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Friend with BO- what to say?!? Help!

31 replies

Wauden · 06/08/2016 20:18

My friend came to stay for three days and we had a good time. But when he stepped into my house, he smelt rank. I did recoil, not from him, but from the BO. Then I hinted: 'would you like to try out the new shower?' He did have a shower and then returned to say: 'Can you smell the nice shower gel?' But there was little difference.
Some people might get some water on them and some gel but the washing fairy does not exist, you have to work at it or use a flannel.

He left early one morning (leaving the back door unlocked and me vulnerable) and emailed me to say 'there was a barrier between us, he can't be around people who don't want to be with them, he has to leave' , pretty much ending the friendship. Then another email inviting me to stay. In this heat?!?

He is rather sensitive and likes things just his way and has walked out of situations before, just left suddenly. There is something going on, somehow.

What to say? Not 'You fucking stick, mate' as that would put his back up.

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ilovewelshrarebit123 · 07/08/2016 10:04

I worked with someone who smelt of BO. Everyone talked about him but said nothing.

Another colleague eventually told him and he was mortified but thanked her. He smelt fresh as a daisy after that!

Honesty is the way forward in this case.

Wauden · 07/08/2016 11:54

Going to be a tough conversation, what with him leaving the back door unlocked and leaving me vulnerable. And I think that he drinks too much so that makes him and the clothes smell worse.
I feel a bit angry with him now so best to cool down. I think email is best, non-accusatory, helpful.
The friendship is actually worth it, but he either doesn't realise things or does not care - if the latter, then maybe not worth it.

I keep checking whether the back door is locked.

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EstellaHavisham · 07/08/2016 14:41

Wauden yes I think my employee might drink a fair bit too. His skin is awful (he's in his 50s) and he seems to be in the pub every night.

He won't change though that's the thing. He also seems to have a big issue with women (his wife left him) so I can't tell him as he won't take direction from me. I've told DH in the past that he needs to say something but he just denies there is an issue and says it's me being sensitive, even though other members of staff have said the same as me Hmm

Wauden · 07/08/2016 15:44

Estella, so your employee is very stubborn, too and an alcoholic. Maybe if the other employees approached DH instead, then your DH would see the strength in numbers?
Can you give him a verbal warning over the directions he ignored from you, his boss? Perhaps add the smell being a problem to colleagues?

OP posts:
ScatteryCattery · 07/08/2016 19:45

why do you keep going on about the back door?

Wauden · 11/08/2016 21:05

I mentioned the back door because he left it unlocked and I was still asleep.

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