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Locks changed and being a dick

6 replies

thegirlfromthehill · 26/04/2017 18:01

Hello :)

My ExP changed the locks several nights ago when I refused to be controlled by him any more.

Since then I have stayed with my best friend and amazingly got myself a rather lovely new place of my own to rent for me and sons / elderly mum to visit etc.

So far so good. But, as predicted, ExP, being a controlling twat, is making it difficult for me to get my stuff - refusing to give me times and dates for pick ups except for last-minute arrangements which suit him only.

It's his house in his name, but my clothes, work items and personal items - photos / family history stuff etc etc.

He's never been violent physically but has a horrible temper and shouts a lot.

Advice please?

OP posts:
sleepingdragons · 26/04/2017 20:29

My ex did this. Took months to get my stuff back. I'd involve police.

Lovemusic33 · 26/04/2017 20:25

Yes, call the police, they give him a date and they will go with you to collect your items or he can pack them up and the police can collect them for you.

AdoraBell · 26/04/2017 18:24

January is right, get the police involved.

thegirlfromthehill · 26/04/2017 18:20

Not their dad.

Few things of their's there.

No family - all dead bar one sibling to whom he has not spoken to for 10 years. A few nieces and nephews but all estranged from him and I've never met them.

Yes, name on council tax and will involve police if necessary.

OP posts:
January87 · 26/04/2017 18:20

Call the police and get them to go with you to get your stuff.

ComputerUserNotTrained · 26/04/2017 18:12

Are your sons' things there too? Is he their dad?

Are you on good terms with his family?

I've no advice really, sorry. Maybe talk to the police, especially if your listed as living there (for council tax etc). I've no idea if they can help, but it's got to be worth a try.

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