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Is my mum right or is he right?

26 replies

BlueDino · 11/09/2007 13:06

We're going to Ibiza next week.
"We" are me, my two kids and my DP (not their father).

We have both paid half each on the cost of the actual holiday. We have both bought an equal ammount of euros as spending money.

However, I also had to buy 3 passports, new suitcases and new clothes for 3 people. DP had his suitcase bought for by his mother and she also bought him new clothes to go away with. So, in a way he has had it alot easier as far as preperations go.

Anyway, I am so short of money now, I have £70 left in my bank which is lower than it has ever been. Im stressing like mad. I had to buy my son a new karate kit last week and his stuff came upto £40...this is seperate from the holiday issue however.

DP has spent the last month looking at expensive cars, eying up quite a few and going on about them to me, he's intending to buy one as soon as we get back. He's also been buying himself numerous xbox games and also bought himself some £40 headphones for his ipod as well as some new trainers. I know what he spends his money on is his business (we dont live together) but I cant help feeling a bit bitter towards him, he gets everything bought for him, doesnt have to pay any bills or anything and sits back buying toys waiting for the holiday whilst I'm stressing like mad over money and everything else.

Anyway, he has recently booked a hire car for when we're in ibiza. Paid for it himself. He also needs to book a hire car to get us to manchester airport and he has now asked for petrol money from me for this trip.

My mum says he is taking the piss and being selfish, I'm annoyed at him too but is it justified when he has paid for both hire cars?

OP posts:
catsmother · 11/09/2007 23:53

I was thinking what Attila & Warthog were thinking. Apologies if that's not the case but this rang quite a few bells (similar style of writing too).

I seem to remember replying at length on more than one occasion because you complained about this "man's" various inadequacies, selfishness and using. I felt very sorry for you at one stage because it was clear you were being taken advantage of hugely .... but am afraid my sympathy waned somewhat when you returned time and again with a fresh complaint, as if you'd never raised the topic previously at all (& always under a new name ???).

I'm like ...... you obviously feel majorly pissed off with this not very impressive specimum of mummy's boyhood ..... yet you have done nothing about it except keep coming here to moan, when the answer's simple - get rid !!!

I understand totally why people seek advice here but to do it repeatedly - when it's basically about the same thing - his twatness - is pointless. There comes a time when, as someone reading these posts, you wonder what the thread's author is hoping for ...... for someone to wave a magic wand perhaps ?

I have no idea why you're putting yourself through this holiday, in spite of all that's gone before ..... and true to form, you're already stressing about it before you've even gone.

When everything this bloke does pees you off, and when he's obviously not in a place where he appears to want to embrace - properly - a relationship which includes a ready made family, then WHY on earth do you want to be with him ?

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