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Has anyone you know ever found your MN thread and realised you're the writer?

33 replies

Slidearound · 04/01/2021 18:26

I think this has happened to me.
I saw some family members (at a distance) at the weekend and MIL was asking some very odd, out-of-topic questions. My BIL seemed off-hand and it all felt a bit awkward.
I mulled over it afterwards until it dawned on me that the questions MIL was asking very much linked to a thread I'd written on here a few days before.
To my knowledge, none of the family use MN and I'd be surprised if they did, but it's definitely not impossible. The thread was to do with one of their close family members.
Any advice?
I'm nervous about seeing them again.

I think it may also have happened to me before, I suspected a few years ago that one of DH's friend's had clicked that an old thread was about DH. She asked me some very personal questions about things she would never know after bumping into her in the supermarket and then I caught her talking about me to a bunch of women I didn't know in the pub. I lipread "that's the one I told you about" as they all stared in my direction.

I use MN a lot as I'm very isolated at the moment and have been for some time, but I'd rather not be found out either.

OP posts:
DulwichMum1234 · 04/01/2021 23:22

How do you name change?!

IronNeonClasp · 05/01/2021 00:28

I hope my ex did or does find my thread. Might explain to him what he put me through ffs

Seenyouontele · 14/01/2021 16:34

If people you know discover a thread you've written, realise it's you and shame or judge you for it, you have to ask what they were doing on MN themselves! They weren't browsing the relationships board because they're happy about life I can't imagine?

MossandRoy · 14/01/2021 16:39

I know someone knows me on here and she knows I know. So I name changed.

davekim · 16/01/2021 18:54


If people you know discover a thread you've written, realise it's you and shame or judge you for it, you have to ask what they were doing on MN themselves! They weren't browsing the relationships board because they're happy about life I can't imagine?

What??? Hmm
MinnieJackson · 16/01/2021 20:24

@BathFullOfEels lol!

Pricklylikeacactus · 16/01/2021 20:37

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partyatthepalace · 16/01/2021 20:47

I think if you are posting personal stuff just change a few key details and name change quite regularly.

It might be your in laws are just behaving weirdly though, everyone is a bit odd right now.

Anyway if it comes up just look blank, I’d be amazed if you were the only person in this situation.

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