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Secondary education

Emanuel School Interviews for 11+ entry

4 replies

olgafromthevolga · 28/10/2011 15:59

DS is registered for entry, and I understand the interviews take place just before Christmas - does anyone know if they interview everyone or give me an idea of how I can help to prepare a rather nervous 11 year old for them...

OP posts:
olgafromthevolga · 07/11/2011 17:51

Thanks again - well done your daughter!

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Elsjas · 07/11/2011 00:28

My daughter had her 11+ interview at Emanuel last week. She is quite a quiet child and was very nervous about it - the very mention of the word interview made her lip wobble and tears spring into her eyes.

However, it was very straightforward. The children fill in a little form beforehand (sports played, music interests, hobbies etc) and then just talk about those things. Nothing tricky or complicated. She came out with a big smile on her face.

We parked just around the corner where there was a big run of metered parking if you need to drive. Interview was about 15 mins.

Good luck.

olgafromthevolga · 04/11/2011 16:36

Thanks - those are some very useful tips!

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MrsGuyOfGisbourne · 28/10/2011 16:37

They interview everyone, and when DS did it, they were extremely nice, put him at his ease. Of all the schools they had the most civilisd waiting area for the parents with tea and coffee. Co-incidentally (not staged!) DS was pouring me a cup of tea when the Head came into fetch him,and the Head remarked what a lucky mum he had Xmas Grin. I really wouldn't go overboard on the preparation - just make sure he has a favourite book, and can say something about it, but just tell him to think about it - don't rehearse with him or he will be trying to to remember what he said to you!!! Similarly, would suggest he just thinks about school and sports/hobbies etc he likes. Read the prospectus with him so he can ask about anything that specially interests him at the school. We made it clear to DS that it was not him being tested, but a two way conversation, and to listen to the question being asked, and to take time to think about it, or ask for calrity f we unsure what he was being asked.
Its a lovely school, DS really liked it, they offered him a whopping great non means-tested scholarship, but geographically was not good for us - we would have been more than happy for him to go there.
Beware that parking is not normally available ( tho' the porter took pity on me as it was pouring with rain) so better to go by public transport by the means that DS will travel if he goes to that school. Kids are often asked how they would get to school if they were offered a place - a test to see if you really are serious or just using them as a test bed Xmas Grin
Best of luck to your DS!!!

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