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Secondary education

Mock gcse results today

5 replies

out2lunch · 24/01/2013 22:31

Dd got hers today -all good for her subjects she wants to do at a levels

What a relief -so different to ds

Anyone else get results today?

OP posts:
Horsemad · 05/02/2013 21:29

Thank you alan we have parents' evening next werk so it will be interesting to see what they say!

alanyoung · 05/02/2013 20:59

Horsemad, I think I would go and see his teachers about his results (perhaps there is a parents' evening coming up). If they are really that good then perhaps he is brighter than you thought and doesn't really need to revise that much. If they have been exaggerated to encourage the students, then he needs to know that (and so do you) so that he does the necessary revision for the real things.

In my experience schools tend to come down harder after the mocks to shock the students a bit, but that may not always be the case.

Whatever the outcome, I wish you the best of luck as it's a stressful time.

busymummy3 · 03/02/2013 00:46

DD too busy doing the actual exams to be thinking about mocks - my DD seems to do what they call key assessments every term then the actual GCSE exam when sceduled seems to work for her.

Horsemad · 02/02/2013 17:13

My DS got his yesterday - they were great results, which scares me slightly as he did NO and I mean no revision at all Shock

I was actually hoping for a bit of a blip so he would be shocked into revising!

roisin · 25/01/2013 19:03

Yes, ds1 has almost all results back: all excellent so far.

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