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I've left again

53 replies

Aveiam · 14/10/2016 21:30

I have left him, he hurt me badly and I have come to a hotel and I just feel sick, I'm scared and alone, please can someone talk to me

OP posts:
Aveiam · 19/10/2016 09:07

Sorry I didn't reply before. I am going to work now

OP posts:
ALaughAMinute · 19/10/2016 23:25

Are you okay?

garlicandsapphire · 19/10/2016 23:37

I'm hearing you and I care for your safety. You need to call WomensAid or the police and get to somewhere safe. I'm not an expert - there are others here who have been through it and survived. They will probably be along soon but in the meantime please check out other threads on here - there really is advice. I want you to get away and seek safety. Your life matters - you deserve to be free of this fear. Please, please find safety. I dont know you, but your life matters to me.

Mysecretgarden · 19/10/2016 23:51

can you call your boss and explain you won't be in as you have an emergency call the police and ask them help for an emergency shelter or refuge.
If you call the police ask for the DV team.

Mysecretgarden · 19/10/2016 23:53

If you stay with us we can stay with you and support you while this is going on. Some of us have been through this

Aveiam · 20/10/2016 21:02

I don't know what to do

OP posts:
Tryingmybest4them · 20/10/2016 21:20

Please call the police

Aveiam · 20/10/2016 21:46

I can't I'm too scared of him now I will just keep going back to him

OP posts:
ShebaShimmyShake · 20/10/2016 22:30

Please call the police OP. He really does not have the power you think he has. Have you any friends or family who can help you to stay out of the house and support you when you feel the urge to return? Why do you think you can't leave?

Or talk to your boss at work. Maybe you will find this easier in daytime, at work, with people everywhere?

Aveiam · 22/10/2016 14:56

I have no one left. I am all alone

OP posts:
BeachysSandyFlipFlops · 22/10/2016 17:22

Can you make your way to the police station? Even if you just get there and sit, they will be patient with you and they can and will help you.

You are not alone

GeekyWombat · 22/10/2016 19:46

Hey Aveiam, how're you doing? Can you get to the police? Talk to us.

Aveiam · 23/10/2016 13:41

Last night he pinned me up against the wall, he's so angry at me. I don't want to live like this but I can't leave, I don't know how to stay away from him

OP posts:
BantyCustards · 23/10/2016 14:49

Aveiam - you can't stay away from him because he has completely crushed your self esteem but you are worth more than this and if you contact Women's Aid they will help you.

Please be kind to yourself and make that call.

RJnomore1 · 23/10/2016 15:07

You are not alone, you have all of us. You are never alone. We care about you and want you to be safe. You need to care about yourself too and do as banty says and phone womens aid.

There are people there who can help and there are people here who have been through this and come out the other side.

You can do that too.

Texfactor · 23/10/2016 15:19

Hi OP. Hope you're ok.
Keep posting here so you get support & advice. A lot of posters have been through similar and managed to leave. Please call women's aid. They will help and you really can get away from this utterly awful situation. Flowers

pugsake · 23/10/2016 15:25

Aveiam I've spoke to you before on here under a different name. It was a hospital thread.

Would you consider speaking to your cpn? (if you have one still) if you don't want to go to the police.

fruitysmoothie · 23/10/2016 15:26

Please get help OP, you deserve so much better than this, no one deserves to be hurt like that, please seek safety, I know your scared but PLEASE seek safety whether that be with the police or a refuge... if you are really scared the police can give you protection so don't worry (much easier said than done I know)... Flowers

Aveiam · 23/10/2016 20:01

I can't get through to women's aid and he will be back tonight

OP posts:
fruitysmoothie · 23/10/2016 20:03

Can you find an address for a refuge Aveiam? Try and stay calm Flowers

pugsake · 23/10/2016 20:07

Have you any support workers op? They might have a better chance of getting through.

Aveiam · 23/10/2016 20:12

I have a mental health coordinator but he hasn't let me speak to her for months and I don't know if I could find a refuge address I guess we're not meant to be able to find an address? I am too scared to leave again.,

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fruitysmoothie · 23/10/2016 20:14

Aveiam, you could try and ring one and hopefully they will give you an address maybe? Or have you got a family member or friend you could stay with?

Aveiam · 23/10/2016 20:18

I have no one

OP posts:
pugsake · 23/10/2016 20:21

If you have her number still if it's an office number they are normally manned 24/7 explain he's been stopping you see her.

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