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ExH swears at 7 year old... Is there anything I can do?

27 replies

Outlook89 · 13/11/2016 14:47

My 7 year old is behind - waiting for an assessment by educational psychologist.

However, she just knows so many swear words and can use them in context, very nasty with them too. I have asked her about it and she says "well, my dad taught me so I don't care" and I dig further and get her to give examples. It's just so him. He wouldn't say it in a nasty way, but he is a bit... I don't know how to put it, but would go "oh fuck off" jokingly but she picks up on it and realises.

This isn't a thread about discipline, I'm suspecting autism, she is very difficult and I'd rather not be told about how to parent.

He needs to stop, but goes on about how he can choose how he parents when he has her. It's making her impossible to look after though and it really is the swearing that's causing so much issues.

It's not fair he's doing this to her. What can I do?

OP posts:
MyWineTime · 13/11/2016 17:53

The fact that she doesn't understand consequences yet, doesn't mean that she is not capable of learning to understand them.
In fact it is a priority that she LEARNS to understand consequences.
She needs to learn that her actions lead to outcomes.
You can take steps to manage her swearing.
You can't do anything about her dad.
Waiting for the results of an assessment will not help anyone and even if autism is confirmed, you still have the problem with swearing.

BlackeyedSusan · 13/11/2016 18:37

autism may play to your advantage. once you have got the rule across she may stick to it.

the rule being those words are for grown ups or dad's house not for school/home/anywhere else.

teach her that using those words at school will get her into trouble and she doesn't want that.

also that using them in the streeet etc.

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