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Easing family and friends restrictions

9 replies

Poingboing · 05/05/2020 17:42

I hope it's next week! Surely they cant be thinking about opening schools before family and friends??

OP posts:
VivaVegas · 06/05/2020 14:57

The thing for me is when I can travel to see family who are 209 miles away as I'll obviously need to stay with them.

bigchris · 06/05/2020 14:12

Also I think we'll be able to meet in play grounds , just not pubs and restaurants

bigchris · 06/05/2020 14:11

It looks likely schools in some form will be back in 3 weeks so we will be seeing grandparents for before and aftersch childcare and seeing friends at the sch gate!

Opaljewel · 06/05/2020 14:06

I cannot wait. I miss my 90 year old nana so much
Not even allowed to see her. I'm so scared for her. I miss my family and my friends. I also work for the nhs so least I'm going to work every day. But by god I miss them. Can't wait to give them the biggest hug. It's painful to be separated like this. I'm exceptionally close to my family. Having anxiety does not help at all x

VivaVegas · 05/05/2020 19:55

For some people friends are more like family. My family all live over 200 miles away so I can't just meet them outside or for an hour.
I have local friends that I can do that with if I were allowed.
Im a single parent going through an awful divorce I'm either with my DC whilst trying to work full time or completely on my own when they are with their dad.
I desperately need some adult company and some face to face support. If it were only family that wouldn't help me in the least, snd I'm sure others are in the same position.

Futurenostalgia · 05/05/2020 19:45

I thought visiting friends was one of the last things to happen, along with reopening pubs and restaurants.

NoMoreDickheads · 05/05/2020 19:39

What I care about is people not dying and I don't think it's true that death rates are down yet, so it's deceptive that they're saying that. At most, it's plateaued for a few days.

SistemaAddict · 05/05/2020 19:37

I'd love to be able to have my mum visit us but Raab today didn't use language that I inspired confidence and said the next steps would not be easy. That doesn't sound like lifting restrictions to me.

LockdownLoopy · 05/05/2020 19:05

Oh I really hope we're soon allowed to see family and friends. I'm starting to feel incredibly lonely after 7 weeks of just me and my girls. I miss adult contact, video and phone just don't cut it.

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