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How many proper friends do you have?

69 replies

TWOBANANAS · 10/04/2017 17:08

Not Facebook friends, not Instagram followers but real friends who you see, trust, confide in and who would be there for you if in trouble.

OP posts:
Melaniaspilatesinstructor · 11/04/2017 19:52

I have lots and lots of people who like and care about me but I think my only friends that I can fully relax with are my DH and my sister. My mum was in this group but died last year :(

Polarbearflavour · 11/04/2017 17:03

I'm always mystified by hen parties - how do the brides find a dozen women or more?!

I have 3 best friends, one whom I live with, 2 I text most days and see every couple of months for a whole day or overnight trip as we don't live too close - one is nurse doing shifts and the other has children so a bit trickier.

My ex partner I message or talk to everyday and see every couple of weeks...not sure how healthy that is?!

A couple of friends I message sometimes and see for couple a couple of times a year.

Couple of work friends who chat every day on work messenger and have lunch with every couple of weeks - not made it to be outside of work friends yet!

I'm an only child so need my own space so limited face to face time doesn't bother me!

Bedsheets4knickers · 11/04/2017 07:18

3 that I could tell if I committed a murder and they wouldn't say a word . Not that I would of course 😄

Violetcharlotte · 11/04/2017 07:15

I've got 2 groups of women who I'd call proper friends, one group of 5 and one group of 6, all mainly women I met when my boys were little, at nursery or primary school. I meet up with them at least once a month, message regularly, etc and could call any of them in a crises! Within these groups there are 4 that's I'm really close to.

TWOBANANAS · 11/04/2017 06:55

This is really interesting, I asked because I only really count my DH and my sister as my friends. I worry that I'm not normal because of that but good to know that others have limited friends too and quality is really more important than quantity.

OP posts:
DoorwayToNorway · 11/04/2017 01:15

I'd say my DH and 4 or 5 really really amazing female friends.

lazycrazyhazy · 11/04/2017 01:14

I'm so sad for those who are lonely. Could you have a meet up? Some of you might live near each other, there was another similar thread a while ago where that was discussed.

lazycrazyhazy · 11/04/2017 01:06

Maybe half a dozen long-standing real friends. Two I could say anything to. Lots of friends to socialise with but I don't need more than that tonne close to. Plus adult DCs and DH.

Composteleana · 10/04/2017 22:39

1 very close friend that is like family - she's part of my family and I hers.

2 friends since school days that, although we don't see as much of each other these days, when we do it's like we've never been apart and we are always there for each other if needed.

My absolutely adored friend from uni days who has absolutely been there for me through thick and thin, despite living at opposite ends of the country. We don't see nearly enough of each other but that doesn't matter, we still have adjacent beds in the nursing home planned and plan how we'll sit in our nighties watching Hollyoaks and drinking gin.

One friend who I am less close to these days as her flakiness just got too much for me, but I still consider her a friend and I know in an emergency I could call on her as she could on me.

Another 2 who live far away, 1 who is a friend of longstanding and we used to be very close, working and even living together, but lives have gone in very different directions which makes me sad. I need to make more effort there. The other far away friend we go on holiday together once a year but don't see much of each other in between.

A few others I'm friendly with, maybe wouldn't confide in that much but am happy to spend time with.

I also have two sisters I'm very close to, they'd probably be my first port of call in a crisis, along with the first friend I mentioned. I lost my mum a few years back, she was my absolute best friend in the world, a lovely mum but also someone it was fun spending time with and whose company I really enjoyed. My friends were an amazing support during her illness and after she died. They also, along with my family, got me through a truly hideous breakup that I thought I'd never get over. I'm now very happily with someone else who I love very much, but he's not my 'best friend' like people say about their partners all the time. I understand that feeling but ultimately my friends have known me longer and seen more, they know where all the bodies are buried as it were.

Though of course my dog is my best friend and my one true love, goes without saying Grin

hollieberrie · 10/04/2017 22:25

About 5, but only 1 who I see regularly, the rest we just WhatsApp chat as scattered all over the country. I've no family or Dp either.
My mum was my best friend and I miss her so very much (died unexpectedly couple of years ago)
Meetup groups have helped a lot though - joined a few in Jan and now have some casual local friends to do things with, meet for coffee etc. I'd recommend it to anyone feeling lonely. Flowers for those that do - it is very hard.

MsJuniper · 10/04/2017 22:18

I don't have a "best friend" but have some good friends - people who I'd call in a crisis, text for a chat or would drop what I'm doing to help. Some I don't see often or am less close to but still consider good friends on the above basis.

2 siblings
1 v close friend from childhood
1 school friend
3 from 1st job (1 v close)
2 from another job (1 v close)
2 from current job
A group of friends from post-natal group (none v close but at the same time we know a fair bit of intimate stuff about each other and have helped each other out)

I don't see my friends as often as I'd like but love catching up and spending time together when I get the chance. I hope I am a good friend.

BeingACuntItsABingThing · 10/04/2017 22:15

I only have 2, Dh and sil I say good friend as someone I can tell anything

aliceinwanderland · 10/04/2017 22:13

5 or maybe 6. Only one is local to me and the other lives 20 miles away. The others are either at the other end of the country or abroad. I have a lot of acquaitances mostly through work.

Madeyemoodysmum · 10/04/2017 22:13

5/6. Close friends but many more I meet with on a fairly regular basis

I am very social and happy to meet in groups or one to one

LetBartletBeBartlet · 10/04/2017 22:09

And sorry to read that Horrace Flowers

LetBartletBeBartlet · 10/04/2017 22:08


I can go for weeks without speaking to another adult that isn't a shopkeeper/bus driver.

HorraceTheOtter · 10/04/2017 22:06
  1. One is dying and one is about to move to australia Sad.
olderthanyouthink · 10/04/2017 22:01

When this feels shitty


One who's feeling I hurt recently because I told her that I lost my only friend when my ex dumped me. She isn't speaking to me, and honestly there's little difference.

Another who never answers her phone and we don't have anything to talk about any more.

Neither of them are ever available to do stuff with me but manage to see each other and other people.

To me a proper friend is someone you can do stuff with, talk to about anything and nothing for ages.

I realised this weekend I could leave me voice box in my desk drawer and it wouldn't m make much of a difference


Winniethepooer · 10/04/2017 22:01

I don't work. And have no mum friends as 2 of my dc have SN so no school runs.

Winniethepooer · 10/04/2017 21:59

No proper friends. I used to have 6/8.

But over the years they've all moved away. No dp either. Very lonely...

gentlydoesit89 · 10/04/2017 21:56

DP and my mum.
I talk openly about things to the girls at work, but don't see them out of work, and DPs friends are lovely, but I won't get close to them in case anything ever happened with DP and I.
It's a quiet life, luckily I like my own company.

EmmaC78 · 10/04/2017 21:24

I have one very close friend, about 5 good friends and then loads of ex-colleagues and other people I meet up with every few months for dinner or drinks.


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OhDearToby · 10/04/2017 21:24

I don't have any really. I'm very close to two of my sisters so I get all my friend needs met by them. It's probably made me quite lazy when it comes to making friends because I know they'll always be there.

I do have some friends through my dc's that I know would help me out if needed and I would help them too but we seem stuck in a rut of only really talking about superficial things. It's hard to make the leap to real friends I find.

wineusuallyhelps · 10/04/2017 21:23

I've found this thread useful as my DH doesn't really have friends outside of work, as because of his job he hasn't had time or energy to keep up with people. He does have proper friends at work who he confides in, but I thought he was completely odd until I see on here that other people have few or no friends too Grin

Why did you ask the question OP? It's an interesting subject.

I think I've become more savvy over the years about who are my real friends (as in, I can count on them) rather than those that are fun but when the chips are down, they wouldn't be there.

barnetbarnet · 10/04/2017 21:21

None. Absolutely no one.

If I die on my commute no one would know or care until I was late for work.

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