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Secondary education

Where are schools A Level results listed?

4 replies

LauraM72 · 28/09/2010 11:03

Can anyone help with this? I am looking for lists of A level results where I can search by school.
We are looking to move areas and I'd really like to know more about the secondary schools in the area.
I have found some listings on newspaper websites (The Guardian and The Mail) but they do mot list all schools and are not very user friendly.
Thanks v much

OP posts:
LauraM72 · 28/09/2010 14:00

Thanks webwiz - is such an important but difficult decision!

OP posts:
webwiz · 28/09/2010 12:56

Often the schools have the information about leavers destinations on their own websites. Not sure how you can cancel out the "tutoring" effect other than just being aware that it goes on.

LauraM72 · 28/09/2010 12:34

Thanks webwiz. I hadn't even thought about the tutoring! I guess it still gives an idea of the standard of education at the school. Do you know if there are other good ways to judge this? I was looking for info on the numbers of pupils who go on to university from different schools, but couldn't find that either. Thanks again.

OP posts:
webwiz · 28/09/2010 11:16

The BBC website shows the league tables with A/AS average points and you can search by area.

I would take A level result tables with a pinch of salt though as I know there is an absolutely massive amount of private tutoring that goes on in my town for kids at all the school sixth forms. Its just so competitive to get into university at the moment that the minute it looks like kids won't get the required grades (usually after AS results) then the cheque books come out. Its a bit difficult to separate out which bit of the result is school teaching and which is tutoring.

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