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Year 11 GCSE countdown. Revision angst begins.

999 replies

Fastenurseatbelts · 01/04/2014 13:55

Ok. DS1 has broken up for Easter and we now have to all accept that this is it. He has been doing dribs and drabs since mocks in February and an hour- ish in the evenings of stuff set by teachers.

Nowhere near what I remember doing for my o'levels a million miles ago. Friends tell me their kids are doing nothing yet. Not sure I believe them though!

Waiting for reality to kick in with him but he still seems to be treating it all like an end of topic test in class!

What's happening in your house? Are you staying well out of it or like me walking round waving a CGP guide 24/7!!!!!

OP posts:
KatyMac · 03/06/2014 11:48

English 'appears' to have gone well......

bruffin · 03/06/2014 12:17

Dd loved the English. It was all doom and gloom as she went out the door this morning but questions on festivals and facebook are just up her street.

hellsbells99 · 03/06/2014 12:32

Glad the English exams went well!

MorvahRising · 03/06/2014 14:51

DS also happy with English - we must had had pretty much a full house on this one! Well done to all the DCs.

RaspberryLemonPavlova · 03/06/2014 15:27

I haven't heard from DS as he was in isolation over lunch between exams.

I imagine he, and the other will be thoroughly fed up of English Language after 2 exams, and revision sessions last Friday and yesterday.

CHemistry on Friday next.

Agree that it will be nice for them to be doing the subjects they want next year.

Nocomet · 03/06/2014 16:49

DD bounced out of English, with a huge grin on her face.
Write a book review, for a magazine, despite being dyslexic she is a total book worm and follower of fan fiction, authors etc.

eatyourveg · 03/06/2014 16:59

Ds said for some reason he was given breaks in his exam along with 3 others. Confused He didn't use any of his extra time and finished 5 minutes before the main cohort in the hall which doesn't bode well at all. Predicted A/A* but thinks he may have fallen down on writing a letter of complaint about a local community and the festival organisers ?? Just hope he hasn't misread the thing. On the positive side he said he went to town on the mobile phones question.

He came home at lunch despite having maths and science revision lessons this afternoon. Apparently only 5 people stayed on because they had to wait for the school bus. He claims he has done far more here than he would have done at school Hmm

MrsMaturin · 03/06/2014 17:00

dd was happy with English today and had some good news about her history coursework mark. Just have to hope it doesn't get altered in the moderation.

Nocomet · 03/06/2014 17:23

EYV, I hope your DS did OK.

Being English Lang. DD says their 'special' room was very busy today with laptops, extra time and people having breaks. She says she had a minor panic when they called time. Until she realised not everyone had extra time and she had a while longer.

It was a far cry from yesterday (music) when she was all on her own.

Sorry for the multiple posts, my internet is very grumpy. DDs have exceeded the down load limit. Therefore my shit provider can slow it down at will.

Coconutty · 03/06/2014 18:10

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Bouncingbeans · 03/06/2014 18:13

Good day here too, DD happy with English Language and was also happy with History yesterday so that is it now for her A level choices as regardless of grades she will not be taking Science or Maths any further and that is all she has left.

However, she really wants to get her predicted B's for these so seems focussed again now the end is in sight! Will be weird when this is over as feel like it has dominated our lives for so long, but guess we will all reconvene a few days before results to share nerves :)

Best1sWest · 03/06/2014 21:20

Evening all, glad to hear everyone was happy with English today. DS seemed happy too.

YeGodsAndLittleFishes · 03/06/2014 21:55

DD not able to talk about how English went today. All i know is that she did stay in the exan and answr the qurstions. As far as I am concerned that is brilliant.

Leeds2 · 03/06/2014 22:12

Not sure DD felt the same degree of joy with English as other DCs seem to have felt!

YeGodsAndLittleFishes · 03/06/2014 23:12

We need a new thread!

MorvahRising · 03/06/2014 23:47

YeGods regardless of results it sounds like your DD is really stepping up to the plate; all this is tough enough without additional issues. You must be incredibly proud of her!

YeGodsAndLittleFishes · 04/06/2014 00:16

Yes, I ache with pride. :)

KatyMac · 04/06/2014 08:05

No exams today, so DD has 2 hours Dance, an hour singing and 1.5hrs Gymnastics

Oh & she is going to revise science in the car Hmm

SupportManager · 04/06/2014 10:34

Glad english was good for most Smile though not all Sad.
Momentum plummeting here. I'm off work , DD is at home and the 'morning of revision' is half gone and no sign of any revision yet...Hmm.
Is it just me or does bringing up a teenager feel like years of pushing a hand cart full of bricks up a muddy hill?

marymoocow · 04/06/2014 10:54

I'm off work too at the moment. I was feeling really impressed with DS motivation today (note the was), until I went upstairs and discovered his iPod on his desk. Since suggesting this was removed at 10am he has wandered down for a drink, again for a biscuit ( that took a good 5 minutes to eat), had a wander around upstairs and as I am typing this is handing me the post that has just dropped through the doorHmm . He did have a full day of exams yesterday (English and DT), and his next isn't until Friday pm but I'm also conscious that he has a full week next week. At this stage though there isn't a lot I feel I can say as he knows what is at stake, and must by now know what he needs to do.

TweeAintMee · 04/06/2014 13:40

What is the norm on revision? My DS thinks I'm a nag for suggesting that 1 hour a day is probably not sufficient.

LIZS · 04/06/2014 13:45

yikes , ds does between 4 and 6 often more but less focussed. He has 2 subjects left now.


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TweeAintMee · 04/06/2014 13:53

So he has 3 exams (3 subjects) left in next 2 weeks. He says he will accept up to 2 hours per day as enough.

pigsinmud · 04/06/2014 13:55

3 exams left in the next 2 weeks here too - all maths. Hard to keep up motivation.

TweeAintMee · 04/06/2014 13:57

He says it is nothing to do with motivation. He just thinks it is pointless. And to trust him because he knows best. Why do I somehow doubt this?

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