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Is you dp, dh,dw your soulmate or a good fit?

179 replies

twinsetandpearls · 06/10/2008 18:08

Just asking as dp and I are reaching a crossroads which is going to be make or break.

It was suggested on here the other week that it is unrealistic to look for a soulmate.

I have a man who is good to me, (usually but that is for another thread) , adores me and dd ( she is not his), works hard in and out of the home, would never cheat or act immorally, I fancy the pants of him and him me and we have things in common ( although perhaps more differences) Should that be enough or would you walk away from that for a soulmate?

OP posts:
twinsetandpearls · 12/10/2008 16:44

caprica I don't think we wants anything from me, he genuinely thinks it and to be honest he is right. I am an overweight, ugly depressed single mum with loads of baggage, everyone i know says he is one of the nicest people they have ever met so I am lucky to have him. I hate that situation, you describe it very well, I constantly feel as if I am indebted to him and as a result my self confidence has never been lower.

OP posts:
hammouhouseofhorror · 10/10/2008 02:14

Our lives have crossed paths a number of times now, each time one or both of us has been with somebody. I didn't particularly believe in the notion of soulmates, and agree with the thought that there are millions of people in the world so where does the notion of a soulmate fit in? And then I met him and looked into his eyes. It was not just about 'chemistry', it is something beyond words.
Sad to say when I am struggling with life I think of him, and not my H to pull me through. I was always fairly ok with just knowing he was a part of my life, but as my life has been blown to pieces, and I struggle with my relationship with H, it has become painfull.
I am not a selfish person, H and I have two children and are close to each others families, OP has a relationship. I have no right to blow this all apart to pursue the relationship, and yet the thought of going through my life and never actually getting the opportunity to share some time with him saddens me beyond words...
I too go on auto pilot, it has always been my philosophy to live for the moment, so try to do that and not waste my life in the meantime.

My relationship with H........he treated me badly and maybe if me and OP's lives hadn't crossed again maybe I would have given 100% to putting it right but I suddenly remembered I deserved better than I was getting, and now it is all a mess.

For now, my focus is our Dc's, for they deserve the very best that life has to offer.

CapricaSix · 10/10/2008 01:44

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CapricaSix · 10/10/2008 01:13

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twinsetandpearls · 09/10/2008 23:57

If you don't me asking why are you not with your soulmate.

I am trying not to think about it now, going onto auto pilot.

OP posts:
hammouhouseofhorror · 09/10/2008 20:29

Have only just come across your thread Twinset and it makes my heart hurt as it echoes so much of my own life.
I don't know how I got to this place in my life but got here kicking and screaming nonetheless. Saw it happening and tried to stop it. By the time H had realised how far down the line I had gone and started to try to do something about it, in my heart I had already let go.
But do I rip apart our family unit, and hurt so many people in the process? Because Of my feelings?
Everyone thinks my H is brilliant aswell and I am told I am lucky to have him.
Do I believe in soulmates? Yes, because I met somebody who makes me want to be all that I could ever be. Who makes the world stop spinning out of control, and yet at the same time I feel as if I am flying.
Fucked if I know what I'm going to do about it. Try not to think about it too much.
Try not to think at all.
I couldn't give you advice Twinset, but I suspect we all deserve to be truly happy, and hope you find a way to make the choices that bring you that happiness.

twinsetandpearls · 09/10/2008 19:37

"He's a good, kind, gentle man, loves me, DS and the dog - doesn't hit us, spends time doing things we like, doesn't drink to excess or gamble and is a good provider. "TrixieVix on Thu 09-Oct-08 09:17:37

I just want a bit more than someone who is kind, doesn;t hit me or gamble away our savings.

But I have accepted that this is my lot in life for the forseeable future and am trying to look on the positives. Not easy at the moment as we had a another huge row last night.

OP posts:
TrixieVix · 09/10/2008 09:17

Only just stumbled across this, and am being lazy, so not going to read through 7 pages!!!

I agree with a quote I heard in Friends "I don't believe in soulmates, I believe we're best friends who work hard at our relationship. And sometimes we work VERY hard at it!!"

DH and I fit together perfectly - most people we meet say as much! I'm calm when he's worked up about something, I cook - he can't, we make each other laugh, I can tell him anything and fancy the arse off him!!

He's a good, kind, gentle man, loves me, DS and the dog - doesn't hit us, spends time doing things we like, doesn't drink to excess or gamble and is a good provider.

I don't think you can help who you fall in love with, but do believe I hit the jackpot with DH. Don't get me wrong - we've had our share of 'downs' when we've experienced job loss, money worries and illness, but we're stronger than ever as a result.

Just writing that down makes me realise how lucky I am!!

twinsetandpearls · 07/10/2008 23:28

I am planning to do that, will be looking into some counselling over half term.

OP posts:
QuintessenceOfFrankenShadow · 07/10/2008 22:42

changes, sorry

QuintessenceOfFrankenShadow · 07/10/2008 22:42

Why not try go on your own? Maybe he chances his mind futher down the line? A problem with you as a couple IS also his problem, and him not seeing this, is actually part of the problem. Try telling him that!

twinsetandpearls · 07/10/2008 22:11

I suggested counselling and he assumed it was just for me, he feels no need to discuss a problem he feelsis not his.

OP posts:
QuintessenceOfFrankenShadow · 07/10/2008 22:06

They dont know the intimate details. Nobody really knows what goes on with a couple. From what you are saying, it sounds like things are not on a good track with you and him. He may BE wonderful. But that is not how it feals to you. That is REAL, that is what you have to go by. Do you think councelling will help?

twinsetandpearls · 07/10/2008 22:00

You are probably right, I think I am using the idea of a soulmate because everyone thinks dp is wonderful and that I am very lucky to have him. I know that if I do walk away people will not understand why.

OP posts:
QuintessenceOfFrankenShadow · 07/10/2008 20:33

Mabye you can leave soulmate out of the equation totally and just simply say: It isnt really working with my husband, however, we have tried, but I would like to find somebody it CAN work with.

It doesnt have to be a soulmate. Simply another human being who loves you unconditionally and you the same with him.

twinsetandpearls · 07/10/2008 18:06

Fio but maybe the grass is greener and I should stop trying to feed my rather pathetic lawn with fertiliser and accept it is always going to be patchy and brown and move on. Perhaps took the analogy a bit far there.

Reading my posts back I am really tired and grumpy { that will be the depression again )and am going for a lie down as I am being very negative and it isn't fair to dp or you lot.

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kerryk · 07/10/2008 18:06

dont believe in the whole "soulmate" being in the right place at the right time crap.

i love my dh with all my heart, we have been together for 8 years and have 2 children together so he will always be a big part of my life whatever happens, but i still have around 60 years left on this planet (i hope ) and no-one knows what will happen in this time.

of course i want to grow old with him (why else would i have married him) but none of us know what tomorrow will bring, so as much as we like to plan for the future we cant expect it all to pan out that way.

twinsetandpearls · 07/10/2008 18:04

We are stuck living together for at least 4 months as we are paying the mortgage on our house until it sells and have just signed a tenenacy agreement that we can't just walk out of. MOney is tight and we just cannot afford to set up another house. It is possible that dp could move back into our own home in Lancashire while dd and I stay here. But nothing permanent can be done until we sell the house. So we are taking 4 months to enter last chance saloon and fix what has gone wrong or go our seperate ways.

I know that my depression does colour my life but I really don;t feel as if anyone else expects less of me or thinks less of me because of my depression other than dp. At work and by my friends I am treated as me full stop not me with an illness. There are times when he tells me how lucky I am to have him and how other people would not run around after me or care for me as he does. That may be true but I don;t need to be told it. I suppose my soulmate will love me for my flaws not in spite of them.

I am trying to focus on the positives, tbh it is hard not too as everyone is always telling me how lucky I am to have him. Whether it be isn't workaholic twinset lucky to have a man at home with her daughter. Or isn't over emotional and moody twinset lucky to have a man so dependable and solid. Isn't untidy and scatty twinset lucky to have a man who tidies up after her. Isn't dumpy twinset lucky enough to have a handsome man?

OP posts:
FioFio · 07/10/2008 17:55

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FioFio · 07/10/2008 17:55

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zippitippitoes · 07/10/2008 17:53

acting normal i dont know if it was my post originally but that was what i was thinking

i think that can happen

twinsetandpearls · 07/10/2008 17:51

That is very intersting actingnormal.

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FioFio · 07/10/2008 17:14

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sparklesandnowinefor3weeks · 07/10/2008 17:07

When i was younger i felt my best male friend was my soulmate and he thought the same about me, we did try to have a relationship as boyfriend/girlfriend once but it just didn't work at all soulmates or not we just didn't fancy each other although we tried! he is still my best friend and soulmate in so many ways as he understands me very well

but i also feel DP is my soulmate as we (dare i say it!) connect in so many ways too he is my very best friend, my lover, the father of our children, we have the same sense of humour, we 'get' each other etc but we also have very different views on certain things, different friends, different interests. Its works for us, we love each other and i couldn't ever imagine my life without him

i don't believe that your soulmate has to be your DH/DP though

citylover · 07/10/2008 13:44

No man has ever treated me like a princess. but maybe I have screened those ones out in some way.

But I have met someone who I felt an immediate and intense connection with - would like to think he feels/felt it too.

We have had two spells of being together but have no idea whether I ever will meet someone who compares with him.

My exH I discovered I was completely uncompatible with (tho at first I thought I was).

I think the best scenario is when there is mutuality in a relationship not one loving more than the other. Because if you have that I think the one who loves less will feel that something is missing.

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