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Can some assist me with the Freedom Programme

5 replies

isthismylifenow · 06/06/2020 21:10

I have been wanting to do the programme for a while now but I'm a bit unsure about how I am able to. I don't live in the UK and plan to do the online version. But from what I have been able to make out so far is that you need to send for a book to use to work alongside it (living with a dominator).

Do you have the option to download this when you sign up or is it not something that is needed to compete the course?

I havent found the site all that user friendly to be honest, so if anyone wouldn't mind clarifying for me.

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NoMoreDickheads · 16/06/2020 11:13

But from what I have been able to make out so far is that you need to send for a book to use to work alongside it (living with a dominator).

LwtD is included as part of the online course.

However the online group is £12. I would get the book for £7 on amazon for the same content in an easier to access format.

The course includes a workbook which is not part of the LwtD book, but is easy exercises based on it (it's the course basically, where as LwtD on its own is just a book- it's a great book though and very readable.

This workbook can also be purchased separately if you prefer to do the course using hard copies

LwtD is nice to have as a 'real' book though. If you attend two sessions of the Programme in real life, you get a copy.

To buy the course, you just have to click 'if you are a new customer, click here'

StrawberryJam200 · 16/06/2020 10:56

I've heard quite a few places are running it via zoom, I wonder if you could join in even though not in UK?
It's worth buying the book as you will go back to it again and again.

pinkstinks · 07/06/2020 21:20

Hey! You don’t need the book as you will have bits to read via the online
Portal if you access it that way
However the online group is £12. I would get the book for £7 on amazon for the same content in an easier to access format.

Also if you are in Facebook if you follow Don’t Look Back she runs an online group via Zoom that you can log into from anywhere.
Good luck!

coulddowithashag · 07/06/2020 13:23

I don't think you need the book but if you do you can order through Amazon

isthismylifenow · 06/06/2020 21:12

Apologies for all the typos

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