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OLD dilemma

36 replies

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 07:35

Chatting for about a week with some guy a bit younger than me. We have a laugh and he's really attractive. Last night he asked me a load of questions about my sexual experiences.....then told me at the end he was having a wank Confused then I feel a bit used.
WWYD.....Block and move on or keep for casual sex?

OP posts:
Hellothereitsme · 15/06/2016 06:06

With OD I found it easier to take each new date as a little like an interview for a new job ie I wouldn't accept the job until I knew more about it, whether I liked it, saw a future and also whether they liked me. It made me feel more relaxed and I did actually meet some very nice men.

My main tip though, and initially I failed on this is do not get too involved with texting the men. If you like the look of them and they sound nice arrange to meet for a coffee ASAP. This generally gets rid of the marrieds and the ones that just want pen friends. But the main reason is that it stops you getting too emotionally involved with someone that you really don't know. Assume all photos are out of date, heights are wrong and that they are all hairy bikers before you have actually met them in real life. Good luck and have fun but keep you head and stay safe there are a lot of men on OD that in real life you wouldn't touch.

Ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 21:59

YY jellybean I have words to that effect on my profile!

OP posts:
JellyBean31 · 14/06/2016 12:35

When I get asked the "so what're you looking for" question I respond with something in between a random hook up and marriage I find it completely unrealistic to be expected to define things more than this to a complete stranger

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 12:20

Thanks Naze thats shifted my mindset and has been really helpful thank you!

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ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 12:16

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheNaze73 · 14/06/2016 12:08

Glad you see what I mean OP. I think most women & men, may be scared off by the whole kitchen sink being thrown at them at the beginning. I'd be a bit more ambiguous about what you're after. Maybe, looking to take it one date at a time & looking to enjoy the moment. Who knows where this will lead?

Slowdecrease · 14/06/2016 12:03

Good luck and above all enjoy Grin

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 11:58

yes you are absolutely right, its easy to get caught up in it all and it suddenly moves too quickly, but like you say both parties set the pace and I need to make sure that is clear when (if!) I find a suitable guy. Thanks Slow Smile, I hope so. Off to do some more swiping Wink

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Slowdecrease · 14/06/2016 11:47

I would say the most men would be happy dating a new woman once a week/fortnight to start. Yes they would probably be keen to push for more, but you wouldn't put them off one iota by keeping it lighthearted. So many women on MN with the same story...he was full on, it was too much but I went along with it even though I wanted it more casual, now he's cooled off, I'm so confused etc etc etc . Cue the chorus of what a loser and game player the guy is. As a woman I find this really unfair on men! No, you're responsible for the pace of dating just as much as he is, if it's too much, slow it down, but when you get what you wished for, don't complain/get confused because it's really not that confusing at all (and all men aren't bastards because they have a different way of courting to women)

That aside, this guy really didn't have much to offer in the way of dating clearly, so I'd say go back to the pond and fish. You sound like a lovely level headed person and believe me there are lots of men out there looking for a woman exactly like you Smile

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 11:39

Thanks Naze, well by full on relationship I mean one that is all singing all dancing, live happily ever after together. However, now that you've asked me to actually define it, it feels stupid saying that because as PP have said how would that happen straight away? If it did eventually develop to that, it would feel natural anyway wouldn't it? My last relationship was a serious, intense relationship that went from 0 - 60 in 2 seconds (moved in straight away, became father figure for kids from the off, he did a great job and things were unicorns and rainbows, but sadly he passed away.) Right now I could do with something a bit more casual/slowburning right now, maybe date once a week/fortnight IYSWIM? But not casual in the sense of open/FWB/ONS, I don't want that at all. This fella from OLD seemed to be on the same page (so he said), but his actions last night didn't really show that did they?

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TheNaze73 · 14/06/2016 11:08

Hi OP, you are not being prudish in any sense of the word. Those sort of shenanigans should be reserved for exactly when you want. On your other point, what do you mean by full on relationship? Maybe be more specific. In the early days of a new relationship, full on to some may mean, seeing each other once per week & exclusive, whilst some, need it to be full on from day 1, which I know sounds crazy but, I do have some weird all or nothing friends! Regardless of that anyway, his actions are indicating the type who'd be a one & done & not what you appear to be looking for

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 11:04

Yes Freaky, I didn't feel incredibly uncomfortable given that I wasn't being asked to describe stuff or say explicit stuff, just yes or no questions. Like I say the most uncomfortable bit was him not saying goodnight or responding to me at the end of the conversation....that was the weird bit.

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IToldYouIWasFreaky · 14/06/2016 10:57

No, no, no, no! Not overly prudish at all. Like I said, it's all about what YOU are comfortable with. Everyone will have different boundaries. Doesn't make you prudish.
I don't do ONS...I can't deal with them emotionally so sexting is my kind of equivalent (no strings attached, itch scratching fun!) BUT it has to be with someone that I have built up some level of rapport with....a good old flirty conversation leading up to pics being sent etc. An unsolicited pic or a sudden sexual comment is just offputting and rude.
I guess to use the club analogy, it's the difference between having a snog and a cheeky fumble with someone you fancy, and someone flashing you...

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 10:48

Freaky yes, I see what you were saying. This was it, I wasn't entirely sure if I was being used or not, its never really happened before because I usually shut them down when any talk of sex comes up. Don't go in for sexting with strangers. So I'm not sure if I was being overly prudish or was more the fact that he didn't even say goodnight that I was more miffed about! Talk about roll over and go to sleep!! Grin

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ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 10:39

Slow yes, you are so right with the 'club' analogy. So true.

Yes Heavens absolutely, we'd gone hours and hours of chat over the space of a week or so. Really lovely chat, funny, silly, we seemed to share a good rapport. No smuttiness, maybe casual innocent flirting at best. This thing last night was like a bolt out of the blue.

[Grin] Imperial that would be fun, unfortunately DM probably not interested....not famous - he's a bit time actor, adverts and sketch shows.

OP posts:
ImperialBlether · 14/06/2016 10:23

He's an actor? He won't mind a bit of publicity then, will he? Send him a message asking if the DM has been in touch yet.

Heavens2Betsy · 14/06/2016 10:19

I've always thought with OLD that you need to know your boundaries and never say or accept anything that you wouldn't like if it were a face to face conversation.
So if I met someone and after ten minutes of chat they started asking me about sex I'd think they were a perv - why is it any different online?
However if you like talking about sex and the conversation is going the way you want it to that's fine as well.
Him telling you what he was doing was his way of pushing the boundaries (either that or he's an inappropriate knob) and it made you feel uncomfortable and used so end the conversation as you would in a real day to day life situation.

Slowdecrease · 14/06/2016 10:10

As I say I just hit lucky really meeting my OH this time but I'd had my fair share of strange experiences previously, its a learning curve. I've always likened it to the olden days when you'd meet people in clubs. There's going to be the ones who pinch your bum unsolicited the ones who look good but have no personality, the ones showing off with their mates, the ones who can dance amazing and all the girls want them and if you're really lucky, the man of your dreams over there in the corner (he probably won't come to you but give him some encouragement and he'll take the bait Smile )

IToldYouIWasFreaky · 14/06/2016 10:07

I agree with Slowdecrease except I am one of those scary types that is looking for a serious relationship! But of course I understand that it has to be with the right person and it doesn't happen overnight.

Anyway, IME, when I am chatting to someone either it's heading towards potential dating type scenarios, in which case there is NO sexting. Flirting fine but nothing explicit and definitely no photos. It would just be a bit weird to meet someone for a drink, knowing that you've seen their cock! Grin
Or, you can be chatting to someone and you hit it off but know it's not going to work as a potential relationship (usually because of distance, for me) and this is where things can develop into sexting. No one's getting used, it's just long as you both know where you stand.

The key (as with so many things to do with OLD) is to know that you are looking for and know what you and will not accept. And if anyone ever makes you feel uncomfortable, block and move on.

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 10:03

Yeah you are right slow.....I'll put this down to another strange OLD experience! Confused

OP posts:
Slowdecrease · 14/06/2016 10:00

It is weird and he sounds a bit strange.

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 09:54

Naze i told him I didn't want ONS or a full on serious relationship....we seemed to be on the same page.
slow yes this is so true what you are saying about OLD. The questions he asked me were yes or no answers, I didn't elaborate or describe anything, also a few non sexual ones, do you smoke, done drugs etc. Not wank material at all, or so I thought....completely shocked when he said what he was doing and then I stopped the conversation. It was weird.

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Slowdecrease · 14/06/2016 09:24

This is the problem the majority of people have with OLD. The majority of people say they want a relationship - nothing to heavy - well of course not, who would want a heavy relationship with someone they've never met before, that's entirely normal. IMO it's the people who are so incensed with their dates not falling in love with them and promising their lives to them IMMEDIATELY as they stated VERY CLEARLY that they were looking for a serious relationship that are a bit scary. Eek. People who advertise themselves to the masses (because that's essentially what OLD is) as only interested in a 'serious' thing are in my opinion a bit of a red flag in themselves. Anyway. In the absence of a serious thing developing I would say a fair percentage of people are willing to settle for something a bit more casual (i.e. a shag) because, well, it's been a while and they're horny. Now here's the problem. Some people can just do that, just settle for the physical. Most people and I am going to stick my neck out here and say mainly women, will SAY they will settle for more casual, but actually are hoping that the guy they fancy will spend just enough time gazing into their eyes post-sex to fall madly in love. It rarely happens. So I think what I am saying is this. In my opinion and experience:

Most people on OLD may are genuinely looking for a relationship (nothing to heavy of course) but not with just anyone - for that special person - and the odds are that most of the people they date/speak to will just not be it. That works both ways.

Most people in the absence of finding the perfect one will be content with scratching the itch and thats when people get hurt because rarely are people are the same page unless they expressly go on there stating they want casual sex (which conversely makes them a sleaze).

My personal experience of OLD after dipping into it a few times is that the last time I went on it I had been dumped in a really rubbish way and as a usually confident person my self esteem has took a knock. I went on Tinder really for a confident boost and nothing more. Started talking to someone for a month so (absolutely no sexy talk or wanking Grin ) met a month later, slept together the first night - been together about 18 months now. Very happy.

My advice for OP is I suspect he won't want you for a casual thing at this stage as you've kind of already given all your allure away, talking him through the game as it were for free. I'd move on and keep him on the back burner if you're feeling frisky at the end of the phone one night. There's casual and then there's literally blowing your load early doors, where else is there to go with it?

TheNaze73 · 14/06/2016 09:19

Hi Lady Without wanting to sound harsh, do you really know what you want? Maybe you're sending out mixed signals?

ladyfadgina · 14/06/2016 08:41

I think a relationship Duchess nothing too heavy, nothing too casual. But at the moment I'm not having much luck so casual would be a good stop gap.
pictish think you are right ....I've blocked and unmatched from the site....bit of a wanker Grin

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