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Secondary education

Stoke Newington/Forest/Fortismere?

8 replies

Bougis123 · 20/09/2014 15:48

We live in Stoke Newington and are thinking about secondary schools. Do we stay and go to Stoke Newington school? Try for Forest? Or is it worth the upheaval to move to Fortismere? Any thoughts on any of these schools would be very very welcome please!

OP posts:
Bougis123 · 25/09/2014 10:00

Thank you for all the comments!

OP posts:
Heels99 · 24/09/2014 14:19

My niece goes to stoke she absolutely loves it, has fab friends, doing great academically and lots of extra curricular. She transferred there from another school and is v glad she did. There are a lot of families there who could afford independent but for whatever reason have chosen to stay in state system. There is a broad mix of kids.

ancientandmodern · 23/09/2014 19:26

DD1 went to Forest and loved it, did lots of interesting studying/trips/extra curricular, has a great friendship group from school.

I also wouldn't bother to move to Muswell Hill - for a start, you need a house virtually in the Fortismere playground in order to be certain of getting in. It's slightly easier if you aim for Alexandra Park but you're going to be paying a lot to be sure of being in catchment.

I have lots of friends with children at Stokey and experiences are mixed - on the whole they've come out with OK results and good friendships, but it's patchy.

tethersend · 23/09/2014 18:17

Arf at 'I've done taught' Grin

Obviously I wasn't teaching proof reading Grin

tethersend · 23/09/2014 18:15

I'd choose Stoke Newington over Fortismere. I've done taught briefly in both, although quite a few years ago!

I don't think Fortismere offers anything worth relocating to Muswell Hill for.

Have you looked round the schools?

muffinmonster · 23/09/2014 17:15

Do you mean Forest in Snaresbrook? My DS is there and we are very happy with it. I don't know the other schools you mention, though, so can't compare.

locomotor · 23/09/2014 15:08

Stokey does seem popular locally. Does anyone know anything about what its setting/streaming arrangements are, and MFL?

elportodelgato · 20/09/2014 15:52

If you live in Stokey and can go to Stoke Newington school then you are very lucky IMO! Isn't it 'outstanding'? It certainly gets great results

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