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4 replies

Kittyp75 · 16/02/2017 12:42

Need some advice. I am planning on getting legal advice also.
Partner who I've been with for many years has a drug problem. We have a mortgage together and also an 18 month old.
Where do I stand on making him leave, can I do this and change the locks or would I be breaking the law.
Should I tell S/S and get there help. He is not abusive but I don't want him around anymore.

OP posts:
hellsbellsmelons · 17/02/2017 14:41

If he is on the mortgage you can't actually 'make' him leave or change the locks.
Yes that would be illegal.
Get legal advice.
Could you go somewhere short term to just away and get your head clear?

BrownEyedLady · 17/02/2017 14:15

Is there anywhere you can go for a month or so whilst it gets sorted? Parents?

Kittyp75 · 16/02/2017 13:20

No neither, which makes me think he has a legal right to the house and I'm basically stuck. I could move out but I wouldn't be able to pay half the mortgage and we would default and it would be repossessed.
I need to consider all options

OP posts:
FannyWisdom · 16/02/2017 12:46

Is he violent or abusive at all?

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