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Ashamed to say....

117 replies

MsBearL26 · 07/11/2016 12:42

On Saturday I hit my partner, and his son who's 18 heard what went on as he was in the house upstairs. We had fallen out whilst out drinking (root of many evils I guess) and he called me a catalogue of vile names which he knew would rile me. His past 2 exs have cheated on him and I guess he's wary of women, but after 2 years with me I thought he had more trust in me. He ended up screaming at me calling me a slag continuously, even though I never have and never would cheat. I locked myself in bathroom n he kicked door in. Then called me that name again and again til I snapped. Now I feel incredibly disappointed in myself and his son won't talk to me. I just don't know what to do apart from cut back/give up drinking so I'm more in control. Just looks like it's all my fault but after hours of name calling and criticism me myself and my family I just lost it. I'm 44 and have never behaved like this and just feel so sad and ashamed.

OP posts:
TheStoic · 09/11/2016 02:23

You need to end this relationship immediately, for your sake, his sake, and your children's sake.

I can promise you - if anyone spoke to my daughter like that, they would never see me (or her) again. Ever.

Stand up for her, if you can't stand up for yourself.

slippedupagain · 08/11/2016 20:13


Best of luck to you and your family, you're doing the right thing.

SandyY2K · 08/11/2016 18:37

Excellent to hear you're ending this relationship.

EweAreHere · 08/11/2016 18:30

Good luck, OP. I'm glad you're with your family and ending the relationship.

Cary2012 · 08/11/2016 18:09

Amen to what AF said
Well done OP. You and your kids deserve better

AnyFucker · 08/11/2016 18:03

Thank Christ for that

If you feel tempted to stick with him, ask yourself why you tolerated any man calling your daughter a slag

Blackbird82 · 08/11/2016 14:40

You've definitely made the right decision. The warning signs have been there for a while but try not to beat yourself up about it because it's so easy to get sucked in, ignore the bad and focus only on the good.

You know this is not the life you want and you will look back and be glad you had a lucky escape

Isetan · 08/11/2016 14:39

How the hell is this man still in your life after inferring that your DD was a slut? You need to have a word with yourself and then tell this man to get lost. This man's Ex's could have slept with the entire British Olympic team and it wouldn't entitle him to call me or my child names.

If you can't find your self respect, enlist the services of a therapist to help you discover it but under no circumstances should continue being this man's emotional punch bag.

Mamalicious16 · 08/11/2016 13:38

Run! Don't look back

CurtainsforRonnie · 08/11/2016 13:37

So many women on here with or without children have no roof over their head if they leave their abusive partner.

Yet some still feel able to leave and be free, wether it be to a hostel in the middle of the night or to a friends home.

You have a house and no mortgage. That alone would make me feel like the luckiest & happiest woman alive.

Run while you can.

hellsbellsmelons · 08/11/2016 13:25

Telling people makes it more 'real' and easier to follow through on your plans, so well done for that.
It was a good sanity check for you writing this post and all the responses.
When you are 'in it' it's often very hard to see.
The scales have fallen now.
Get out and enjoy your new found freedom away from this abusive prick.

MsBearL26 · 08/11/2016 13:13

Thank you, I will :)

OP posts:
incogKNEEto · 08/11/2016 11:36

I think you have made the right decision, well done. He brings so many negative things to your life and you deserve better as does your daughter. Keep strong, if you feel yourself wavering go back and read this thread again to remind yourself why you are doing this Flowers.

thingsthatgoflumpinthenight · 08/11/2016 10:27

That's fantastic news OP. Onwards and upwards Flowers

MsBearL26 · 08/11/2016 10:26

Thank you for all your replies. I spent last night with family and have told them what's going on. They are supporting me and helping me dissolve this relationship. I do deserve better but it took these responses just to make me realise I guess

OP posts:
thingsthatgoflumpinthenight · 08/11/2016 10:00

I really hope you've been busy sorting out getting this dick out of your life OP.

I too lay awake last night thinking about how sad this situation is for your DD. How must she feel thinking that her mum accepts some random bloke calling her a slag Sad

Please get rid now before he does her any more damage.

oleoleoleole · 07/11/2016 19:23

Give up him and the drink and start to put yourself first x

amusedbush · 07/11/2016 18:48

Jesus, this post is terrifying the more I read. Please, PLEASE leave this man.

AnyFucker · 07/11/2016 18:39


AnyFucker · 07/11/2016 18:39

Actually, your posts are making me angry now.

You are still sharing oxygen with the bloke that called your teenage daughter a slap ?

Get your fucking priorities straight. You might think this loser is good enough for you to be the brunt of his woman-shaming shit but your daughter is off limits. Sort it out.

TheTantrumCometh · 07/11/2016 18:34

Do not marry him. Do not sell your house for him. You don't need him. Financially, and it would seem emotionally.

EweAreHere · 07/11/2016 18:32

You are in danger. You need to get out.

What you did is self-defense. You need to get him out of your life and your children's lives.


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AnyFucker · 07/11/2016 18:29

Look at Yamadori's list and ask yourself if you are so desperate for any relationship that you would tolerate this fucked up one

At the moment it looks that way

MorrisZapp · 07/11/2016 18:21

He's an emotionally stunted misogynist. Calling your daughter a slag would be most people's line in the sand. After two years, and when you aren't married? There's only one way this will go if you stay with him. He will get significantly worse and your daughter will think you're a bloody idiot. Come on, you can do better than this.

pinkyredrose · 07/11/2016 18:18

He sounds hideous. Do yourself a favour and get rid.

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