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Men who like and comment on Instagram ‘models ‘

23 replies

Dancingboots · 12/09/2020 07:06

Some friends and I were talking recently about one of their partners doing this and I just read another thread where someone asked about the man she’s seeing doing it . I’ve always thought it a little odd but now I’m really wondering what exactly does a man get out of liking or commenting on half naked women’s photos , women he doesn’t know and never will on sites like Instagram . It seems many of the men doing this are in relationships or married yet still take the extra step beyond the looking , to actually like or leave a comment . I’m interested to hear people’s opinions as to what they get from this

OP posts:
Crystal87 · 13/09/2020 07:41

AnyFucker, er no.

Dancingboots · 13/09/2020 00:00

Couldn’t agree more that it’s immature and pathetic . Am more wondering if people think they do it because they expect the women might actually reply or if it’s about asserting dome type of entitlement to judge and approve of women’s appearance /bodies as a couple of people have mentioned

OP posts:
TorkTorkBam · 12/09/2020 19:58

Some men try it on with every woman who crosses their path online or irl.

AnyFucker · 12/09/2020 19:48

Crystal, are you saying that you being a "glamour model" should have "satisfied" your ex more than another woman would ?

MarriedtoDaveGrohl · 12/09/2020 19:03

I would want to know about this super early. How easy is it to find them on there?

Crystal87 · 12/09/2020 19:01

My ex did this and I was a glamour model at the time. Some men are never satisfied.

JustDoinTheDo · 12/09/2020 15:03

Pathetic and I wouldn’t be with a man who did this. Get a life, for gods sake, sad creeps.

SoulofanAggron · 12/09/2020 15:00

I would find it sleazy and it'd put me off the bloke.

BertiesLanding · 12/09/2020 14:57

They're little boys who haven't grown up.

Msonamission · 12/09/2020 14:56


PatsyClinSilVousPlait · 12/09/2020 13:29

Suspect they're not very bright men who don't really get the Internet, or how public this sort of creeping is. Similar to the women on the social media of male models/actors/pop stars.

Not a good look.

Closetbeanmuncher · 12/09/2020 11:01

I also don't think their tiny minds can comprehend once the 586 layers of make up, fake hair, fake nails, filters and photoshop are removed they would be unrecognisable 😉

EarthSight · 12/09/2020 11:01

It's crossing the line. A long time ago, men might have read naughty magazines and that would be it. These days, they are able to actually contact women they like the look of and that brings with it the possibility of contact. It's inappropriate.

Closetbeanmuncher · 12/09/2020 10:57

They're intellectually lacking and thirsty with nothing better to do with their time?

Clockworklimey · 12/09/2020 09:15

Sleazy, hurtful to the women they are with and uneccessary. It's addictive too and the danger is an escalation into seeking sex elsewhere.

Adviceneeded20 · 12/09/2020 09:06

Dancingboots Women that they’d aspire to be with, but can’t I expect Grin

JKRisagryff · 12/09/2020 08:57


Ughmaybenot · 12/09/2020 08:56

It’s sleazy and pathetic imo. Looking once in a while is one thing but a man publicly commenting so they and anyone else can see that he fancies her is gross.

Dancingboots · 12/09/2020 08:54


It’s a fantasy I guess?

Do you mean they are fantasising that the woman might reply or fantasising that they possibly have a personal relationship?
OP posts:
[AUTO]yaiiykelon50l · 12/09/2020 07:13

Sad little men reaching out hoping for recognition, fantasising about catching one of these women's eyes..

AnyFucker · 12/09/2020 07:11


Dollyrocket · 12/09/2020 07:08

I think a lot of these men are just entitled sleazeballs who are simply just self-validating their entitlement.


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Adviceneeded20 · 12/09/2020 07:08

It’s a fantasy I guess?

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