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Don't think I love husband anymore. Sexless marriage & cheated.

46 replies

waterglass · 14/04/2017 14:38

Not sure I love my OH anymore. So many things he does annoys me now and I actually can't bear him touching me. They must be things he's always done but I really can't stand it now and I'm so angry all the time. We've been together since 2002. The last time we had sex was January 2014, the night DS2 was conceived. Since then he's gone down on me twice and that's it. He seems to have no interest in sex, I have interest in sex but not with him.

We're more like flatmates together now, we don't kiss goodnight or good morning. We haven't properly kissed in well over 2 years. We don't hold hands, hug or anything. If he touches my hand even by accident I get a shudder as can't stand it. Little things I don't remember noticing years back (been together since 2002) really annoy me now. Clammy hands all the time, he's so hairy and refuses to do anything about it, his back hair falls out everywhere it's disgusting, he moans all the time about work, certain words he uses annoy me and in general unless we are talking about the kids we have zero to chat, there is no banter whatsoever. I'll go outside and chat more to my 60 year old neighbour and have more of a laugh with him in 20mins then I do with OH in a week.

Recently 2 exes got in touch after 15 years. One lives 400 miles away but we met up once when I was away for work and we had the time of our lives. Since then we've met up once more and are planning to early May again. He's married with kids and has no interest in being with me which is fine, we both know where we stand and are just after the sex. For me it's just nice to know somebody wants me. OH is so unadventurous and boring in bed and after having nothing for years it's amazing to be back with ex once in a while as we know exactly how to turn each other on.

The other ex lives abroad now and is also married. We fell in love years ago but were very young and had to go our separate ways (long story). We've been talking loads and sexting on facebook chat and he is planning a trip over here for work.

OH loves me, we have 2 young children and live in a nice area. I've thought about leaving him but I'm a SAHM and wouldn't be able to survive financially without him. I'm in a sexless marriage and need sex, I don't want it with him. Writing all this down I look awful and I know it. Please help, I don't know what to do. I'm really down, can't concentrate on anything and just feel stuck. I've felt this way for years but had never cheated till this year.

OP posts:
Isetan · 14/04/2017 16:03

It's very clear that your over your marriage but it isn't clear why you're still in it. Your MM are a distraction and despite your marital issues, you still aren't entitled to insert yourself in other people's relationships.

Stop justifying and start being a grown up. Your children deserve better than this car crash of a relationship as their primary relationship role model.

Goingtobeawesome · 14/04/2017 16:05

No, this isn't all on you that you're shagging someone else husband. They are completely in the wrong too. Saying it doesn't make your behaviour any better.

Affairs devastate everyone involved. I know of a wife who killed herself after her husband cheated as it hurt so much.

crazycatgal · 14/04/2017 16:09

Leave your husband and if you want sex then have it with men who aren't married.

muffintopsausage · 14/04/2017 16:42

You are awful. Do your husband a favour and leave him. He deserves better.

loveyoutothemoon · 14/04/2017 17:06

i do still have feeling for him

Yeah right! Read your post again!!!

TheNaze73 · 14/04/2017 18:36

You're a cheat. Tell your husband & leave

BartholinsSister · 14/04/2017 19:00

I guess the correct thing to do is wave goodbye to DH and the kids, and go it alone. Then you'll be free to start a new relationship when a single man comes along.

paris100 · 14/04/2017 19:19

I feel sorry for you in that your relationship with your OH seems very much like mine (no sex here in 5 years and a husband who has no time for any conversation with me that doesn't involve the children), however, sleeping with exes is not the answer. Sometimes it's difficult to think and see clearly but maybe you need some time to decide what to do for best. Try to look at the bigger picture here.

isthisacceptable200 · 14/04/2017 21:26

Erm, not sure I believe anything about this, sorry.

HotSince82 · 14/04/2017 21:56

Your H hasn't had sex with you for over three years?

I'd be amazed if you weren't both shagging other people tbh. If that works for you then fine.

Seriously though, don't shag married men. That's just nasty.
I hope you are sufficiently discrete that their wives do not find out.

ChocolateDoll · 14/04/2017 21:57

I think this story is very very believable, and probably a lot more common than you may like to think.

This board is statistically quite heavily weighted towards those who have suffered greatly at the hands of a cheating husband, but who are all these cheating husbands cheating with?? Women in situations like the OP!!

Cricrichan · 14/04/2017 22:41

Are you for real? Leave your husband and then have sex with available men.

NeonGod73 · 14/04/2017 22:59

Calm the fuck down everybody! I don't approve cheating but why are you demanding her head on a plate? Are you saints yourselves? No you bloody aren't, fuck off! I think all of you are shaking in your boots it's your dear husbands she is about to cheat on her husband with. Muhaha!

Mrsknackered · 14/04/2017 23:15

Fuck me. I don't mean that literally -plus I'm unmarried so not your type
Do the right thing for the first time in a while and tell your 'D'H. You might not love him but at least show him that much respect.
P.s you won't starve without his wages. Luckily you're in a country that has a benefits system.

LadySadie1 · 14/04/2017 23:22

So in the last 3 and 1/2 months(you said you haven't cheated til this year),2 exes have got in touch with you,you've had sex with one of them twice and have arranged for a third time,you've been talking and sexting the other a lot,and are going to meet him for sex when he comes over to this country,you were away for work when you cheated the first time but you're a stay at home mother,you can't leave your husband that repulses you because you are financially dependent on him but you have your own money from a business you sold ten years ago and don't live off his money and you've had nothing from your husband sexually in a decade(you said this) but you conceived your child with him in January 2014 and he's gone down on you twice in the last 3 years?Confused

Cherrysoup · 15/04/2017 13:55

You're going to get fuck all sympathy on here, love. MN does not like people having affairs with married people. Did you really expect everyone to hold your hand? You know what you should do, but I doubt you have the moral fibre.

AgainstTheOddsNo2 · 15/04/2017 14:18

So H isn't supporting you now but you expect him to in the future while you get sex and emotional interaction from elsewhere?

I can see how this life is frustrating for you but get out! Get a job and get out so you can both be happy.

If you are, 10 years later, still living off money from a business you sold I am sure you are a very capable woman who is capable of earning her own money.

You and H deserve at least a tolerable life. Neither of you seem to have this at the moment.

Thinkingofausername1 · 15/04/2017 14:44

It's women like you who make me really angry 😡. Oh I need a good shag I don't give a shit whether he has a wife; or her feelings just mine.

Imnewhere1234 · 15/04/2017 15:36

I won't judge because I've done some terrible things in the past, but please get out of this marriage and give your husband a chance to find true love with someone who he deserves and who deserves him

Peggyrey · 25/05/2017 14:22

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Babyonboard101 · 25/05/2017 14:29

Tell him u want an open relationship. But right now you're using him for money and that's about it and that's not kind or fair on him. Sorry op but you're gonna have to tell him that u only want him for his money which is what you've made clear or u have to leave and get a job like the rest of us poor single mums who have to provide for their children

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