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WWYD? NYE dilemma....

35 replies

misscathcart · 31/12/2008 07:59

So if you'd arranged to meet up with some friends you hadn't seen for ages for a NYE night out, then as the day draws closer you realise that your dp has his/her dc that night and will be at home alone?

OP posts:
CuddlierSinceChristmas · 01/01/2009 01:40

that is such a sad few posts! I knowT HAT PAIN.
A very ahppy new Year to evertone from a CDLLY PISSED PERSON.




cupsoftea · 01/01/2009 01:28

You wear the crown well!

TeenyTinyTorya · 01/01/2009 01:18

Lol good night Trinity!

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 01:10

did noone notice that I anm the queen

I really think that you should be listening to my heartfelt new years wishes


IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 01:00
IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 00:58

do I smell???

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 00:52

I guess its better than [wank] instead on

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 00:51

oh shit I meant not [groin]

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 00:47

bumping again cause i'm tiddly and want people to notice me [groin]

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 00:43

bump to wish everyone a happy new year xxx

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 01/01/2009 00:39

well the kids went to bed with no probs at 8pm
ss's went out to the pub
dh said he wanted to spend the night with me

gecko pushed the boat out anmd slept for 4 hours and 17 mins lol

we had a "cuddle", good fun and then popped a cork and saw the fab fireworks at edinburgh.

baby woke at 12.20 ish but settled easily with a boob and I'm now on my second bubbly and we are watching waterboy

we toasted with 'to the best year yet'
Happy New Year to all


misscathcart · 31/12/2008 11:34

aha! Hi Trinity!

OP posts:
aGalChangedHerName · 31/12/2008 11:31

God i never know who is who on here lol

I am on here reguarly and i missed this one too!!

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 31/12/2008 11:29

I'm trinityrhino

misscathcart · 31/12/2008 11:19

btw - who did you used to be newqueen? I've been away a while...

OP posts:
misscathcart · 31/12/2008 11:18

I can understand that IamTheNewQueenofMN, so we'll be seeing you tonight for the mn party

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aGalChangedHerName · 31/12/2008 11:14

Well as long as you are ok with it then great.

There is plenty of time when dc are older to have parties etc.

I hate NYE actually. My ds1 (who is 17) has pleaded with me to stay up this year and i will have to force myself!!

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 31/12/2008 11:12

well the thing is I wouldn't have left the little ones and gone out and got drunk when they were still young and bf on demand
so that is last year and the year before I was heavily pregnant, year before that dd2 was small etc

I guess its easier just to accept it and then I don't get resentful
I'm not good in huge crowds in pubs anyway
And I would be worring that I couldn't hear my phone

and you cant get a taxi on nye anyway so thats no drinking

Its me, not dh that has made it like this

IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 31/12/2008 11:09

well he might have been here a couple of years

I cant remember really, if he is here we don't do anything anyway

we are in Scotland so it out and about you want to be cause they do it huge

no point trying to organise a party at mine as I'm shit and everyone else already has things they do.

Means it takes ages for me to stop writing the wrong year on things and realise that it has changed

aGalChangedHerName · 31/12/2008 11:07

Why does he get to do his own thing and you get to stay home every year? You should at least take it in turns surely??

misscathcart · 31/12/2008 11:05

you dh does his own thing every year? That sucks! Unless you dont mind? But it sounds like you do...?

OP posts:
IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 31/12/2008 11:00

can't I mean doh, can't type either


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IAmTheNewQueenOfMN · 31/12/2008 10:56

I have this every year
I just have accepted that now I have children I can celebrate new year other than in the house and pretty much on my own as dh and friends all do there own thing

Northumberlandlass · 31/12/2008 10:54

I'm on my own too. DH working night shift . I'll be MN and FB all night ! Well, that and drinking G&T's.


misscathcart · 31/12/2008 10:03

I'm thinking I fancy a chinese takeaway... will see you here later compo!

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