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Secondary education

Has anyone got daughters at Watford Grammar School for Girls or Henrietta Barnett?

51 replies

FiveHoursSleep · 29/01/2012 09:29

Or does anyone have daughters that will be sitting the exams this year?
We have a year 5 girl who is being tutored and we will apply for a music place for WGSG as well. DD has her heart set on HB for some reason but I'm wondering if it's going to be tricky to get her there.
We have two good local schools to fall back on if DD isn't successful so I'm not too bothered but DH went to a Grammar School and would prefer her to go to a Selective school.
Private schooling isn't really an option, we could just about afford it but it would make an enormous impact on our life style as we have 4 kids.

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nirmithayaparan · 03/03/2018 23:18

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