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Need to stop feeling broody, children aren't the plan yet!

38 replies

FeelinBroody · 23/07/2008 11:23

I hope it's ok for me to post here and that this is the right place to post. I feel a bit of a fraud cos I'm not actually a mum, I come on mumsnet to lurk occasionally when I feel broody to read about mum stuff and have done for a little while - I hope you don't think that's too weird. I thought MNerse might be the right people to 'talk' to about this.

I am 25 and have been with my OH for 6 years, he is 26. We are deeply committed to each other, very much in love and what my mother calls 'not the marrying kind' (ie just not that fussed on marriage, if he asked I'd say yes but not want a big fussy day. I don't dream of white dresses). We've been through uni together and now I am at the start of a professional career, and he is at the beginning of a creative/vocational career although hasn't had as much success as me yet, which is an issue but we've discussed and dealt with it.

He's not ready for children yet, and whilst emotionally I feel I am, I have things I want to do with my career first, and things I feel we need to do for him to feel ready (the usual be more financially secure, travel more etc, also his career needs to go somewhere). We've talked about the future though and there's a loose '5-year plan' as I call it and I hope we'll be thinking about becoming parents around the time we're 30.

Now two things terrify me; one that he'll turn round and decide after all he doesn't want children and I'll have 'wasted' all my fertile years on him and be heartbroken - no way to calm those fears apart from tell myself to get a grip!! The other is that when we finally do decide to try that it'll be too late and we won't be able to. We had a vague discussion once over what we'd do if that happened - I'm of the opinion that I'm not sure I'd want to meddle with IVF etc and would prefer to go straight to adoption, wheras he thought he could never feel the same about 'another man's child' (egg donation is ok though! cheek!). Obviously we'd never know unless it happened.

The upshot of these worries is that lately I've been feeling much more broody than normal, spending time reading parent-y stuff on here, find myself fantasising about what I'd call my children, things I'd do with them, places I'd take them, vaguely looking at toys in shops, the other day I was walking home past a park and watching the mums with little children felt incredibly jealous. I've always loved cooking and baking, recently have been refining some recipes and in my head it's so I'll be good at them when I have children.

I know this is all emotional/hormonal stuff; I'm happy with our lives at the moment and I think the 5-year plan is a good one. I don't know what we'd do if we fell pg now! Well I know I'd go ahead but 'we' may not survive. But has anyone got any tips on how I can get past the broodiness so I can get on with my life now and not ruin everything by beeing broody??? Any inspirational tales of motherhood in your thirties after waiting like us??? Or just tell me all the bad bits of being a parent and put me off!!! Please!?

OP posts:
sparksdofly · 09/11/2020 20:38

I am a nursery nurse level 3 as a nursery room leader i been with my boyfriend michael since begining of january our relationship very strong , however i have a issue im affraid that i wont get the opportunity in being the mum i always thought i could be i recently in the past had a surgical removall of miscariage from a previous x which broke my sole alot i was very ready in being a mum, some may judge me of my young age but some people were just born to be mothers right but i feel lile that its a waiting game to be suitably ready to have child and im worried that he will change his mind of wanting children and i get so emotional because i dont want this to just be boyfriend and girl friend and thats it he has said to me we will have kids but what happens if he changes his mind you know and i know i cant change someone life but i just dont want to waste my years of being fertile

Elstevenson · 04/03/2018 19:41

o for the past 3 months (maybe longer), I have been incredibly broody. I litrally crave the whole pregnancy, the birth, the newborn, the watching it grow, all the good and the bad. I think it may have started when my youngest nephew turned 1 and I craved the tiny baby back.
The issue that’s made it worse is my other half’s brother and girlfriend have just had a little girl. Just seeing the family fuss over her has hit me hard. I’ve had a few tears and it’s reallt getting to me. I sit and crave to be a mum.
I’m 19 and will be finishing my course in 4 months. I work with 3 months- 2 year old so believe me I see the worst and the best of the babies. I thought maybe spending a lot of time with children would help but it didn’t so I took a week from work and again it didn’t help.
I’m a really loud bubbly girl and I can almost feel my personality changing over this☹️ How do I stop the feeling! Any advise!

Elstevenson · 04/03/2018 19:34

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Missbroody93 · 25/08/2017 19:11

I don't think k the feeling goes away curiosityneverhurt. I think it just intensifies. I have been in my relationship for 4 years now and we are getting married next year. However he already has a son and he is the most perfect little 5 year old I know which makes the broodiness worse. I would have my own in a second my fiance would accept it. He wants to be married first. We have set a time to start trying for our own baby but I'm getting impatient and I just want one now. I don't want to wait another year...

curiosityneverhurt · 26/03/2017 15:24

I have this problem although i'm much younger!! I've been with my BF for just under 5 years (it will be in July) and I'm only 19! Since I was around 16 i've been broody after my older sister having my niece but this past year it's been awful! My BF's sister had a little boy almost 2 years ago and I just can't help myself. What's worse is my BF has now started expressing how much he wants a child right now too but as we're both in our first year of university and 2 1/2 hours apart we can't!! Any idea if there is a way to suppress the feelings for a couple more years? Grin

sailormoo92 · 31/08/2016 20:42

Since I've turned 24 I can't watch programmes like One Born Every Minute or i'm an emotional wreck. I can't wait to have babies but need to wait until after our wedding in Mar 2018 & hopefully achieve a promotion at work beforehand. I never expected to feel this broody! It hit me out of nowhere.

SeekingAdvice25 · 20/05/2015 13:42

I'm so glad iv found this page, like a lot of u girls feelinBroody, goawaybroody89, I too am at the peek of my broody stage just turned 25 and it's all I want I'm just looking for something to take this away. Iv never thought of children before now it's taking over looking at lifelike dolls or another puppy because I feel like my 8 month old pups not a baby any more! I feel like I'm going Insaine!! My OH has a child already and I love hearing all about their days out I just wish I could b there all the time but I feel it's better for him to have daddy bonding. On the other hand I know I'm not ready although our finances are looking good a lot of other things are not. I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one. Thanks girls.Confused

happylots · 22/03/2014 20:30

Oh I will start a new post, thanks for the tip itwillgetbettersoon :-)

BertieBotts · 21/03/2014 17:13

She only posted a few times that summer and then either left or namechanged.

BertieBotts · 21/03/2014 17:12

I'm quite curious now I've noticed the date too! :) I wonder if she's still on MN?

MyChildDoesntNeedSleep · 21/03/2014 17:10

I would LOVE to know what happened with OP, and whether the five-year plan happened. Smile

BertieBotts · 21/03/2014 16:33

How funny that this keeps getting bumped. Try starting a new thread happylots :)

itwillgetbettersoon · 21/03/2014 16:08

You have posted on an old post so you might like to start your first post.

However I had my first child at 37 and second at 39. You never know if time is running out as you might have not been able to have children at 21 who knows. Can you compromise with your H and suggest a year to wait?

happylots · 21/03/2014 16:03

First Timer!!! Googled 'Feeling Broody' and came across this :-) My husband and i are only married 5 months and would like kids but i have been feeling so broody lately it's taking over my life. I can't concentrate at work and feel really down. My husband knows i am feeling broody but thinks we should wait til we have our wedding debt paid and some savings behind us which i know is the right thing to do but then i feel sure we might never have savings cause something always crops up. Everywhere i look i seen pregnant women and babies :-) I'm 33 and my husband is 38 so time is not really on our hands. I have said to my husband it could take years to conceive (no body knows) but i don't believe he is convinced!!! Thanks for listening to me, it helps to speak about it xx

goawaybroody89 · 14/01/2014 13:43

Hello ladies, I'm very sorry for reviving this spread but I am desperate!

I came across this thread after googling 'how to stop feeling broody'

I am 24, and I work as a Children's book illustrator from home, I have worked SO hard on my career over the past two years and I am now settled into regular work with my dream job. I have been with my wonderful man for 6 years, we went through uni together and met at 6th form college. He works in a good job that he started at last September and we moved into our first house together the same month (rented). We have a wonderful life- but for the last year my broodiness has been RUINING it! I just want it to go away!

We are getting married this July and we have lots to look forward to, he can't wait to be a daddy and he talks to me about children- related stuff regularly. Children are not on the cards for us at the moment though, we want to get a mortgage and our own place before having our first child. This makes sense as we want to be more settled but I hate my brain being so unfair. I recently saw yet ANOTHER one of my friend's scan pictures and pregnancy announcements while checking a message on facebook and I just burst into TEARS! I felt angry and horribly jealous, if my OH said lets have a baby I would jump to it- even though my wedding is 7 months away- thats how crazy it makes me!!

We have spoken about this and he assures me he can't wait for children but he wants more savings behind us and our own place. I start getting irrational thoughts like 'what happens if we never get our own place or enough money' 'what happens if I do get to the agreed age (which is 28/29) and I can't fall pregnant'! the anguish is indescribable! :(

I have read through some of the other posts and have found comfort in knowing that I am not the only one feeling this way. I even console myself by imagining my friend's lives in the future badly because they have had children so soon (no money, no freedom ect...) How horrible is that!?

I just wish this would go AWAY, its spoiling my life and I feel angry at my partner sometimes for no reason and without warning because he won't 'let' me get pregnant.

Thanks for listening to my rant- I am desperate and I feel like I just need someone to talk too about it :(

Modestandatinybitsexy · 25/10/2013 11:58

Apaz this is a Zombie Thread. I'm really sorry if this is a bad thing to do - I'm pretty new here!

I came across this thread when googling "how to get rid of feeling broody". I should of known Mumsnet would have the answer!

I just want to know if anyone can tell me how the above situations have worked out for them? Broodiness has hit me hard even though I never thought I was the type. It's shocked me and my partner because we thought we were going to wait another couple of years.

Our position is pretty good but he still wants to wait. The baby need is killing me. How have you dealt with this?

broodylass · 04/11/2010 17:27

Hey, Wow real intresting reading what everyone has been writin.... I'am 22 married now for a whole 3 months lol. been together with my wonderful hubby 3 years,... we both met wen we were in the army!!!

I feel preggy may this year, and me and my hubby well decided not to keep it. due to house needing total refurb big time.. and thought it wasnt fair to bring a child up in the house we have.... But we both deep down were upset with the decision.

Well gd few months now am so broody its jus eatin me up. and long behold so is my hubby... house still aint done,,, and well hubby has an expensive hobby motorbike racing... and well thats wots stoppin us from having a wee bundle o joy...

Problem is him being broody aint helpin me one bit, He thinking off names the lot yet one thing stoppin the dream from coming true motorbike racing lol. a love bikes myself I ride them 2 am all for him being happy. but him being broody making things even harder for me. a see a wee baby and am a sorry mess. its got to the point a dnt want to see children because i am overcome by jelousy and I get upset thinking if only that was me and the hubby with a wee baby...

I have a gd job we are a very close couple, we worked at differnent barracks so didnt see much off one another, then we got house and live together and we just like soul mates yes we are young but a lot off people allways think we a lot older than what we really are...

I jus want my urge for havin a wee bundle o joy to go :( am in a bit off downward spiral at the mo... :(

AstroZola · 24/10/2010 17:31

i must add that we still rent but that i have raised 2 kittens and a puppy to fairly well-behaved adult status...i can care and love...although this has only been proven with other humans and animals...but babies...not so much...also, OH is able to apply for much better paid jobs soon the time i've qualified & gained letters after my name (childhood thing), done some big cat work and a parachute jump...i've covered most of my life ambitions so far...i'd only like to travel more...but we can rarely afford it anyway...& wouldn't a child mean sharing those adventures with them and also getting to see places like Disney and stuff...

AstroZola · 24/10/2010 17:26

I've drifted to this page randomly as i googled 'i'm broody but i don't want kids'...ha ha...i've always advocated that i don't want children, although if i and my partner fell pregnant by accident we would definitely keep it...i'm 27, he's 29 and i'm going to have finished career training and be a fully qualified vet nurse this time next year, after parachute jumping and hopefully doing some big cat conservation work...he's doing really well in his career...although both of us struggle a lot with money and budgeting...however, over the last couple of months, people i know have been having babies and i'm starting to feel the beginning of baby longing...i know we wouldn't do it just yet...& we've both said in the past that we don't want kids...but it's coming to me...very unexpectedly...also i suffer with mild depression and endometriosis - which i've had 2 ops to correct and i'm currently living with the Mirena coil...what worries me is that if i do decide i want a child...will i be able to host it...that's one of the things in life i most want to experience...carrying a baby inside me...i also have a tilted uterus...does all of this simply spell no babies for me??? thanks x

atswimtwolengths · 20/08/2010 18:28

It's normal to feel broody and once you have had your first child, you will in all likelihood feel broody again! Just look at the Larger Families section here.

I think your twenties is a time for getting your career sorted, getting some sort of home together, having fun and getting to know the man you're with/getting to know other men.
It's normal for him not to want children now. He has creative ambitions and that's where his energies should be right now.

HOWEVER... you would be mad if you didn't spend the next few years thinking about whether he's suitable as a husband and as a partner. Read these threads to see what's not suitable!

Dinkytinky · 20/08/2010 17:55

Hello crazy baby ladies!
I was exact same too only my broody obsession started at 22-yeeesh! 5 years on now and ttc again after 'near miss'. Have been with my dp 7 years now so know exactly what you mean, he used to go pale if I even held a baby but 2 years ago he started going misty eyes at toddlers and babies and ere we are!
I really agree with everyone else that you need to have the 'happy accident' discussion.
My dp is also in a vocational lie of work - nights away and random hours so I do sympathise.
They only thing I would look out for is that I think sometimes some men just say yeah yeah yeah 3 years... After we get the new kitchen..go to Portugal etc etc and in effect fob their ladies off!
There was a lady in the conception forum who was driven to distraction by her dh doing this so maybe you should just say 'you do know I definitly want kids in five years don't you? Not going to change my mind about that.' and see what he says?
Keep lurking!

ElephantsAndMiasmas · 20/08/2010 17:02

Hi babyplease, I'm the same age as you and get occasional broodiness but also want to have a lot more responsibility-free fun first. (And btw I hang out on here despite no DC, and although everyone probably thinks I'm a weirdo they've been too polite to say so so far Grin).

There are a couple of things in your posts that worry me. One is that your DP would think you had "done it on purpose" if you got pregnant. I'm not sure that such a complete absence of trust is an ideal situation to start a family in in the first place. Plus you also seem to be tip-toeing around the issue because he will think it's reflecting on his career - this seems odd. Is it you that's saying "no babies until you've done so & so"? Sounds to me that you would in all honesty want to TTC now if he said he wanted to - is that right?


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babyplease · 20/08/2010 15:21

So glad its not just me that feels this way. I feel like crying most days thats if i havent cried already. When people used to say you know when your ready i used to think whatever what a load of rubbish until the past 18months it just hit me. The last 6 months have been the hardest and its just getiing worse. :-(

arolf · 27/08/2009 11:46

hi feelinbroody - just wanted to say I was feeling exactly the same as you a couple of years ago - I'm 27 now, and have been with my lovely partner for 5 years. We are also not that fussed by marriage, although will be marrying sometime in the next couple of years. slight difference in that my DP is 5 years my senior, and ALL his friends are popping out sprogs just now, and have been for a few years. However, he always set 'deadlines' - like 'when you've finished your PhD' and then 'when you finish your first postdoc'. We discussed having children a lot, and after one near miss , decided between us that if we had an 'accident', then we would both want to keep the baby.

that was 2 years ago, and no more was said about it. until this new year, when he said 'let's try' - even though we were living in different countries, and both of us had unstable jobs. Thought we would have difficulty conceiveing, as so many other people we know had, but obviously not - baby is due on 20th september! DP could not be more excited if he tried, and I'm just getting more and more broody every day, and cannot wait to meet my baby! (I should just say, we are living together again now, engaged, and both gainfully employed - it's been an interesting year...)

anyway - what I am trying to say is - have you discussed with your DP what would happen if you had a 'happy accident'? I, too, hated the feelings of competition with friends and family - and the pressure from my parents, which was absurd - but we (DP and I) feel that this has all worked out perfectly for us. Friends of mine who married a few years ago have no plans for babies yet, so they are watching us with interest - just as we did them when they married!

Oh, and the broody feelings just intensified for me - every 6 months or so, I'd have a few weeks of crying every time I saw a pregnant woman or a baby. DP has a close female friend who said she was the same - except for me the broodiness started when I was about 24, I'm now 27 - for her it started when she was 24, and she had her first child at 31!

good luck whatever happens!

Flowerface · 27/08/2009 11:13

I think most men find it very difficult to get enthusiastic about babies in the abstract. But once a baby is on its way, or there, they do become keen.

Not that I am recommending an 'accident' (though I had one, and it's turned out brilliantly), very irresponsible, etc. I am just saying that maybe men are never going to mirror our broody feelings, which can be quite frustrating, but may just be the way their biology is hard-wired.

I think there was a thing in the Saturday Guardian a couple of months ago with men confessing that when their babies were first born they were ambivalent/pissed off at the disruption to their lives, but 4months later they'd jump in front of a bus for them and were totally besotted.

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