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Does anyone elses husband work all the hours god sends?

19 replies

funkimummy · 06/01/2007 15:49

Mine at work today. DS1 been taken out for day and now it's just me and baby. Car broken so can't go anywhere and weather is rubbish!!

Anyone else in same boat?

OP posts:
Judy1234 · 08/01/2007 11:30

There have been surveys done of why the British have the longest working hours in Europe. What they found was those working actually want to work those hours which of course surprises some people. i think some of us find work more interesting than dealing with children and domestic things. The strategically timed getting home after the children are asleep is done by some men and women regularly as the house is peaceful. The working away thing is sadly done by some to aid adulterous other relationships but obviously not all by any means.

iwouldgoouttonight · 08/01/2007 10:46

Know how you feel - my DP works for himself and if he's not out working he's sat in front of computer all day. Would love it if we could at least have evenings or weekends together. We can't even go away for a few days because he refuses to take ant time off! Wouldn't mind if he was working to support us but I earn more than him even when I'm on maternity leave so I pay for everything!

funkimummy · 08/01/2007 08:40

Skribble. I got PND too. Don't know if DH not here very much a contributing factor?

OP posts:
mrsvern · 06/01/2007 21:08

My DH works away for 4 months at a time. So I know where the feel like a single parent thing comes from!

Skribble · 06/01/2007 21:04

Quootie you summed it up perfectly.

Skribble · 06/01/2007 21:03

Agree it is a bit like being a lone parent I suppose, saw a thread title about being ill when a single parent, not much different for me anyway as its not like DH would stay home to look after kids, I think it is that Mums in general can't be ill. Any work I try to do has to be arranged around kids and school times as is everythng else I do, DH just gets up and goes to work or whatever, doesn't ever have to think Oh I wonder if Granny can take them today or what time do I have to pick the kids up, He is a bit like a lodger that loves the kids.

Quootiepie · 06/01/2007 21:01

DH works ALOT. I feel like I have the worst of both worlds sometimes... looking after DS totally alone, feeling lonely but still the washing to do for 3 people!

Skribble · 06/01/2007 20:59

Yes Dh works too much for his salary, wouldn't mind so much if he got it as overtime, instead he just goes in late some mornings or just works it anyway, works most Saturdays although off today, and works loads of evenings too. I do have a car now but when kids were toddlers I relied on the bus and train and would travel all over the place rather than sit in the house or go to the shop or park along the road had PND though.

dmo · 06/01/2007 20:51

well shoes on the other foot in my house
i'm a workaholic and would work all the time
dh wont even do overtime

i dont work for the money as we dont really need it, i just love working

i work from home so take/pick up boys from school, go to all their masses, sports day, christmas plays

but now they are 9 and 10 they dont need me as much so i work

funkimummy · 06/01/2007 17:00

Ah I can see that would be an issue!!! I don't want him under my feet. Just at home, and not exhausted and grumpy would be nice (every now and then of course!)

OP posts:
sasa15 · 06/01/2007 16:57

dh works from home...always in front of the computer.......
I hate it.......

funkimummy · 06/01/2007 16:55

Owning a car that works would be nice!!! I live in the middle of nowhere!!

Feel better knowing I'm not the 'only lonely!'

Lazylou - i totally appreciate feeling like a lone parent!!!!

And I get critisized when he gets in too!!!!

OP posts:
themoon66 · 06/01/2007 16:26

It was DH's long working away hours and the remoteness of our house that forced me to learn to drive.

Being able to drive and owning a reliable car is what keeps me sane.

Carmenere · 06/01/2007 16:22


Lazylou · 06/01/2007 16:21

I understand how you all feel. DH works long hours too, up at 5am most mornings and not returning until 9/10 at night. Drives me mad. Feel like a single parent tbh, until he comes home and then criticises everything I have said or done with DD over the course of the day.

He drives, I don't and I totally sympathise with the food shopping thing. It really is difficult to go on my own with the buggy and DD and push that and a trolley around then get a taxi home and lug all that through the 3 doors it takes to just get to the front door to my flat. Nigh on impossible.

Flower3554 · 06/01/2007 16:15

My DH does contract work and for the last few years has worked almost exclusively in London, we are up North. He only gets home every other weekend and quite honestly it usually seems as though he just gets home I feed him, do his laundry and he's off again. I know its better than unemployment, we've been there, done that, but its not living

themoon66 · 06/01/2007 16:07

Yeah.. mine works long hours. Up at 5am most mornings. He did a bit of work at home this morning and has now taken DS for a haircut. I know he will be holed up in the office tomorrow, preparing stuff for work on monday. Monday he is scheduled to leave the house at 4am to drive to Cardiff.

kittypants · 06/01/2007 16:03

yes but i dont drive and when he does have day off,one a week ,he doesnt feel like leaving house where as im desperate!we live miles from supermarket etc so cant even go food shopping!

twinkletinselpud · 06/01/2007 16:01

not quite but similar - i can't drive so when dp at work on my days off i can' go any further than into town on the bus. it's annoying that i fell i have to rely on the main driver all the time.

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