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What do you and your partner score on the love calculator?

44 replies

Comedyshortsgamer · 10/12/2017 17:58

Me and my partner score 58℅ , not bad

OP posts:
Youngmystery · 11/12/2017 17:23

Isn't this just another way of collecting personal information?

Basically yes. Put in your full name and the script can now go and search for your full name on various sites, find out your email address, go on Google and find the password unhashed in one of the many password files out there. Do the same for online banking although it doesn't need to as most people use the same password for everything. If people used maiden names too, that's extra details to use to find out information. Address, phone numbers, date of birth, information on Facebook like photos to use for fake ID. Could easily find credit card numbers too from one of the numerous files on the dark web with just a name.

Fraudsters and thieves don't need to be smart anymore. It's very easy, it's all in a Google search.

Bendyandtheinkmachine · 11/12/2017 06:18

49%. Oh well Grin

echt · 11/12/2017 06:03

Isn't this just another way of collecting personal information?

Katedotness1963 · 10/12/2017 23:43

1%...we've been married 33 years.

LondonCrone · 10/12/2017 23:34

99%! 😂 I’m certain to be headed for divorce!

CatsCatsCats11 · 10/12/2017 23:21

83% phew the wedding can go ahead then!

CaledonianQueen · 10/12/2017 23:04

Lol 97% this reminds me of calculating love percentage using names when I was a teen, each letter had a numeral value and so on. That was a load of rubbish too! I used my first name, maiden name and first name surname dh and got 13%. Then my first name, married name, and dh first name, married name and got 57%. Then I used both of our full names and got 97%. Teenage me would be delighted though!

Blushingm · 10/12/2017 22:43

12% with my married name (divorcing)
99% with my maiden name

Lily2007 · 10/12/2017 21:13

24% 😂

Casmama · 10/12/2017 21:13

17% with my married name but 97% with my maiden name - was it a dreadful mistake to get married Grin?!

GodIsDead · 10/12/2017 21:12

44% ...sadly that seems accurate

ApocalypseCow · 10/12/2017 21:08

13% until I put in our surnames and then it was 12% Grin.

dudsville · 10/12/2017 21:06

74%. That's ok!

onemorecupofcoffeefortheroad · 10/12/2017 21:05

'yo mr' read as 'my dream woman'

onemorecupofcoffeefortheroad · 10/12/2017 21:04

I'm completely devoted to my partner and she is yo mr .,, we got 52% then I put in her and her previous wife and they got higher- 58😢 they hated each other. It's all bollox.

TealC · 10/12/2017 21:02


Been married 30 yearsShock

SerendipityFelix · 10/12/2017 20:59

73%. Phew.

tiptopteepe · 10/12/2017 20:54

Haha we scored really low!

Weve been very close friends for ten years, a couple for five and married for 2 years. We have 1 son and another baby on the way.
Its safe to say we get on reasonably well.

Be3Al2SiO36 · 10/12/2017 20:51

We got 1%.

Owl and Pussycat got 44%.

ModreB · 10/12/2017 20:01

26% when using our everyday names, 63% when using our full names Confused

Smophette · 10/12/2017 19:42

Crikey, I'm sure that website was around when I was a love sick teenager!

ReinettePompadour · 10/12/2017 19:31

Oh no....we got 3%. Do I need to ltb and find someone else? You would think I would have noticed after 30 years how incompatible we were 🤔


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Fauxtatoes · 10/12/2017 19:25


We're ok ... Phew

Madbengalmum · 10/12/2017 19:22

61%, not bad

HollyJollyDillydolly · 10/12/2017 19:22

22% Shock

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