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I know it's coming to an end but why am I so upset?!

30 replies

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 16/06/2016 15:43

4 years together
No dcs
Everything has just gone wrong lately and I think the end is inevitable
We're both unhappy
But the end scares me and makes me stupidly sad

I am so so fed up

OP posts:
RandomMess · 21/06/2016 19:20

Ask for a time to sit down and discuss ALL chores that need doing, how often etc. and how are they going to be split. You also hand over responsibility for them being doing and yes remind him actions speak so much louder than words.

TamaraHiddlestoned · 21/06/2016 19:05

Well tell him that actions speak louder than words!!
And maybe start to get a plan B for yourself.

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 20/06/2016 09:36

He's being nice now, but still nothing is done around the house.

Says he will but nothing happens...........

OP posts:
Openmindedmonkey · 18/06/2016 14:49

PS When I split with my husband, I started with "I'm not happy" and went on from there. The 90s (80s?) Book "Feel the fear & do it anyway" was always my inspiration!

Openmindedmonkey · 18/06/2016 14:47

Sorry for the delay, OP.
Difficult to know without knowing him but here's my input -
1 Don't spring the conversation on him from nowhere. Surprise won't help you.
2 Perhaps preface with "we need to talk about our relationship; is now / X o'clock a good time?"
3 Don't start at all if he's fully engaged in another activity, even if it's 'only' watching sport. You need his full attention.
4 Choose your location carefully- home, garden, country walk, quiet pub, whatever makes you feel safe
5 Have a plan of what you want to say; what's your main message? Make sure you have an exit strategy for the conversation, esp if it risks gets too heated.
6 Worse case, have a plan B for where you could stay tonight, preferably with someone to talk to.

Good luck Flowers

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 17/06/2016 12:27

openminded can you explain how I can make it a two way chat instead of me telling him. I know that sounds stupid but I'm quite sleepy

I know you're right finallyhere

OP posts:
FinallyHere · 17/06/2016 12:19

You are asking 'why am I so upset? '. I think its a very good question. Are you happy to share your life with someone like this. Its all very well to tell yourself that you just haven't made yourself clear but at some point you ask yourself 'how would i feel if the rest of my life was like this?'

Please be kind to yourself and find yourself a much better life. All the very, very best.

Openmindedmonkey · 17/06/2016 12:05

Don't 'tell him', that won't work at all if he is conditioned to old fashioned gender roles... you may just be blocked out as a nagging woman.
But a two-way conversation between proper adults is pretty much essential. Arrange to talk. Agree a time & location when you are both fully engaged. It's worth the investment.

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 17/06/2016 11:59

He's 28, he used to work away most of the time so I didn't mind then. I'd do it all as I figured it was mainly me making the mess and eating the food

He got a new local role 6 months ago and nothing changed

OP posts:
UnexpectedItemInShaggingArea · 17/06/2016 11:53

Only if he wants to. And after four years it's unlikely.

How old is he?

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 17/06/2016 11:49

Could he learn do you think?

OP posts:
UnexpectedItemInShaggingArea · 17/06/2016 11:23

He sounds really selfish. All these faults will just be magnified as you get older or have children. You're making the right decision.

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 17/06/2016 11:12

OK, I just wanted it to all work out that's all Sad

OP posts:
MyKingdomForBrie · 17/06/2016 11:02

No, I don't think he'd understand and I don't think he'd change. Go with your instinct and get out now.

category12 · 17/06/2016 11:02

I don't know. I assume you have brought up these things before.

It's worth a try, but tbh it's likely he'll raise his game for a while to keep you, and then revert.

It sounds like he's coming from a viewpoint about 'women's work' that is very unlikely to shift.

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 17/06/2016 10:56

I want to tell him all of it so he understands but I feel like it would just be a rant and a long list of errors on his part.

Do you think if I told him it all he'd understand?

OP posts:
category12 · 17/06/2016 10:52

These are the things that kill relationships long-term. Imagine having children and him just doing his own washing up? Who even does that? Who lives as a couple and just buys his own food when he goes shopping? It's just bizarre. He doesn't see you as a team, but he's happy for you to do for him.

It shouldn't be hard and your expectations are not too high.

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 17/06/2016 08:50

I'm thinking of giving it one last go, really pushing him to do more around the house and see how it goes.

It all seems such small petty stuff but it's draining

OP posts:
moneymoneymoneyohdear · 16/06/2016 22:27

They do have very traditional gender roles

His brother and SIL don't though they seem to share the chores very well

I do also do the vast majority of diy and flat pack assembly Smile

OP posts:
AddToBasket · 16/06/2016 22:23

What is his parents relationship like? What you've described gives a strong impression of gender roles that you absolutely don't need to sign up to.

moneymoneymoneyohdear · 16/06/2016 22:01

Yeah, sometimes I question whether I expect too much from him but I can never be sure

I think that makes things harder too, not knowing if my expectations are too high

OP posts:
Naicehamshop · 16/06/2016 18:41

He doesn't sound right for you and you definitely don't sound happy. You are doing the right thing imho - can you imagine how you will feel after 20 years of this? 30 years? Make the break now - it will be difficult but you will survive. Flowers


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HandyWoman · 16/06/2016 18:30

I commend you for calling time on this relationship, his values are shining through. And this board is full of threads about guys like this with marriage, mortgage and kids in toe.

I wish you well, OP. It's hard to let go but let go you must.


moneymoneymoneyohdear · 16/06/2016 18:25

No they dont on the surface

I do everything around the house, if I don't do it things don't get done (3 weeks before I caved and cleaned,he must've noticed). He food shops for just him I food shop for us. He thinks he does jobs around the house though which makes it harder to talk to him about it. He doesn't think he talks to me in the wrong way. If he's washing up he'll do his stuff not everything (if we've had brekkie separately I mean)

OP posts:
ILoveAGoodBrusselSprout · 16/06/2016 18:16

I never think that someone should 'settle' when it doesn't feel right, and only you can know if it's right or wrong. However, these issues don't seem insurmountable to me if you are both prepared to compromise.

Having said that, if it's the end, it's the end and, despite the sadness you'll undoubtedly feel, you'll move on and eventually find someone that is right for you.

Good luck

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