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I'm so self-conscious

45 replies

need2namechange32 · 05/07/2020 07:16

My ex and I have been slowly getting back together. He was/is the love of my life, the one who got away so to speak so I'm so happy. He tells me he loves me and adores me all the time and that I'm beautiful. However, he hasn't seen me naked in like 10+ years and I've had two kids since. My stomach muscles are split, I've got a giant c section scar, loads of stretch marks and a pair of spaniel ears for boobs. Im so excited to be intimate with him again but at the same time I'm so embarrassed. Even when I suck in my stomach it's still a mess and the second my boobs are out of a bra... Obviously he's aged a decade too but he's still athletic and hot as *. Pointless post really but I'm just so nervous.

OP posts:
need2namechange32 · 20/07/2020 16:51

Update! We've seen each other three times in 6 days and have another overnight together this weekend. Nothing can wipe the smile off this face! Grin

OP posts:
Avocano · 15/07/2020 07:49

Oh god I'm just butting in here, but your posts have made me so excited! What a brilliant thread! I'm on a promise at the weekend and feel all the same anxieties as you do. So reading your update has chilled me out no end! 😂
Well done op, so lovely! xx

need2namechange32 · 15/07/2020 07:08

Yes @LessCumbersome Smile

OP posts:
LessCumbersome · 14/07/2020 23:16

Did you post before, this rings a bell. About the moving away to work abroad and the age difference?

BeardyButton · 14/07/2020 23:06

So lovely. Enjoy.

Alongcameacat · 14/07/2020 23:01

This is so romantic. Enjoy OP.

hellsbellsmelons · 14/07/2020 22:59

Belly is spot on.
So pleased.

Peridodo · 14/07/2020 22:54

Yay!! Go OP!!
Fantastic update, I knew this was meant to be, just had that sense I don't know how.
You both sound like such lovely people who are meant for each other.
I hope everything works out for you both!

Weetabixandcrumpets · 14/07/2020 19:22

You go girl!

Fantastic update and it sounds like the start of something amazingly good. Enjoy it, it’s great to be in love.

Bellyfullofbiscuits · 14/07/2020 18:23

Remember this feeling. Congratulations, but it's what you are all about.

Bellyfullofbiscuits · 14/07/2020 18:19

Nah ! You !!!! Back 😊

need2namechange32 · 14/07/2020 18:07

So, I know probably no one cares but sod it, I want to tell people!! We met early because we were both excited, 8.30am! Went for a lovely breakfast, had a walk along the canal holding hands with stops for kisses. He did the super cute thing of tucking my hair behind my ear and kissed my nose and forehead. Seriously I felt 20 all over again. Then we went to the park and just chilled on the grass then he came back to mine and he kept reiterating no pressure at all which made me love him more. We dtd... twice. It was magical though I found it a bit sore tbh because he's err large (I'll get use to that I hope) but he was mega gentle. Lots of I love yous were exchanged.

Things like this don't happen to me. Ever. But girls... I think I've got my man back Grin

OP posts:
Needtogetbackinthesack · 14/07/2020 18:02

I like a happy update too! How exciting!!

yousawthewholeofthemoon · 14/07/2020 17:49

I like a happy update!

hellsbellsmelons · 14/07/2020 17:43

Bless you OP.
You sound fab. No wonder he likes you so much.
Enjoy it.
Stop worrying!
Be happy.

need2namechange32 · 14/07/2020 17:27

It was WOW Grin

OP posts:
Summerhillsquare · 14/07/2020 13:36

A little enthusiasm goes a long way in these things.

Plus he's older than you.

Closetbeanmuncher · 12/07/2020 14:25

Will do OP, good luck x😊

need2namechange32 · 12/07/2020 11:32

Thank you @Weetabixandcrumpets! Tomorrow morning I'm having my first hair appointment since lockdown so that'll give me a huge boost Smile Then I plan on a whole shaving/moisturising routine! I can't believe how giddy I feel! I'd hoped to have lost a few pounds but I haven't, never mind. I've bought new undies though! I'm SO excited!

OP posts:
Weetabixandcrumpets · 12/07/2020 09:51

How wonderful. There are a few other things you can do to make you feel good. Make sure you have a body scrub or brush (or just a decent rub down with a rough flannel!) in the bath and cover yourself in moisturiser (generic is fine). Tidy up finger and toenails and for soft feet, again with the moisturiser (lots!) and walk around in soft socks until it all gets absorbed. Your skin will be smooth and silky to touch.
On the day, make sure you smell gorgeous too...with your soft skin and wonderful scent you will be irresistible.
Also, I am in my forties and have many body flaws, but just style it out. Fake your confidence and it will work. My OH quite rightly said that most men are just delighted and damn happy to have a naked woman in front of them, they are certainly not looking for imperfections.

Lickmylegs0 · 12/07/2020 09:10

You do a day on/a day off.

Lickmylegs0 · 12/07/2020 09:08

@need2namechange32 believe me I was TOTAL crap too, but it builds you up so gradually. I’m amazed - I’ve never seen myself as a runner. And it’s really done wonders for my self confidence.

I'm so self-conscious

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Peridodo · 12/07/2020 08:05

You go for it OP, I’m routing for you too!

need2namechange32 · 12/07/2020 08:01

@Closetbeanmuncher @Whatdoyouthinkaboutthisone keep your fingers crossed for me!

OP posts:
need2namechange32 · 12/07/2020 07:59

Nope @Lickmylegs0 I'm useless with exercise. Total crap Blush. Tuesday we're meeting up and I'm now counting down in hours. Excited much!!

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