benefit was - and then exclaimed "How much? I couldn't keep my horse on that" Hmm

lorelei9 · 01/09/2015 16:36

wondering why the OP is asking.....

WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 01/09/2015 16:38

Don't think the post is sexist to be honest.

I can guarantee when I used to do the primary school run (two different schools) 99% of the parents at the gate were female. Very rare to see a bloke do the school run ime. Dh I don't think ever did it and we both work so it's not like I'm a SAHM.


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CrumbledFeta · 01/09/2015 16:38

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Want2bSupermum · 01/09/2015 16:42

Well my parents were both ends of the spectrum with a Rolls Royce, Volvo estate that was 8 or 9 years old and a Metro. We hated when we were picked up in the Rolls as everyone stared at us. We would lie down on the floor in the back and my mother would yell at us to put our seat belts on all the way home.

Honestly no one gives a darn about your car. Most of my friends parents had old beat up estates. We are not doing private schools for our DC as we are in the US and the public schools are excellent as we live in a nice area. I walk both kids to school. DH drives a Q5 because its a company car. If we were paying for it he would be in an old (7+ years old) Ford or GM. I do not understand the whole need for an expensive or new car.

JuanPotatoTwo · 01/09/2015 16:42

I don't know from personal experience. I do know that the head of a private school my friend was considering for her dc said to her "well you only have to look at the cars to see what type of parents we have " Shock

She didn't send them there because he also told her he thought all children were inherently evil

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