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How mad am I?

7 replies

Frizbe · 20/01/2005 11:14

Just completely lost it at dh for forgetting to put the bin out last night, as I was getting dressed and he stood watching the binmen empty everyone elses......he's since taken the entire contents of our bin to the tip in the car...... how much of a looney am I?

OP posts:
Grommit · 20/01/2005 12:10

I also obsess about this and have sent dh to the tip on more than one occasion

nomore · 20/01/2005 12:07

Christ no. The fact that its always me chasing the bin men in my dressing gown because he forgot (despite repeated reminders the night before) is cause of many a tantrum

Gobbledigook · 20/01/2005 11:41

Me too - we forgot last week and I went mental. Dh too packed it into bin bags and took it to the tip!

secur · 20/01/2005 11:18

Message withdrawn

Frizbe · 20/01/2005 11:17

phew its not just me then.....

OP posts:
secur · 20/01/2005 11:16

Message withdrawn

Kayleigh · 20/01/2005 11:15

If it's any consolation I would have done the same. I'm a looney too.

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