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Can we have a thread for those of us who are daughters with difficult mothers?

538 replies

PinkyofPie · 10/08/2016 00:09

Been thinking about starting this thread for a while.

My mother is a difficult and sometimes toxic woman and we have a strained relationship.

I think IRL there's not enough people around like me, all my friends are best friends with their mums. My mum recently moved back to the area and all I get is "oh I bet you're so happy". Actually, no, her being closer is awful if I'm honest.

There's so much to my relationship with her, too much for an OP.

A huge bone of contention is that she knows about a family member sexually harassing me quite badly through my teens (I've posted details in another name). I'm talking flashing, suggestive language and grabbing me now and again when no one was looking. I have told her the details. This person is still very much in her life, she bigs him up to anyone who listens and can't understand why I despise him and won't be near him. She minimised his behaviour massively and We Don't Talk About It.

She also made comments along the lines of "well did you lead him on?" Hmm yes mum, I was 16 and he was 55, I was gagging for it with a relative.

being in her presence is very tiring. She has no friends so I feel pressured to see her now she's back near me. I met her today, and I am drained. I always feel like I've done something wrong, she's in a constant mood. Everything is crap, she hates any food we eat, complains about people nearby and won't look for the good in anything. Where she lived before was so much better apparently. Spending just a few hours round that negativity is exhausting.

The funny thing is she makes out to others like we extremely close. A daughter of her friend - who I had just met that night - once said to me "I'm so jealous about the bond you and your mum have" Confused

Anyway I know MN has lots of people who feel the same so thought I would start by having a place for us long suffering daughters to share, moan, vent and generally get everything out into the open!

OP posts:
AndTheBandPlayedOn · 20/01/2017 19:19

I would guess if you then called her, she'd have you dancing around the definition of what a "cheery phone call" should be.

I can't stand the "if you cared" passive aggressive assignment of your emotions, though. I probably would have waited a good bit before responding (if at all).

NapoleonsNose · 20/01/2017 18:04

Just resurrecting this thread as had a really shitty text from M and I'm seething. I posted earlier about how it is always about her and how she feels, has no care for my life at all. This is what she just sent, bearing in mind, I last spoke to her on Sunday and we live in the same town,

'If you really care a cheery phone call will make me feel less ignored and depressed. Mum'

I've responded with, 'Sorry. I do work all day. Will call in a bit. Just sorting out dinner'.

The thing is I'm not sorry. She drags me down, and I can't deal with her moods and general sense of my whole world revolving around her. Not sure why I'm posting this. Just wanted to rant really!

primarynoodle · 09/09/2016 13:57

Am reading through these and feel in good company. This is the first time I've vented and this comment really resonates with me: "I have found that society is generous to parents who don't like/struggle with their children but the reverse is not tolerated; and hating your mother is pretty indigestible to most people"

My dad was amazing growing up and was a real dad to my half brother who's dad was shite (my dad arranged all contact for him/drove him to his dad's every school holiday and picked him up etc etc). My mum is life's eternal victim - abusive childhood, cheating ex husband etc etc. Although I'm not sure how much of her crap to believe tbh looking back.

She used to tell me about her terrible life in detail as a kid, including how she was raped/abused etc when I was very young (8/9?). She used to constantly bad mouth my dad and call him controlling etc (yes he is quite controlling because she was out of control and somebody needed to ensure me and my brother had some security). She was a raging alcoholic and everything that went wrong was somebody else's fault (usually mean because, Yano, I was such a horrible kid and all...) and I used to find wine bottles and vodka bottles stashed and hidden everywhere, down sofa cushions/glove box of car etc etc.

I was a very independent kid and could never predict what mood she would be in - nice/nasty. I was constantly told how horrid I was etc which went nuclear when I was a teenager. She used to act as if she was scared of me, as if I was some kind of bully for not allowing her to act as a victim around ,e and accept her behaviour without challenging it. We basically didn't speak for years.

My brother has gone almost entirely non contact with all of us because my poor dad is so loyal, any contact with him means she gets brought along too. I've just had my first child and he hasn't even met her yet :( our relationship is totally destroyed.

I can't even quite write down what she does, basically it is the victimness. Everything is done to her, she is this poor innocent abused woman and it's the horrible daughter, the controlling husband, the hundreds of bosses of the jobs she's lost over the years etc that are the problem. She rewrites history to paint herself as the victim, constantly referring to how horrid I was to her when I was a kid. I wasn't horrible, I was a scared teenager that was angry at my alcoholic mother for abusing my lovely dad, for alienating my dad, for behaving as though I was nasty and treating me as such when I hadn't done anything wrong. She also was jealous at how close me and my dad were and how much effort he put into our relationship so would bad mouth me to him or be nasty to him or me so we were afraid to be happy with each other incase she got angry and started drinking again.

A few years ago I had enough and told her I wouldn't put up with being treated as though I was the problem. That I wasn't the problem she was and she needed to get a grip. Things improved for a while but now my daughter has been born she's ramped it up a notch. Telling me to be careful and that I'll know what it's like for her when my dd grows up hating me, being horrid to me as a teenager etc. I'm resisting the urge to scream NO SHE WONT BECAUSE I WONT BE AN ABUSIVE, ALCOHOLIC BITCH TO HER but it'll make it hard for my dad to see us as she will guilt him into not seeing us if I go NC with her, so I put up with her shit. I can't even force myself to smile around her anymore.

Sorry for the ramble... Have never been able to get it out before Angry

Ariandenotgrande · 06/09/2016 17:19

I have been trying somewhat successfully to distance M, after getting some great advice and reading other women's experiences here. It is difficult as I hadn't realised how much time and effort I spent dancing around and catering to her moods, whims etc. It was almost 90% of my life was taken up with her which is quite frightening. I have visited her once in the last week and she is feigning illness and I can see she is barely able to talk to me she's so bitter and angry I'm not revolving my life around her.
She has been moaning to my brother about me (regarding my choice of paint for my living room) and I'm re establishing my relationship with him as I realise M was integral in our distance. At least we are talking now, he is still in counselling and I'm awaiting the start of mine.

I am also opening up to a few friends and being quite open generally about her treatment of me, which initially felt weird as whilst I'd joked about her 'ways' I'd never come out with truths. This has been therapeutic so far.
It such a learning curve and I'm glad I'm on this journey, much preferable to the old guilt laden road I used to shuffle along, but I have a way to go.
I keep remembering some previous advice - that someone who loves you and respects you will not expect you to give up your life to pander to them. They don't respect you and they do not value your time. They see your purpose as primarily to serve them.
Another thing I'm remembering if anyone has the same, my M has always been ridiculously competitive with me, from getting a new bed, clothes, hair etc and I always ignored this thinking I was imagining it, but when I look back it certainly wasn't normal behaviour (and still isn't). It wouldn't occur to me to compete with my DD !
Also thanks to all this, am putting more time and energy into DD, and am determined to be the best mum I can be.

princessmi12 · 06/09/2016 12:47

Just refuse to take him in! Stop accommodating her wants.I don't think your situation is as difficult as some others posters(at least from your post)
It might be the case she'll get upset and stop talking to you but you need to develop assertiveness.

contrary13 · 05/09/2016 18:12

Lost this thread. Thought I had it 'watched'... but apparently not (although I do now).

Does anyone else have a mother who thinks that they (as in, us, the daughters) don't actually have their own lives to run... or is it just mine?!

My mother has a puppy. He's... actually he's a pain in my arse, not hers. Don't get me wrong, he's very sweet. But he spends more time in my home, than hers. She informed me this morning that I'm having him for four days this week. Yep: "informed me". Didn't bother to ask, or check if it was okay, just told me. And when I said that I wasn't having him today (which would have made it five days out of seven this week), got told that I had "nothing else to do with [my] time!".

Nope, of course not... I lead the Life of Riley, don't you know?!

Yes, I'm at home all day - but I work from home. Which I can't do with a puppy plaguing the life out of my elderly dog and cats. And today? Today was my first day to myself in almost two and a half months - because my DS went back to school today (I'm a single parent). So it was deep clean the house after the holidays time. When we look after the puppy, it also interupts my dog's schedule of walking - because, even though the pup's had his jabs... he's a breed that apparently can't be walked, due to damaging his joints (although with the amount of racing around and jumping he does, I'm not sure it'd make much difference if he had a short walk, to be brutally honest!). And he chases my son's chickens, which means they can't go out in their run on the lawn - because he does nothing but yap at them. She's refusing to train him, because he "doesn't listen to [her] at all" - and she gets shirty at me when I point out that's because he's here, more than he is there... but she won't let me train him, because he's her dog. And when my dog tries to pull him into line, in front of her - she tells me that my dog (who is trained, mind, and is ridiculously gentle) "needs a good smack to show him who's boss!". Which... no. Just... no. My dog knows I'm in charge, thanks, without violence or threats. Yet when he responds to a hand signal in front of her, she acts like it's the first time he's ever behaved himself.

And why does she expect me to have her pup so often?! Not because she's working... nope. She "voluntarily retired" two years ago. She demands that I have him here, because he interrupts her knitting!!! Oh, and her watching of the soaps and endless antique programmes on Daytime TV...

Did she offer to have my DS for even half an hour over the summer so that I could have some time to myself? Nope. Of course not. But I'm expected to have her 13 week old puppy for days on end, without even being asked what our plans are...

If it wasn't for the fact that I feel ridiculously sorry for the pup, it wouldn't be happening. But this isn't his fault, and I'm planning on talking to the breeder she bought him from about this situation before long. Because whilst I have no problem with animals - I did not plan for a second dog in this house!!!

Sorry. I just needed to get that off my chest before I exploded.

Bigfatnope · 04/09/2016 21:35

Jumping on the band wagon. My mum is an in-denial alcoholic who, although has not been the worlds worst mum, is definitely not great. And is just down right awful after a drink.

Bananasandchocolatecustard · 04/09/2016 21:29

Bumping for advice.
After not seeing my mum for 5 weeks because of the way she spoke to me, I phoned her tonight. She started going on at me straight away - asked me why I hadn't visited her, I was honest and said because I didn't want to (because of the way she had treated me). End result of the phone call is that I now feel very upset because she is such an unpleasant person, and she's not happy that I won't abide by her rules.
I don't know what to do, I have 2 sisters telling me I am being unreasonable, and that "she won't be here for ever".
Any advice?

SlipperyJack · 03/09/2016 19:16

Fucking hell itried, you are well out of that. What a waste of space your mother is.

ToxicLadybird · 03/09/2016 14:59

I feel like there's 3 people inside my head since going nc and they won't stop arguing. Ladybird#1 is relieved and happy that there's been no contact, apart from the shouty call, and hopes it continues forever. Ladybird#2 also wants no contact but is very angry and upset and getting it and wants to scream 'I'm your fucking daughter, you know how upset I am, how the fuck can you let me go so easily, why aren't you fighting for me?'

Ladybird#3 is taking bets on if/when there will be an attempt at contact. The odds have an attempt at a sickly sweet Christmas day phone call as most likely, with no regard to how it might upset and spoil the day.

princessmi12 · 03/09/2016 13:55

I think your story is by far so upsetting I can't describe disgust I feel for your so called mother. Good on you for cutting her out of your life, she doesn't deserve children.
Don't feel guilty forgoing NC, she doesn't feel guilty for not giving you good childhood Flowers

Itriedshefailed · 03/09/2016 11:10

Name changed - but I'm in.

I've only just started going NC as it has took this long to realise how manipulative and narcissistic she is.

In my teen years the stuff I witnessed I'd never put my children through.

  • different men running past me on the stairs/landing entering my mums room or leaving
  • going down in the middle night for a drink and seeing strange men in the kitchen
  • men washing their cocks in the sink before/after fucking my mum
  • walking in on her fucking (Kitchen, Living Room , Dining room table)
  • men sorting out drugs while she'd sit there half naked laughing and helping

    I have a memory when she split from another husband and she was threatening an over dose and got me the youngest child to ring my dad and tell him " to see his reaction" my dad told me to phone an ambulance and he's not getting involved. My mum wailed how he was a failure and nobody wanted her. Bare in mind my mum and dad hadn't been together for over ten years at this point.

    She bangs on how she was a single mum raised X amount of children by herself... Thing was once we all hit 11/12 we fended for ourselves.

    She has a mob mentality, like if we had a dispute it wouldn't just be me vs her it would be me vs her and the siblings. She also has this " us against the world " mentality aswell which was depressing when younger.

    The amount of our friends that would stay once and never come back because they heard my mum having sex or seen her having sex was mortifying
    (The sex sounds where something else very porn like, she'd enter the bedroom and within 10 seconds would be screaming the place down with how their " an amazing fuck " " she's gonna cum " "fuck her harder with that big cock" )

    The amount of times we moved house because of failed relationships ( 15 houses in 17 years!)

    She thinks she can say whatever she wants without no repercussions
    In the past month
  • I'm a cold hearted bitch
  • ive never been there for her
  • I'm a let down

    My own wedding she dressed like a slapper, and when people pointed out her in appropriate wedding attire she told them all Theyre jealous they havent got a body like hersHmm
    The "speech" for my wedding didn't mention me just how she was a single mum and mentioned my siblings!

    and I'm now two weeks into NC and I can't tell you the relief I am experiencing. My DH couldn't understand how it took me so long to run for the hills.

    I believed I was a good daughter I did everything j could, I'd ring up companies to sort out her debt and get a payment plan going only too find out weeks later she'd taken another credit card out to go and get Botox, lip fillers , eyebrows tattooed and an outfit.
    I'd be on the end of the phone when she sobbed and sobbed how the worlds Against her.

    Yet never once was she there for me. I remember telling her I was pregnant and her words were " stupid girl. He won't stick around"
    I miscarried a few days later her words of wisdom
    " good job. He wouldn't of stuck around"

    I tried so hard, but she just failed as a mum.
Mairyhinge · 02/09/2016 10:11

I agree that it's making me a better mother ( I hope!!) dd is 20 and I think we have a really good relationship, far better than the one I have with my mother, but maybe dd would say differently? I'd hope not tho, and we talk, and she knows about the difficult relationship I have with my mother, so I believe I'm learning from her mistakes....
My mother only had me, so when I had dd everything was wonderful, she's the best thing ever ( always has been the favourite), when I had ds (14) she couldn't understand it, who'd want more than 1 child? And a boy??? Good grief, was I mad? She told me to abort.
And now she wonders why ds doesn't particular spend any time with her, she has no idea how to communicate with him at all, and thinks he's lazy ( what 14 yr old boy isn't?!!).
I'm sick of hearing it now,

Cupcakeannie77 · 01/09/2016 22:03

My mum agreed to baby sit my DC her DGC only she got invited out so arranged for someone else to have them unbeknown to me. I found out went nuts and she didn't see the problem. We've not spoken since, that was 18 months ago. It was the last straw for me. I feel happier not having her in my life. It's other people that can't handle it. They say 'but it's your mum' I say so what, you wouldn't stay with a toxic partner so why is it different when it's your mother. I kind of think it's making me a better mother though.

ZippyNeedsFeeding · 01/09/2016 21:56

I don't know if it's wrong, but it's normal. I feel like this about both of my parents.

Mairyhinge · 01/09/2016 21:23

Is it wrong to be waiting for the day she dies? I guarantee all I will feel is relief. Dad died 2 years ago and I miss him every day, I just wish she would hurry up and go be with him ( which she actually keeps telling me she wants). Then I wouldn't feel the need to be a dutiful daughter., who is failing miserably no matter what I do.

ZippyNeedsFeeding · 01/09/2016 13:45

Ah yes, the "I''m worried about her" attack. My mother has form for this. Almost every time I have refused to do what my mother wants, she contacts my husband and tells him about how concerned she is and how unstable I seem. She then lays on a heap of emotional blackmail and eventually he caves and does whatever it is she wants.

The plus side is that after a particularly nasty bout of emotional blackmail earlier this year, he at least sees what I've been dealing with all my life.

Huldra · 29/08/2016 21:02

Long story, I posted a couple of weeks back now. I was visiting my Mum for a few weeks as she lives in another European country, couple of my siblings would be there too, then my husband flying out for our family holiday.

Anyway after siblings went home I got up one morning and left as i coudnt take her shit anymore. I found other places for me and the kids to stay and we've had a great time and picked up my husband as arranged.

Haven't heard a thing from her, not by email, mobile or text (all free). She did call one of my brothers who wasn't on the visit to her with a tale about how worried she is. She thtold him that I am very depressed and concerned about my and the kids welfare. Apparently she can't call me as a text or call would cost her £20, not true becuase she knows mobile to mobile calls are free between us. Dunno what is wrong with trying an email. Well that's what she told him whilst liking my husbands fb posts! Uhh not that worried then?

Well I know how she wants to play things then.

Birdandsparrow · 29/08/2016 19:18

Och, Iron it's not you. A lot of that sounds like the kind of thing my mum would do when looking for a drama or fight. I'd often then have a row afterwards with DH as part of the fallout. It's not you.

IronNeonClasp · 29/08/2016 19:04

Well I'm starting to think. It is me. Just had a blazing row with OH. About silicone of all things... Seriously giving up.

ToneDeafHamster · 29/08/2016 18:31

Fucking hell Iron, that sounds really rough. I don't have any advice, but I want you to know, its her, not you. She sounds like a fucking nutcase.

As far as NC is concerned, I don't know, its so hard, isn't it. Our Mothers are supposed to protect us, and they end up being the ones who hurt us the most.

IronNeonClasp · 29/08/2016 17:10

Hi All,
SnortGrunt and Attila. I have just come back from the worst caravan holiday with my Mother ever.

Attila you told me to feign sickness and I really should have although I have used sickness before in order to avoid these stays.

So we were having a lovely time. Kids really happy. On the Saturday she handed a couple of pics to me. She said "you can cut me out of them if you want"Hmm
On the Saturday she was insistent that I stay up and watch a film she had seen. She's been banging on about it for weeks but it was the last thing I wanted to do. I said I was going to bed at half 9 and went to brush my teeth. I could her knocking things and when I opened the door to the lounge she was pacing with a familiar look - the one that scares me. Pure rage and regression into a 5 year old.
So I asked her what was wrong and she flapped, spat "I'll just talk to myself like I always do". I made some bullshit excuse and sat there watching the film, whilst she proceeded to get drunk and rub my neck like I was 5. I was quite 'off' as this is a fake scenario and went to bed around midnight.
She was pretty hungover the next morning and I was tired as we stayed up so late on the Fri which is why I wanted to go to bed early.
We came up with a plan, I sorted kids and supplies and we left to visit a local village on foot.
Now seriously, she hasn't stopped talking the entire time from the moment we arrived to now. Her stories are repetitive, or things we used to laugh at when I was 15 (I'm 40's now). I dismissed a comment - unfair possibly - and then told my DD to be careful as we were on a single track road and cars shoot up it.
She spouted "Oh you're not interested in anything I say" angrily and started to storm off. She erupted into venomous and hurtful comments. Stripping me down. Unfortunately I retaliated. I told her she doesn't shut up so there's no headspace. I told her she pulled a tantrum the night before. We were evil and people were watching. She started to shout at them too. I wasn't bothered about them. This is a scenario I have observed or been the victim of so many times but not of late as normally these incidents are so fresh in my mind but I let down my guard and I'm furious with myself.
Anyway she did her usual vanishing act so I took kids back to caravan as I had the key. I packed up the car and I should have left but I couldn't make a rational decision. Even rang OH but I guess he couldn't take it for me either. Anyway, no sign of her. I unpacked a few bits.
Took kids to pool. Bear in mind the kids witnessed all of this. It started to pour down so got them dry and went to amusements. Then back to the van and I made grub and she snuck in with a couple of bags of shopping. I acted normal
"Hiya - you had a nice time?". Childlike mode with anger. Retaliation.
She starts packing.
"I've already done that but I thought we could sort this out, draw a line under it; stay for the last night". But Mother wasn't done. She wanted to do some more (proper) damage. She told me I am miserable and how she doesn't know how my husband copes with me. She called me bipolar. She called me that as my husband called me that at Christmas (I have been reflecting on our relationship ever since).
She basically told me I was cause for breaking our family up and my Dad knows exactly what I'm like. Oh and she also blackmailed me with some information that I have hidden from my OH. That was a real gem.
So She is really winding me up. Similar treatment at 15. I threatened her she wouldn't see my kids again and no turning up on my door 6 months down the line. (I cut contact when my daughter was a couple of months olds - she ended up phoning my Dad (separated) and she turned up at my door all apologetic.)
She turned everything I had said around and that I was having a tantrum etc. That I had started 'the argument'.
Anyway I ended up having some ridiculous panic attack and sounded possessed shouting "leave me alone" trying to eat the dinner I had made, which makes me realise how unhinged I became. It was relentless and she just would not bloody stop. She kept following me. I didn't want to leave her with my kids or I would have gone for a walk to calm down for a few minutes. She's said a couple of (venomous) things to them today and yesterday that I am not happy about. And all of the above happened in front of them. DD showing signs today of anger. Hopefully I can just cuddle her and chat if she asks me anything (she's 5).
So it was all sorted by about half 7. It seems she gets some kind of fix and bonding from emotional disturbance.
I couldn't wait to get the fuck away from her today. And I seriously have no idea how to go NC as its failed before. Incidentally my brother lives abroad. Very interested to read PP accounts about siblings leaving the country.
She kept mentioning this morning 'how much she talks' dropping gems in.
And now I have driven home - 3 hours. I am completely mentally exhausted. All of my triggers have been disrupted. I have to rebuild myself from scratch. I can't trust who and what she will tell. I can't bring myself to tell her we got home safe. I hate her.


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NoncommittalToSparkleMotion · 28/08/2016 02:26

Oh zippy. I'm so sorry to read that.

No, you're not a bitch. The way your family operates is just so unhealthy. But then, when they can't function normally in mundane situations, in crises it can hurt tenfold.


SeaEagleFeather · 26/08/2016 13:37

zippy thoughts for the future ...... i suspectyour parents' 'love' comes with a high, high price tag for your younger sister too. Mainly freedom of thought. What would happen if she started challenging your mother?

Would she even be capable of it? Controlling parents can mold thoughtprocess of a child so deeply that can only become carbon copies of their parent, and never really develop their own minds.

But it sucks to be the unloved one.

Badders123 · 26/08/2016 11:55

I'm 43
It's only since I turned 40 that I've been able to see clearly.
Partially my dad dying and partially ill health myself has made me pretty much zero tolerance for all types of bullshit.
As mum had a heart attack the day dad died I didn't pull away initially I have now.
But I'm getting there.
Takes a while to undo 40 years of conditioning.

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