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Getting Photography A Level re-marked

5 replies

Berkomum100 · 30/09/2010 10:07

My son was predicted an A for Photography A level, and achieved an A at AS level. However, he got a D. Very disappointed as you can imagine, and has not got into University as a result. We are alarmed that only one student in his year achieved an A, and along with many other students he asked for a nd paid for a re-mark. The school remarked his Sociology paper which got moved from a B to an A (horay) but said Photography couldn't be remarked as every A1 and A2 paper in the school would also have to be remarked. So that leaves us very frustrated. Our school has an amazing Art facility and the students normally do very well in Art and Photography studies. Can anyone please explain why we have this frustrating situation, and if there's anything we can do (either individually or en-mass with other parents) I would really appreciate a reply from anyone who is involved in teaching or examining an Art subject as it appears the marking is completely different from academic subjects. Many thanks!

OP posts:
gingeroots · 01/10/2010 19:29

Thanks Talker ,that's rather what I thought .

Talker2010 · 01/10/2010 19:04

AS and A2 are moderated

If the in-school assessment is poor then the final results will not reflect their prediction

mumeeee · 01/10/2010 11:26

I think this has happened a lot with photography A level this year. My niece was predicted an A and got a C. She didn't get it remarked as ahe is doing an Arts Foundation Course this year.

gingeroots · 01/10/2010 09:39

My friends son is in this position - A's at AS and predicted A for Art .
But got a C this summer .
Do moderators moderate all work at all schools ?
Are the AS levels moderated ?
How does such a big disrepancy between past performance and predictions arise ?( obviously assuming no other factors ,like illness ,lack of work etc )

Talker2010 · 30/09/2010 20:53

Because it is a portfolio based exam

The photography team will have graded/ranked all the students

The moderator will have come in and re-graded (as needed) ... all work is re-graded according to the school ranking

So ... to re-grade there would need to be a re-moderation which would involve all students' work

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