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Hobo sexual - person who has a sexual relationship with someone, just to live in their home

30 replies

ulanbatorismynextstop · 16/09/2020 09:51

Another term for cocklodger, just thought I'd share as it made me giggle. We need to stay vigilant against this increasing trend!

OP posts:
IncandescentSilver · 17/09/2020 00:00

If I have to offer a free room, I'm going to be single for a looooong time Givemeabreak! Grin

Seems to work for Homeless Joe though:

EL8888 · 17/09/2020 00:02

@Therollockingrogue homosexual onslow Grin. Sounds like a sexy catch!

EL8888 · 17/09/2020 00:03

Not homo -hobosexual!!

MrsCollinssettled · 17/09/2020 00:09


That's funny!

And remember ladies, no-one loves you more than a man who needs somewhere to live.

So true. Plus the reverse - no one falls out of love quicker than a hobosexual who gets asked to start contributing financially.
daisypond · 17/09/2020 00:18

I thought this was going to about the real and serious problem where rooms are advertised for rent but the “rent” is to have sex with the landlord. It’s a big problem in areas with high rents and people, usually women, on low wages.

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