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Was this offensive?

26 replies

FlowerpotLilly · 07/11/2017 03:31

I am quite confused at the moment because DP is upset with me over something i said. He recently got promotion at work and he is now supervising three of his coworkers. He was texting me today about how one of them is taking advantage of DP friendship (within work)with him and doesnt do his job properly and how that looks bad for DP because it makes him seem as he can not do his job properly. I replied back that he can see this as a learning opportunity to figure what ways/attitudes dont work very well and how they can be improved . All i was thinking wile texting this was how i matured and changed since i started my current job ten years ago. He went quiet and then replied along the lines that he is always having managing positions (not true) at work and he is always the best. I figured that something bothered him but wasnt sure what and later tonight he started arguing with me because according to him i think that he doesnt know how to do his job and i have no trust in him and i think that he isnt good because i am jealous. Was it really that offensive what i said?

OP posts:
MinervaSaidThar · 07/11/2017 20:39

I don't think you said anything bad and his reaction was OTT.

If I say something to DH about his work he doesn't get offended and accuse me of jealousy, he'll just say 'give over' or something. And vice versa.

The truth is that he does need to learn how to manage a friend.

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