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How to help a 5y/o child with developmental trauma?

4 replies

Thefirstime · 11/12/2023 14:09

Does anyone have any advice on how to help a young one with developmental trauma? Manifesting in anger outburst, sensory issues and safety/mistrust..

OP posts:
Isthisexpected · 11/12/2023 18:43

Read up on trauma and attachment injuries, pay for private clinical psychology and family therapy, to teach you specific tools, resolve any of your own issues that may get triggered and practice compassion and patience to yourself and the child as much as possible. Basically the child needs their new primary caregiver to help heal these wounds and give them the parenting they missed out on, from the point at which they missed it developmentally.

DancesWithDucks · 11/12/2023 21:30

If you possibly can, get sensible experienced professional help.

It will demand an enormous amount from you as a parent. Do you have good support networks?

Love, time and healthy boundaries work wonders for any children but for traumatized children extra help is needed. As @Isthisexpected says, watch out for your own issues that might get triggered; give yourself time to handle them. It's okay to walk away from the child into another room if you get pushed too far, as long as you talk and reconnect afterwards.

Also I personally think that hiding truths / events is not good. I think myself that honesty is far the best policy, in an age-appropriate way.

CasadeCoca · 18/04/2024 07:55

Have a look at PACE. Kim Golding has published an excellent guide.

Didimum · 18/04/2024 08:35

Play Therapy. It’s widely available privately and in schools. My DS had 6 months of sessions through school to cope with a bereavement.

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