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Did anyone take a long long time to find the right one?

6 replies

Djang · 16/08/2020 23:23

I’m close to giving up. Been single 6 years and would love a relationship.

OP posts:
frazzledasarock · 17/08/2020 00:17

36 almost 37 when I met DP, and he’s ‘the one’ for me.

I wasn’t intending to be with anyone after a horrifically abusive forced marriage before that at a young age.

I was single from just before I turned 30, it took me a while to trust anyone.

Gilda152 · 17/08/2020 00:14

I met my DH at 43 and he was 37. I think he's the right one although he's fell out with me tonight! Before that I was previously married to DD's dad for 10 years and before that I'd had one four year relationship and the rest 1-2 years from being about 15. Some of us are late bloomers when it comes to finding the one but don't give up hope :D

Glamazoni · 16/08/2020 23:56

I’m mid 40s, been married for 10 years and still haven’t found the right one. At least I have a stable home and a family though, which is better than nothing.

awana · 16/08/2020 23:43

I'm 46 and still haven't found the right one

Djang · 16/08/2020 23:39

35, 36 in November

OP posts:
TinyTina23 · 16/08/2020 23:31

How old are you, Djang?

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