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Is tinder any good for finding a loving relationship?

56 replies

hettyGreek · 02/04/2016 11:51

I've used several different sites before like where you had to pay to use and met people. But not decent guys - just guys that aren't wanting any commitment and always made me feel like they are on the lookout for something better. I know these apps have the same reputation, but it looks like a better way to match with more guys and quicker.

I've noticed some awful dating profile with guys showing a gun collection and saying they are married just looking for chat and ] the risks of sextortion.

But if im thinking about trying this app there might be other normal people like me on it right?

Has anyone had any luck with this app or others? As its a numbers game I think just the more guys I get to see the higher my rate of success.

OP posts:
Stewart2017 · 17/12/2016 22:57

Give it a go and follow your gut instincts.

Singyourheartout · 16/12/2016 14:20

Actually once you wade through the idiot you can find some genuine people. I meet my now bf there and going strong for a year as has my house mate. Using tinder actually allowed me you find a person that I have common interests and a connection. Give it ago but be careful.❤️❤️

Spingroll16 · 16/12/2016 13:31

Met my DH through tinder, We've recently gotten married and have a baby on the way. We also bought our own house together last year :)

Just trust your judgement

Tenshidarkangel · 16/12/2016 11:06

Met my DP on Tinder. You have to wade through a lot of shit but there are some genuine stars on there. :)

BertieBotts · 16/12/2016 08:51

Ah OK.

midnightswirls · 15/12/2016 11:58

I've just met someone on tinder. I've used it before a few years ago in the past but never dared going on dates. Me and this guy had an instant connection and a lot in common after talking for a week we had a date and things are going great! Like people have said it's easy to tell if someone isn't serious by pics and bio ( lots of drinking pics, pics of their body).

LesisMiserable · 15/12/2016 11:31

Same Restless , 2014 seems to have been a very ripe year for Tinder Smile

RestlessTraveller · 15/12/2016 11:28

Two years ago I met my DP on Tinder, we're getting married next year.

LesisMiserable · 15/12/2016 11:27

Shatners my experience is polar opposite to yours so I concur with Bertie. I met my DP despite us both setting radius to 20 miles because I travelled one weekend from an airport near his home. If I hadnt logged in at the airport I dont think we would have met.

ShatnersWig · 15/12/2016 09:05

Bertie Rubbish does it. I once had a match from someone who was supposedly 16 miles away and no profile text to say otherwise. We soon discovered in chatting that we actually lived 120 miles apart and she had not been anywhere near my area nor my hers. We were both a bit pissed off about it.

I have seen some profiles that say "Swiping in X" which to my mind shows they are visiting the area but live elsewhere.

BertieBotts · 15/12/2016 09:01

It goes off GPS doesn't it? So they might be visiting your local area when you're matching with them.

carnationlilyrose · 15/12/2016 08:50

I met my DP on tinder - 2.5 years now!

ShatnersWig · 15/12/2016 08:45

Tinder is shit for the fact that its distance/radius thing is total shit. I set my radius for women within 35 miles, it presents me with profiles from women who are 17 miles away, 25 miles away, 32 miles away. Then you read the text underneath and discover they are actually in London, Manchester, Newcastle or even Dubai. All of which are between 100 and 7000 miles away. Pointless.

LesisMiserable · 15/12/2016 00:24

Tinder is really what you make it. Met my other half on there quite by accident as we were unwittingly within our chosen radius of each other one day (20 mile radius, but we actually live 60 miles apart). Been together over two years now. Very happy. Both feeling its for the long haul Smile truthfully as well, Tinder is great for a confidence boost when your mojo is a bit low... I only went on it for a few 'likes' if you will, of course never looked back since Smile

denningismyhomeboy · 14/12/2016 19:15

I met my now boyfriend on tinder, only a few months in (/weeks of being official!) but it's going really well.

I was on it as a bit of a joke and a laugh, chatted to a few people, only actually went on a date with my now boyfriend though.

Perhaps a slightly different perspective, I do say chat to them for a few days to get an idea of how they are, but people can come across very differently online than in real life. I liked my boyfriend online, was umming and ahhing about meeting him, and then went for it and we had great chemistry from the offset.

But likewise don't expect amazing things from every date, just like other OLD! I like it because it's not pretending to be anything like the online dating extensive algorithms and matching on replies to questions etc. It's just yeah I think you're good looking, let's give this a whirl. Which is more like how it would be if you met someone you didn't know in a pub or something.

Stewart2017 · 14/12/2016 19:00

I think tinder is linked to Facebook, so reduces fake profiles, and you can change the photos displayed on Tinder and add your own profile text info just for tinder.
Go have fun!

BoxingHelena · 14/12/2016 17:56

sounds like I've been missing out Smile

BoxingHelena · 14/12/2016 17:55

is it possible to use tinder without FB ?

Stewart2017 · 14/12/2016 13:34

A friend at work started tinder yesterday , and has 3 chats on the go already.
seems safer and more genuine as linked of your Facebook account.
His main issue is what to you to start a chat with, without sounding cheesy!.

hettyGreek · 09/04/2016 10:59

Maybe I shouldn't be reading this thread while im getting ready for a tinder date, although actually its mostly positive news here.

OP posts:
GinAndSonic · 07/04/2016 13:05

I got nowhere with tinder, just deleted it yesterday as I have got back with my ex after 18 months.

MinnyBoop · 07/04/2016 12:55

My best friend met her partner on Tinder - they have been together for over 2 years now and bought a house together last year. Worked for them!


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MollyBloomYes · 07/04/2016 12:46

Ah I didn't realise there was a space for 'about me' that would go into that much detail. That is the perfect place to mention them, thanks!

CockacidalManiac · 07/04/2016 12:38

I agree, worth mentioning it in 'about me'. I like Tinder, I like the honesty of it. It's not just for hook ups either, most people state on there that they're after more than that.

IToldYouIWasFreaky · 07/04/2016 12:37

The thing I've found is that lots of people use multiple sites, and that usually includes Tinder, so it's a good way to catch all the people looking for dates in your local area.
Molly I don't have a photo of DS on my profile (OLD pictures with kids is one of my pet hates!) but I do include a reference to him in the text. Some people don't want to date people with kids, which is perfectly acceptable and understandable.

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