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raped !!

30 replies

atterual · 03/07/2009 10:36

A woman I know has just told me she was raped about 15 years ago! she was sitting at her desk looking very tearful and I asked her what was wrong and she burst into tears and I took her to my office and listened. A family friend raped her when she was very weak and vulnerable, having just come out of hospital and after being on a life support machine. He wasstaying at their house and had taken the kids to school and had retuned to the house and he raped her. She hasnt been able to tell her H. the only people who know are a friend of hers, her therapist, her doctor and now ME. I feel so sorry for her and didnt really know what to say to her. I blubbed on about therapy which shes been having for years for it and asked her if maybe now she could find it in herself to speak to her H, so that she was getting a little more support, but she fears that he will try to harm this man. I didnt know what to say or do, I felt completely useless. Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions how I can help her. Shes not a close friend or anything, just a work colleague, but people at work tend to come to me with their troubles! Im so shocked, what an awful thing to be living with.

OP posts:
atterual · 03/07/2009 13:29

i intend to take a back seat and wait until or if I am needed. She spoke to me in confidence and I will of course respect that.I am not her particular line manager, but know she does not have the confidence in her own line manager to be able to speak to her about it. I think it has upset her moreso today because the person who raped her, contacted her husband recently to catch up!! It must be sooo hard for her when that happened because she obviously cannot show her contempt and hatred for him infront of her husband. She was saying that the friend who she has confided in told her that she probably wont get any closure on it until the man in question is dead. Horrible thought, but nonetheless probably true.

OP posts:
poshwellies · 03/07/2009 21:56

'She was saying that the friend who she has confided in told her that she probably wont get any closure on it until the man in question is dead. Horrible thought, but nonetheless probably true.'

I don't believe that in sentiment,said friend is almost making the shame and suffering endless mental battle for the survivor.When your work collegue has worked through her therapy and finally comes to feeling like a survivor and not the ongoing 'victim' of rape,she will have have begun to heal-it's a bloody long journey but she will get there.

I found my closure was to open up to those closest,and that took years of battling with my demons-but once I did talk,it was the best thing I ever did.My abuser wasn't controlling my fear or shame anymore-all my years of self loathing ended,the secrecy of rape/abuse is cripping and soul destroying.

Thoughts to your work collegue.

poshwellies · 03/07/2009 21:58

'scuse my typos.

lostinthecitylover · 04/07/2009 19:16

QS I understand your sentiments about professionalism but would find your angle very detached and strange when dealing with someone who has personal problems.

I have never worked anywhere where some talking was frowned upon especially in such circumstances where a colleague or friend has a serious personal problem. But perhaps I have been lucky.

In fact some general social interaction is to be encouraged as it can bond a team and motivate them to work harder.

Out of interest which industry do you work in?

LoveBeingAMummy · 04/07/2009 21:09

I have had to deal with this as an employer, on more than one occassion unfortunetly.

My company had a employee support service that offered couselling etc that was through a third party so was aboe to refer them there plus the support groups already offered. As well as giving any support you are able to give for appt etc.

I see you said that you don't feel you need any support but please make sure you keep an eye on yourself as it is very easy to get involved personally. (I know I have)

Have you thought of posting in the employment section? There are some excellent HR bods who can help you to get this right from a work place persepctive.

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