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Sex - How long has it been?

160 replies

Notgettinany · 04/04/2008 12:49

Name change if you have to, I have. Truthfully, how long is it since you have had sex?

I am coming up to two years (and I am married!). Can anyone beat that?

OP posts:
Fullmoonfiend · 21/04/2008 18:59

Happy Monday!

Buda · 21/04/2008 18:53

Tanee! LOL!

(Tried it - well a big blue one actually! - but didn't like it much. TOO big!)

DrNortherner · 21/04/2008 18:42

FMF you had sex during teh day?

You trollop.

Fullmoonfiend · 21/04/2008 18:36


Tanee58 · 21/04/2008 18:26

Buda, you win the prize of a big pink rabbit!!

DrNortherner · 21/04/2008 18:08

1 day

Buda · 21/04/2008 18:06

Getting warmer!

12 years.

Tanee58 · 21/04/2008 17:27

Buda - are we getting close? (weak and feeble )

Buda · 21/04/2008 16:23

Just - re-found this thread.

Still no one beating me.

Tanee58 · 21/04/2008 15:26

In my marriage - 10 years - not by my wish. We're divorced. In current relationship, about 2 months - again, not my wish but DP is depressed & his libido has gone kaput.

sleepycat · 21/04/2008 13:52

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

unhappy · 21/04/2008 13:41

I would love to change things to the outside world we are a normal couple ( I Think) but in reality I am so unhappy my dp has another woman but denies he is still seeing her and he just doesnt fancy me anymore but the thought of life without him in it is not bearable as in so many ways he is wonderful kind of think there are alot of us out there hiding our tears away from the world and crying in the toliet when the kids are asleep - god I'm a depressing cow arent I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

unhappy · 21/04/2008 13:34

just read threads above - OK 5 years is not the longest

unhappy · 21/04/2008 13:32

Ok everyone beat this 5 years and no hope whatsover my dp does not fancy me anymore - makes me very sad

headacheagain · 21/04/2008 00:45

the mean/average is 340 days

the mode (most common answer) 1 day (but that counts for anything 24 hrs or less) and it IS the weekend

the median (middle answer) is 14 days

about a third of answers were several months or longer.

OP at least you are in good company.

my DH is away travelling tonight in case you are wondering whether there is an obvious answer to our problem.

islingtonponce · 20/04/2008 23:27

and the mode?

zippitippitoes · 20/04/2008 23:21

well having skipped throught this thread there are some advantages to being in a new relationship

headacheagain · 20/04/2008 23:15

Average of 1st 2 pages is just under 6 months!

headacheagain · 20/04/2008 23:08


Jaanpa thanks for being so encouraging

I think we have done it once in last 3 months.

tdotb · 20/04/2008 23:00

wow, my 10 years is winning - I am really not pleased about that

kittywise · 20/04/2008 22:43

2 years

solo · 20/04/2008 22:30

jaanpa, that's lovely to hear and I personally wish you both well, with lots more love and loving.x


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jaanpa · 20/04/2008 21:28

Ok guys, here goes! We have been together for 30 years and married for 26 years. Until January this year, we had not had any form of intimate relationship for about ten, yes ten years. There were many reasons, some to do with now long forgotten health issues on both sides and some to do with being absolutely k"!&*ered looking after children and both working full time. Finally this January it got so I couldn't cope any longer and had to tell him things had to change or we were over. I love him so much and really couldn't cope without that side of marriage any more. I felt worthless and unwanted and he did try to understand. He agreed to try to sort things out and though there have been a few bumps on the way, we are getting that side of our relationship back to where it used to be. That has been the only thing that hasn't been right, there have been no affairs etc. I can only say that now, our Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually spent in bed (our kids are old enough to know not to interrupt- after all, as teenagers they are probably too embarrassed to admit they know what er are up to!) and one or two nights in the week as well. I'm not saying it is all full on sex, but we are enjoying each other and having lots of fun finding new ways to give each other pleasure. I am so glad I told him how I felt and that he was as willing as I was to try to get back on track. I sincerely wish you luck getting your own issues sorted.

solo · 20/04/2008 14:16

I had my way with him last night!!! just had to tell you all...first one in 20 months!

PurpleOne · 19/04/2008 02:46

Have had it 5 times in 6 years. last time wa 10 months ago.

God I'm fecking frustrated

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